“Common sense” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “Common sense”:

+ For names without many mentions on the internet, doing this may not always give the right answer, so some common sense is needed.

+ So lets trust them to use their common sense as to when is a good time for them to consider unblocking and when they should leave it to another admin.

+ I also have some suggestion to user who do not read or have clear understanding of policy at lease for common sense and think before you do it again next time ask yourself if I requests for deletions your userpage without communicates with you how do you feel? or Edit your user page before asking or get to know you ? What i am trying to say just respects other user as you wish them to respect you because that how we make our community for better.

+ In the case of Version 4 and 5, one must use some common sense in order to tell what qualifies as being covered under both licenses and what does not.

+ I think a lot of common sense is needed here.

+ Please use common sense when you choose your username.

Common sense in sentences?
Common sense in sentences?

Example sentences of “Common sense”:

+ In many cases it just acts as a warning, and readers have to use common sense as to its truth value.

+ However, this is not an absolute rule, and editors should use common sense when deciding its placement.

+ Deciding whether primary, secondary or tertiary sources are more suitable on any given occasion is a matter of common sense and good editorial judgment, and should be discussed on article talk pages.

+ Note that this is not necessarily a full list, so use common sense when applying these rules.

+ There is a third picture of reality that unifies the two pictures–the mathematical one and the common sense or philosophical one–that we do not yet have the tools to fully understand.

+ Pained called the pamphlet “Common Sense” because he wrote that it was against common sense for an island to rule a larger nation.

+ There are no strict rules so please exercise caution and common sense when using this feature.

+ In many cases it just acts as a warning, and readers have to use common sense as to its truth value.

+ However, this is not an absolute rule, and editors should use common sense when deciding its placement.
+ Deciding whether primary, secondary or tertiary sources are more suitable on any given occasion is a matter of common sense and good editorial judgment, and should be discussed on article talk pages.

+ Yes, you are correct that the rules don’t state that articles “have” to be well written enough to be taken here, but again, it’s something that common sense should tell you.

+ It’s really common sense and depends on the context of an article.

+ Emily Ashby of Common Sense Media gave the show’s quality a rating of three out of five stars.

+ I do think common sense removal should be done, like physical address, e-mail address, or phone number, but that’s it.The removal of my last name and my city is what I thought pleased Lizix, now you guys are insisting on removing more.

+ Instead of following every rule, it is acceptable to use common sense as you go about editing.

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