“combined with” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “combined with”:

– When these are combined with peace movements and the Six Principles, they are called green movements.

– The feudal daimyō were sometimes identified with the suffix “”-kō”” combined with the name of a place or a castle.Plutschow, Herbert.

– Even in the relatively hostile republic of Ragusa the Romanesque of the custom-house and Rectors’ palace is combined with Venetian Gothic, while the graceful balconies and ogee windows of the Prijeki closely follow their Venetian models.

– These sensations, combined with the friction caused by the in-and-out movements, stimulates the penis, which causes the man to have an orgasm and to ejaculate.

– In 2007 to March 2009 some serious flaws existed in the thumbnailing process when combined with the gallery-display, making thumbnails sometimes larger than the originals.

combined with example in sentences
combined with example in sentences

Example sentences of “combined with”:

- The local bus company did go bust a few times, notably at the same time as the major plague of train accidents and strikes in early 2002 - where combined with large snow deposits, made travel in or out of the town impossible or at least very unpleasant.

- However, the growing demands of engineers in other areas outside of petroleum led to the expansion of the school curriculum, and the school again changed its name in 1934, this time to the "Azerbaijan Industrial Institute ", since it was combined with civil engineering.

– The local bus company did go bust a few times, notably at the same time as the major plague of train accidents and strikes in early 2002 – where combined with large snow deposits, made travel in or out of the town impossible or at least very unpleasant.

– However, the growing demands of engineers in other areas outside of petroleum led to the expansion of the school curriculum, and the school again changed its name in 1934, this time to the “Azerbaijan Industrial Institute “, since it was combined with civil engineering.

– In 1917, Chevrolet combined with General Motors.

– In 1980, however, TBC was combined with the state-run Korean Broadcasting System under the Chun Doo-hwan military regime.

– It can be combined with to create a complete, standardized table for a highway.

– Kanji is often combined with hiragana to show the grammatical meaning of the word.

– In 1994, the South African Defence Force was combined with the ANC’s Umkhonto we Sizwe, several Bantustan defence forces, and the self protection units of the Inkatha Freedom Party to form the South African National Defence Force.

– Gnosticism and agnosticism can be combined with other forms of theism.

– Picking is sometimes combined with muting techniques to create distinctive sounds.

– On the other hand, Demon Slayer combined with Kurazushi and Gindako, and the sales increased by more than 100% year-on-year.

– Puddles commonly form during rainstorms, and can cause problems for transport, especially when combined with cold conditions to form patches of ice, which are highly slippery and difficult to see.

– The extraordinary beauty of Santorini’s high walls, draped by whitewashed villages, combined with a sunny climate and clear air, have made it a magnet for tourists and volcanologists.

– Moisture from Eta combined with a cold front moving eastward across the Eastern United States, generating extremely heavy rainfall across Virginia and the Carolinas.

– To be effective, naltrexone must be combined with other psychosocial therapies such as Cognitive-behavioral therapycognitive behavioral therapy or motivational interviewing, or with a 12-step program such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

More in-sentence examples of “combined with”:

- One distinction often made is between soul, which is distinct from other souls, and spirit which may be combined with that of other beings.

- Chemical compoundCompounds, which have metal atoms combined with other atoms to make molecules, are probably the most common substances on Earth.
- These measurements, combined with proper motion, suggest a true velocity relative to the Sun of about 140km/s.

– One distinction often made is between soul, which is distinct from other souls, and spirit which may be combined with that of other beings.

– Chemical compoundCompounds, which have metal atoms combined with other atoms to make molecules, are probably the most common substances on Earth.

– These measurements, combined with proper motion, suggest a true velocity relative to the Sun of about 140km/s.

– The daytime movement of German forces was easily noticed and stopping supplies combined with the bombing of the Romanian oil fields meant Germany had no oil and gasoline.

– In cryptography, a stream cipher is a Symmetric-key algorithmsymmetric key cipher where plaintext bits are combined with a pseudorandom cipher bit stream operation.

