“come up with” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “come up with”:

– They usually come up with a plan to capture Ash Ketchum’s Pikachu, using a big machine or setting a trap.

– Now a committee of House and Senate members had to meet to figure out a compromise and come up with amendments that they could all agree on.

– When scientists study heat engines they come up with ideas for engines that cannot actually be built.

– As the studies have come up with different numbers, it is therefore difficult to give an exact number.

– However, he did not come up with them all.

– I was looking to add references to the article, but didn’t come up with much.

– Native AmericanIndigenous cultures in northern Scandinavia have come up with a structure they called Cradleboard.

– Frankly, I don’t see why we have to come up with our own rules on this.

come up with in-sentences
come up with in-sentences

Example sentences of “come up with”:

- Though the definition for hypersonic speeds is not very clear and is a subject of debate among scientists, they have come up with a possible definition.

- An artist called Brunelleschi had come up with a brilliant plan for a dome, and the whole city was excited about getting it built.

– Though the definition for hypersonic speeds is not very clear and is a subject of debate among scientists, they have come up with a possible definition.

– An artist called Brunelleschi had come up with a brilliant plan for a dome, and the whole city was excited about getting it built.

– The nominees for the 32nd People’s Choice Awards were picked by web research company Knowledge Networks, which took what it described as a nationally representative sample of men and women ages 18 to 54, with and without Internet access, to come up with the nominees after being presented with a list of candidates determined by national ratings averages, box office grosses and album sales, and they had the option to write in their favorites.

– Many different answers have been come up with to solve the mind-body problem.

– I know that I just got through the whole 10th RfA thing and all, but I have come up with a solution to everyones’ problems.

– As a solution to these problems, groups of authors have come up with the idea of open content.

– After three days, they had come up with 12 suggested amendments, which they brought back to the full House and Senate.

– I think we should come up with either a set number of edits in the mainspace or a set percentage of edits for the mainspace.

– To come up with the seed some programs use time of day, while others convert background noise into a number.

– In this way, NP problems may be thought of as being like riddles: it may be hard to come up with the answer to a riddle, but once one hears the answer, the answer seems obvious.

– Hello everyone, given the situation at WP:Proposed, I was wondering whether we could come up with a way to revitalise this part of the project.

– Since each other band had a different sound and style to it, the side project was said to be like putting all of those styles in a big skillet to come up with something unique, hence the band name ‘Skillet’.

– If you come up with your own passphrase, it will be less secure because some words are more likely to be paired with others.

– Really, come up with something better than that.

– After efforts by the eliminated and nonparticipant contestants to come up with an impartial way of determining the winner all fail, Chris contestants vote for the winner who was eventually Duncan.

– The writer and poet Gertrude Stein is often considered to have come up with the term As described by Hemingway in the chapter “Une Generation Perdue” of “A Moveable Feast”, the term was coined by the owner of the Paris garage where Gertrude Stein took her car, and was picked up and translated by her.

– You should try and make the rules clearer and come up with a different point system.

– Unlike regular trivia games, the questions are given as clues, and players come up with questions as an answer.

More in-sentence examples of “come up with”:

– On February 28, 1953 Francis Crick and James Watson discovered “the secret of life” in The Eagle: they had come up with their proposal for the structure of DNA.

– The International System of Units has only come up with prefixes for 10 units exponentially in both the multiple and submultiple directions.

– In this stage, children can come up with rules about how things can happen without needing concrete items.

– Since the value function isn’t given to the agent directly, it needs to come up with a good guess or estimate based on the reward it’s gotten so far.

– They had come up with rules which could predict reactivity of organic molecules.

– As the leader of the group, she is reported to have come up with its name.

– Some individual Egyptologists have come up with “alternative chronologies”.

– Per what Osiris have said “..whatever you come up with during the review will be taken into account.” let us have a new survey, as there is a new source Mainstreet newspaper plus Stereophile’s and Enjoythemusic’s sources remain undecided.

