“comparatively” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “comparatively”:

+ But don’t work against us, either, to shut us down! You wouldn’t like it if someone said, “Hey, SEWP is much smaller than EWP, and has comparatively no activity, so let’s merge it into EWP in its own namespace.” You would tell them not to mess with what you’re doing here and to mind their own business if they don’t want to work on SEWP.

+ After being instructed to downsize all their belongings they brought with them into a single duffel bag, they are brought to live in a comparatively modest house with limited space, no servants, and limited allowances for groceries and certain comforts that will be predicated on their performance in the program.

+ Greenwood, Cambridge University Press 1957 Page 69 Croatia is defined by contemporary writers as a ‘puppet-state’ or ‘puppet-government’, terms which appear to be of comparatively recent adoption in the field of international law.

+ The skull is from an extremely robust individual, and has the comparatively largest brow-ridges of any known hominid remains.

+ Muslim Spain was multicultural and comparatively Tolerationtolerant; Jews, Christians and Muslims lived side by side.

+ NICs usually benefit from comparatively low labor costs, which translates into lower input prices for suppliers.

+ The gharial’s snout is narrow and long, with a dilation at the end and its nasal bones are comparatively short and are widely separated from the pre-maxillaries.

comparatively in sentences?
comparatively in sentences?

Example sentences of “comparatively”:

+ This is comparatively easy to engineer.

+ The provinces of Istanbul and Hatay, which includes Antakya, are the main centres of Turkish Christianity, with comparatively dense Christian populations, though they are very small minorities.

+ A trough is an elongated area of comparatively low atmospheric pressure, usually in association with weather fronts.

+ They say that it is impossible for government institutions to make comparatively better decisions about production or the prices of goods and services because they do not have the knowledge or flexibility that millions of individual consumers have.

+ Its huge skull was comparatively light, with large air pockets.

+ The area is quite prosperous and the people well-off, thanks to the comparatively better economic conditions and foreign currency remittances.

+ It is comparatively easy to agree on observations of physical phenomena, harder to agree on observations of social or mental phenomena, and difficult in the extreme to reach agreement on matters of theology or ethics.

+ Live birth is a comparatively recent adaptation.

+ This is comparatively easy to engineer.

+ The provinces of Istanbul and Hatay, which includes Antakya, are the main centres of Turkish Christianity, with comparatively dense Christian populations, though they are very small minorities.

+ The eastern coastal belt is warm and comparatively dry.

+ For many years, many scientists thought that the frontal lobe was comparatively larger in humans than in other primates.

+ A comparatively slow-moving plant is “Mimosa pudica”, which closes its leaflets in a graceful sequence.

+ Triton has a complicated geologygeological history, and it is thought to have a comparatively young surface compared to the age of the Solar System itself.

+ This requires heavily insulated pipes, which are expensive and inefficient; whereas electricity can be transmitted along a comparatively simple wire, and over much longer distances for the same energy loss.

+ The rostrum front part of skull is comparatively short: it makes up less than two thirds of the total skull length.

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