“commissioning” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “commissioning”:

– Reserve Officers’ Training Corps is a type of military officer commissioning program, mostly in the United States.

– NASA spokesman Bob Jacobs said criticism that NASA was displaying poor judgement and a lack of confidence in commissioning the book caused the agency to abort it.

– The ceiling is decorated with two allegorical figures painted on canvas and applied to decorate the halls of the Palace built by Catherine the Great of Russia, between 1762 and 1768, she commissioning the artworks to the most important Master of the Venetian Academy Giambattista Pittoni.

– The shared storytelling palette known as the Marvel universe was unveiled in 1961, when Goodman responded to the growing interest in superhero books by commissioning writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby to create the Fantastic Four.

– Foreign cadets and graduates who have lost their medical qualification for commissioning while at the Academy may receive a degree but are not commissioned.

commissioning use in-sentences
commissioning use in-sentences

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