– There is some experience that CBD has a positive effect in managing and treating chronic pain, Post-traumatic stress disorderPTSD, depression, diabetes type 1, diabetes type 2, seizures, and also combined with allopathic approaches to diseases including chemotherapy and radiation therapy for treating cancer.

– Gothic cathedrals were among the largest buildings because the gothic arch when combined with buttresses allowed stone buildings to be built taller.

– Brown rice flour can be combined with vermiculite for the cultivation of mushrooms.

– The word comes from Latin art “ars”, that literally means skill method or technique, combined with the beauty of the objects produced.

– In 2009, Nate combined with Empas and became one of the most famous Korean web portals.

– In 2013, US Airways announced it was going to be combined with American Airlines.

– On 1 January 2011, the old municipality of Busswil bei Büren was combined with Lyss.

– However, an El Niño event, combined with the presence of the Saharan Air Layer over the tropical Atlantic Ocean, contributed to a slow season and forcing all tropical cyclones to dissipate after October 2.

– Neodymium can be combined with other elements like iron and boron to create the very strong neodymium magnet, these magnets can lift up to 1000 times their own weight.

– However, unlike many empires, they didn’t make their subjects convert, and the version of Islam that they practiced was combined with the local traditions of the villages.

– Mammary intercourse is sometimes combined with oral sex.

– But the Wall Street Crash of 1929 combined with drought ushered in a period of economic hardship in the United States and Canada.

– His nervous temper made him a difficult companion and night-long discussions combined with painting all day made him very unhealthy.

– International System of Units#PrefixesMetric prefixes are frequently combined with the word “second” to denote subdivisions of the second, “e.g.”, the millisecond.

– When it is combined with another word or name, it is pronounced “san”.

– Geometrical and abstract elements are combined with figurative elements.

– This electricity is combined with any other wind turbines that may be in the same wind farm.

– Marble dust can be combined with cement or synthetic resins to make “reconstituted” or “cultured marble”.

– When these consonants are combined with the vowels that are already written, they are called syllable rhymes.

– The Order Archaeognatha has previously been combined with the Order Thysanura, or bristletails.

– The class names are combined with one number and one English character, such as “6B”.

– Although he never wrote music which sounded as modern as that of Stravinsky or Schoenberg his music is Romantic, combined with Moravian folksong and sometimes with ideas from French peopleFrench impressionist composers such as Debussy.

– If gravity is also combined with these forces, then the GUT will become the proposed Theory of Everything.

– And in 1842 the western part of Anson County was combined with the southeastern part of Mecklenburg County to make Union County.

– BIFs were formed as anaerobic algae produced waste oxygen that combined with iron, forming magnetite.

– Septic shock is when sepsis is combined with very low blood pressure.

– He was often combined with Ra to form the god Amun-Ra.

– This output is then combined with the output of a third LFSR clocked at a regular rate.

– In each one of these cases, Woodward again showed how rational facts and chemical principles, combined with chemical intuition, could be used to achieve the task.

– In that same year, the “arrondissement” of Ribeauvillé was also eliminated and its territory combined with Colmar to form the “arrondissement” of Colmar-Ribeauvillé.

– Some white LEDs have one single-color LED inside, combined with a phosphor that converts that single color to white.

– Dissolved carbon dioxide combined with water can cause further corrosion.

– Starting in the late 19th century, skyscrapers were made of steel, increasingly combined with glass.

– This caused his taller, thinner look, combined with his Mario-design outfit and green color.

– I believe that they are almost exactly the same, no? That, combined with their similar user names, lead me to believe that they are linked.

– Sometimes they are combined with some form of chicken or pork.

– In many urban areas, street gutters to carry rainwater are combined with sewers.

– Techniques such as reverting need to be combined with sincere efforts to turn the user toward productive work.

– Solar thermal can also be combined with photovoltaics, in highly efficient cogeneration systems.

– Tcl is sometimes combined with Tk.

– Or, it can be just a part, waiting to be combined with other polypeptides so it can make a whole protein.

– Halkett’s first design was a boat that was made using cloth combined with rubber.

– In 1983, it was combined with another game show, “Hollywood Squares”, to form the “Match Game-Hollywood Squares Hour”, which was on television for one year.

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