“compared with” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “compared with”:

+ It does not make sense that virus came from one of these of people compared with the millions of other people affected by bats.

+ Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Melayu are the same versions and based on the same dialect, Bahasa Indonesia however contains many differences such as false cognates and false friends when compared with Malaysian/Malay.

+ Jeremy Corbyn won the election with 313,209 votes, increasing his share of the vote from 59.5% to 61.8% compared with the result of the 2015 leadership election, and receiving some 62,000 more votes than in 2015.

+ A high expectation is compared with the actual experience at the start.

+ Having noticed we now seem to be nominating articles for demotion based, in part, on their lack of substance compared with their en.wiki counterpart, I bring you Kitzmiller, et al.

+ At the 2001 census, 22% of the population aged16–74 were full-time students, compared with 7% throughout England.

+ The research found that clean technology investments are poised to increase by more than 35% in 2007 compared with 2006.

compared with use in-sentences
compared with use in-sentences

Example sentences of “compared with”:

+ The taluka also at this time contained 98 villages and the population was 138,021, compared with 122,507 in 1891.

+ The newer KDE4 version of Amarok is still missing some features when compared with the previous KDE3 version, but it does have some new features not included with the earlier one.
+ Threads are lightweight, in terms of the system resources they consume, as compared with processes.

+ The taluka also at this time contained 98 villages and the population was 138,021, compared with 122,507 in 1891.

+ The newer KDE4 version of Amarok is still missing some features when compared with the previous KDE3 version, but it does have some new features not included with the earlier one.

+ Threads are lightweight, in terms of the system resources they consume, as compared with processes.

+ That is caused by the even higher pressures and temperatures inside them as compared with an average main sequence star like the Sun.

+ When Sanders opened his campaign in June, his rallies were compared with those of Hillary Clinton.

+ The initial showing averaged 5.6 million viewers, a 195% increase in ratings compared with ratings from mid-July 2007.

+ The population according to the 1901 census was 125,803, compared with 119,219 in 1891.

+ It can be compared with the tongue of human beings but, unlike our tongue, it is used for cutting and chewing food before it enters the esophagus.

+ His skills are often compared with players like Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

+ Councillors must be at least 30 years old, compared with 25 years old in the House of Representatives.

+ The Allies were able to have a higher production level compared with the Axis because the Allies had more natural resources.

+ Mimivirus has a large and complex genome compared with most other viruses.

+ However, under about 20,000 years the results can be compared with dendrochronology, based on tree rings.

More in-sentence examples of “compared with”:

+ It was small when compared with the subspecies from the Asian mainland.

+ He used an illustration of it as the frontispiece for his book “The social world of the ants compared with that of man”.

+ There is only one other attraction in the world that can be compared with Atmosfear, the Giant drop in Australia.

+ According to USA Savate, savate is in the lower places of injuries when is compared with the soccer, football, hockey, gymnastics, basketball, baseball and speed skating.

+ In Japan, Go players are always compared with shogi players.

+ The Great Britain mammal fauna is impoverished compared with that of continental Europe.

+ The albums have been compared with Marvin’s seen as successful, whereas Wonder’s seen as “self-indulged, undistinguished, pretentious” and overall lacking in unity and flow.

+ Typically, the efficiencies of thin-film solar cells are lower compared with silicon solar cells, but manufacturing costs are also lower, so that a lower price in terms of $/watt of electrical output can be achieved.

+ Allergy to bees is uncommon compared with allergy to wasps.

+ The Fens are very low-lying compared with the chalk and limestone uplands that surround them– in most places no more than 10m above sea level.

+ To estimate its size, “Oxalaias skull bones were compared with those of its close relative, “Spinosaurus”.

+ This is compared with 4 percent in the United Kingdom and 2 percent in the United States.

+ The school is known for having a large number of white students compared with the national average.

+ He may also be compared with Noah.

+ A study found that transgender women are 49 times more likely to have HIV compared with adults in general.

+ The saturation of coverage triggered a backlash among some critics who argued that such extensive media attention validates the “missing white woman syndrome” theory, which argues that missing-person cases involving white skinned women and girls receive disproportionate attention in the media compared with cases involving white males or people of color.

+ This stiffness helps players in striking the larger and heavier billiard balls as compared with pool balls.

+ This value is then compared with the actual exchange rate.

+ Newton’s Laws of Motion are mechanically accurate for speeds that are slow compared with the velocity of light.

+ Adaptive personality was compared with the model of emotional intelligence by Meyer and Salovey.

+ The evidence for this is the extra size of pterodactyl and bird brains compared with the reptile brains the groups started out with.

+ Balal Yousaf, Guijian Liu, Ruwei Wang, Qumber Abbas, Muhammad Imtiaz, Ruijia Liu: Investigating the biochar effects on C-mineralization and sequestration of carbon in soil compared with conventional amendments using stable isotope approach.

+ It had 246 performances, a short run compared with the team’s other operettas.

+ CoCo Lee’s voice has been favourably compared with that of Mariah Carey and other western artistes, due to her tonality, strength and vocal range.

+ The northern side has been uplifted compared with the southern side.

+ They are all rather small, compared with mammals or reptiles.

+ English culture can be compared with Northern European countries, in the way that it is considered a bad thing to show off, as opposed to the US, where this is more acceptable.

+ They are small compared with other birds of prey, but larger than most songbirds.

+ For example, the “British Medical Journal” published a study of red delicious apples compared with navel oranges.

+ Although Heinrich d’Arrest was still a student at the Berlin Observatory, he suggested that a newly drawn map of the sky, in the region of Le Verrier’s predicted area, could be compared with the current sky to look for the change of position of a planet, as compared to a fixed star.

+ Public awareness of the impact of aircraft on the environment is a lot less compared with automobiles.

+ West did not paint much compared with many other early Papunya artists.

+ It can be compared with an upper house or a senate.

+ Apart from the risks associated with nuclear power, “multibillion-dollar nuclear plants are simply not cost-effective when compared with other energy sources.” Pernick, Ron and Wilder, Clint.

+ The pupil can be compared with the aperture of a camera.

+ For that purpose they were compared with equivalent services that are produced by humans.

+ If the rate is lower, then the first currency is under-valued compared with the second currency.

+ The concept of Free Walking Tour in the tourism branch can be compared with a freeware on the IT-market.

+ The eye sizes of paired males were compared with those of unpaired males.

+ One of the reasons large trees have so many parasites is that they may have lived a long time in a particular area compared with other types of plant.

+ When a fingerprint is to be matched, its “template number” is computed and compared with that stored in the database.

+ In 2006, self-regulatory behavior was analyze and compared with personality science and health behavior.

+ The Eee’s success is attributed to the relatively low-price compared with standard-sized laptops.

+ The head, or prostomium, is relatively well developed, compared with other annelids.

+ Von Steuben wrote to a friend, “The genius of this nation is not in the least to be compared with that of the Prussian, Austrians, or French.

+ It was small when compared with the subspecies from the Asian mainland.

+ He used an illustration of it as the frontispiece for his book "The social world of the ants compared with that of man".

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