“communicate with” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “communicate with”:

– With QuickPath, the processor has built-in memory controllers, which controls the memory using QPI interfaces to communicate with other processors and I/O hubs.

– English is a kind of language you use to communicate with other people.

– In a Wi-Fi network, devices such as Computercomputers communicate with a wireless access point.

– Besides regular daily insight into one’s life, he claimed people could communicate with loved ones dead or alive, remember past life experiences, see a possible future and experience many other psychic phenomena.

– Blinded and unable to talk due to burned vocal chords, it was hard for her to communicate with the French police, who were investigating the incident.

communicate with - some sentence examples
communicate with – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “communicate with”:

– Infrared or radio signals are used to communicate with the devices.

– The grasses were also burned to make smoke signals, to communicate with groups a long way away.

– Gray whales make grunts, clicks, and whistling sounds which may be used to communicate with other gray whales.

– They have evolved a variety of ways to communicate with mates in courtships: steady glows, flashing, and the use of chemical signals unrelated to photic systems.

– A nerve impulse is the way nerve cells communicate with one another.

– They also use their eyes to communicate with members of the same species.

– Foxes also communicate with each other by urinationurinating on trees or rocks, like dogs sometimes do.

- Infrared or radio signals are used to communicate with the devices.

- The grasses were also burned to make smoke signals, to communicate with groups a long way away.
- Gray whales make grunts, clicks, and whistling sounds which may be used to communicate with other gray whales.

– The record was designed by a team headed by Carl Sagan to communicate with extraterrestrial life.

– They depend on hearing aids, lip-reading, or writing notes to communicate with their hearing friends.

– WANs are used to connect LANs and other types of networks together, so that users and computers in one location can communicate with users and computers in other locations.

– Betting is the only way to communicate with a team mate, that is why even if a hand is weak, betting will help a teammate to bet or play.

More in-sentence examples of “communicate with”:

- TCP makes it easier for computer programs to communicate with each other, typically over a computer network.

- Sea cucumbers communicate with each other by sending hormone signals through the water.
- If a device on a private network needs to communicate with other networks, a ""mediating gateway"" so that Internet routers allow the communication.

– TCP makes it easier for computer programs to communicate with each other, typically over a computer network.

– Sea cucumbers communicate with each other by sending hormone signals through the water.

– If a device on a private network needs to communicate with other networks, a “”mediating gateway”” so that Internet routers allow the communication.

– If the rules get in the way of our primary objective, which is to get him to communicate with us and to learn, then we are not obligated to follow them, unless they are law.

– I left that users talk page editable by that user, should they need to communicate with statements being made here, with a warning that they can not abuse that page in the process to continue project disruption.

– Indian peopleIndians often communicate with people who have a different first language from themselves.

– Networks are usually used to share resources, exchange files or communicate with other users.

– If one node fails to operate, all the rest can still communicate with each other.

– They also communicate with humans and other animals through dance.

– Spiritualism is a belief that humans can communicate with the spirits of the dead.

– In the future, Eurystheus would only communicate with Herakles through Kopreus, his dungman.

– Can this be done and if so, who do I need to communicate with and how? If it can be done, is there a template they can use for formatting and proper research? The template would also serve as s grading rubric.

– Different execution threads communicate with one another usually to pass data as they work.

– I also note that one of the editors involved is currently blocked on EN for similar refusal to communicate with editors in the same subject area.

– AOL Instant Messenger was a service which allowed users to communicate with any user currently online.

– The ability and desire to communicate with people of other languages was the foundation of her poetry and artistic choices.

– This is similar to our ability to communicate with others through the telephone.

– They have an archetypal roar which is used to communicate with other group members and warn different intruders of territorial boundaries.

– Spiritual séance or, simply, Séance is a meeting at which a group of people often including a Medium medium attempts to contact a ghost and communicate with it.

– The Aṉangu communicate with the spirits by touching the rock.

– A PDA can communicate with other devices, PDAs, PCs, etc.

– All peripheral nodes may thus communicate with all others by transmitting to, and receiving from, the central node only.

– Depending on the type of interface being used, some S.M.A.R.T.-enabled motherboards and related software may not communicate with certain S.M.A.R.T.-capable drives.

– Lungless salamanders may communicate with their nose.

– All peers use a common protocol that specifies how they should communicate with each other, how a new block is created and validated.

– Audiologists will provide help that is customised to each patient to help them be able to communicate with the world around them.

– He had a library containing 700 volumes and he used his time there to communicate with his ‘absent friends’, in other words, to catch up on his written correspondence.

– In Book 7, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”, when Harry and several friends are captured at Malfoy Manor, which Lord Voldemort was using as his headquarters, Harry uses the mirror to communicate with Aberforth Dumbledore, who sends rescue in the form of Dobby the House Elf.

– I would like to talk with Majorly about some of my recent edits but his talk page is being protected so i can’t communicate with him properly.

– They also communicate with their bodies.

– Morse’s invention made it possible to quickly communicate with people far away, and many telegraph lines were built.

– It is clear that some of us are able to better communicate with other people than others.

– Instead, Hindus worship murtis to call on the presence of the spiritual God and then communicate with him.

– Doctors worried that, because of her cerebral palsy, Lucy would never be able to speak or use sign language to communicate with her deaf sister, but after the first volume was made, Lucy started to sign, and later, to speak.

– Part of the novel is about highly-advanced computers that begging to become intelligent and aware of themselves as they communicate with humans.

– Communications satellites and weather satellites often use these orbits, so that the satellite antennas that communicate with them do not have to move to track them.

– The Palantíri are magical black stones with which one can see far away things, and communicate with other palantíri.

– Computer buses are the wires used by the CPU to communicate with RAM and other components in the computer.

– The plaques were designed by a team lead by Carl Sagan to communicate with extraterrestrial life should the spacecraft come into contact with it.

– The children were cut off from their teachers, and used recreational breaks, and free time spent together to create a system that allowed them to communicate with each other.

– Win16 programs can communicate with other parts of Windows using Object Linking and EmbeddingOLE, DDE and named pipes.

– If this message is posted in the wrong place, its because trying to actually communicate with “The editors” is a nightmare maze of menus and sub-menus that casual visitors have NO WAY of understanding.

– Their skin can flash a colorful pattern in order to communicate with other cuttlefish and to camouflage them from predators.

– Animals do not have speech, but some can communicate with each other by using sounds and gestures.

– They also let other people communicate with each other, do their jobs almost anywhere, learn about almost anything, or share their opinions with each other.

– They communicate with visual signals, calls and bird songs.

– Graphical printers, along with a host of other devices, have been designed to communicate with the system.

– Some bats use echolocation to communicate with each other to find food in groups.

– They lived isolated lives and used simple gestures to communicate with their friends and family.

– It was designed by a team headed by Carl Sagan to communicate with extraterrestrial life.

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