– They have come up with solutions such as fishing at night, dyedying the bait a blue color to hide it from the albatrosses, setting the bait under the water, and more.

– Processual archaeologists use specific methods to come up with general rules that explain human culture around the world and through time.

– People have come up with different explanations for the incubus legends.

– Scientists have come up with a few ways to “regenerate bone”.

– Sometimes scientists come up with a theory that is wrong.

– Keeping this in mind, I think we should come up with a guideline as to sourcing statements.

– Can anybody come up with a simple word for “humid”? I settled on “wet”, but that doesn’t really mean the same thing.

– He was the first person to make a telegraph with only one wire, and also helped come up with the idea of Morse code.

– His ideas in philosophy may have helped René Descartes come up with the famous idea “”cogito ergo sum””.

– She thinks from a cow’s perspective to come up with her ideas.

– If you want me to run this regularly, I’ll come up with some way to automatically do that.

– Unfortunately, every expert who has studied this group has come up with a different classification.

– The idea is that it is possible to add the infinite number of derivatives and come up with a single finite sum.

– He was one of the first people to come up with the idea of breeding endangered species in captivity, so they would not go extinct in the wild.

– The guys who made the game struggled to come up with new stuff the fans would like.

– The beginning of the war on Muslims to come up with their position archers terkedince, Khalid bin Walid opportunity to evaluate and Muslim armies from the rear with the cavalry in order has stuck.

– The main desire of Vygotsky was to design a new way to look at and come up with a solution to educational and social problems of the time.

– Cooper would spit the beats and Wayne would come up with lyrics.

– This work led scientists in the UK to come up with the double helix of DNA.

– He was one of two people who may have come up with the term “hip-hop”.

– A person and their doctor should come up with a plan for how to stop taking an SSRI.

– I recently decided, that we did not need lists of Scientists which could not come up with at least 4 blue links to scientists.

– It led theorists like Max Planck to come up with quantum theory in which energy leaves the body in distinct packets called quanta rather than in continuous waves.

– I’d like to see us either come up with some way to determine what goes where, or eliminate one category.

– You might be able to come up with others, depending on what information you have.

– His best friend SpongeBob is often impressed by Patrick’s ability to come up with silly yet genius plans or solutions.

– Is it just me, or does it seem to anyone else that we’ve had more vandalism lately than we used to? I’ve been trying to think of things we could do to address it, and I’ve only come up with two ideas.

– Alternatively we could come up with a way to reduce the number of pages; It looks like pokemon monsters change into other pokemon monsters, under certain conditions.

– For instance, if you have a problem, and someone says “The answer to your problem is the set of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5”, a computer may be able, quickly, to figure out if the answer is right or wrong, but it may take a very long time for the computer to actually come up with “1, 2, 3, 4, 5” on its own.

– Producers need to find places, come up with tasks and pick teams.

– Congress has come up with a “line of succession” a list of the people who would become President, and in what order, if both the Presidency and Vice Presidency became vacant.

– Stan usually tries to come up with logical solutions to their outrageous situations.

– There is a field of engineering called electrical engineering, where people come up with new things using electricity.

– The remaining two come up with a plan to kill the third when he comes back so that the money could be split between only the two of them.

– The first person to come up with this idea was M.K.

– I am rtrying to get the 1606 UK flagicon, but I come up with the 1801 one.

– We have worked hard, and come up with over 15.000 articles in this project.

– He was the first to come up with the idea that a mosquito was a carrier for a disease that causes yellow fever.

– How do you come up with the idea that the materials in question have come from “”the Manythings” website? Thank for very much for informing me there is a website which reuses materials of Voice of America.

- On February 28, 1953 Francis Crick and James Watson discovered "the secret of life" in The Eagle: they had come up with their proposal for the structure of DNA.

- The International System of Units has only come up with prefixes for 10 units exponentially in both the multiple and submultiple directions.

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