“commitment” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “commitment”:

+ I’m not going to make this a long nomination because I firmly believe that her actions and commitment speak very much for themselves.

+ Throughout his life, both as an individual and a religious leader, he has been known for his humility, his concern for the povertypoor, and his commitment to faiths.

+ In 2004, the University of Washington’s Information School completed fundraising for a Beverly Cleary Endowed Chair for Children and Youth Services to remember her work and commitment to librarianship.

+ His first notable achievement was the Dawes Plan of 1924, which reduced Germany’s overall reparations commitment and reorganized the Reichsbank.

+ Social service through quality education with moral values is the commitment and also the dream to achieve.

+ TNS wants members to freely speak about their views in keeping with the Society’s commitment to friendship and intellectual growth.

+ The name of the Getty Grant Program was changed to “Getty Foundation” in 2005 to “better reflect its commitment to philanthropy going forward”.

commitment how to use?
commitment how to use?

Example sentences of “commitment”:

+ Trump declared, “We are going to make our country great again” and he made a commitment to become the “greatest jobs president.” Trump’s official campaign slogan is “Make America Great Again.”.

+ In 1918, the party made a new constitution with the commitment to socialism, or the socialization of the industry.

+ In banking and finance, clearing means all activities from the time a commitment is made for a transaction until it is settled.

+ Most types of environmental economics consider the shift to measuring them inevitable, arguing that reframing political economy to consider the flow of these basic commodities first and foremost, helps avoids use of any military fiat except to protect “natural capital” itself, and basing credit-worthiness more strictly on commitment to preserving biodiversity aligns the long-term interests of ecoregions, societies, and individuals.

+ WWOR-TV also aired both hours of the show on tape delay on Saturday, due to a previous commitment to broadcast the New York Yankees on Friday nights.

+ Tom Carson, wrote in “Rolling Stone” that “There’s not an ounce of feeling anywhere, and the only commitment is to the distancing aesthetic of the put-on”, and opined that “Devo lacks most of Eno’s warmth and much of Bowie’s flair for mechanized melodrama.

+ For this reason, at the photo lab, this red color that Furusawa imagined was called “pallet red.” It was Furusawa’s commitment that the last of Furusawa’s works always ended with the title of “Pare Red”.

+ This weakness does not indicate the commitment scheme is worthless, because the “commit phase” did not apply to all interested parties.

+ In January 2001 the federal government made a commitment to progressively contribute A$356 million to the M7 project, with the remaining A$1.5 billion required for the design and construction provided by the private sector.

+ The commitment is normally five years of active duty and three years of reserves, although it has varied.

+ But actually it was enough for a couple to state their commitment in front of witnesses.

+ Trump declared, "We are going to make our country great again" and he made a commitment to become the "greatest jobs president." Trump's official campaign slogan is "Make America Great Again.".

+ In 1918, the party made a new constitution with the commitment to socialism, or the socialization of the industry.
+ In banking and finance, clearing means all activities from the time a commitment is made for a transaction until it is settled.

+ On March 6, 2008 Seattle’s Big Cheese said that a local buying things group of people involving Microsoft Big Cheese Steve Ballmer made a “game changing” commitment to invest $150 million in cash toward a $300 million renovation of KeyArena and are ready to purchase the Manchester Utd in order to keep them in the City of Seattle.

+ In 1998, Chiles founded The Lawton Chiles Foundation, which carries on the commitment of her husband to benefit the lives of children in Florida.

+ Mbakop’s socio-political commitment expressed itself not only in his books, but also in his journalistic writings and numerous interviews with the media.

+ Her commitment to explore the possibilities of a free world with faith in love, beauty, truth, goodness and wisdom.

+ As the police commissioner of Gotham City, Gordon shares Batman’s deep commitment to stop the city of crime.

+ We may concur that being an educator is one of the most effective ways to contribute to national development.” She pointed out some of the challenges she observed, explaining, “A part of those challenges is the endeavor to strike an important balance between the intense teaching load, the commitment to research and publication, and the need to be of service internal and external to the university.

+ This can also be known as commitment phobia.

+ Crossed Union flags show Utah’s support and commitment to the United States.

+ Warren emphasizes the national commitment to a pro-business, industrial, and modernizing program, represented by McKinley.

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