“coma” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “coma”:

– Garner died in a Brooklyn hospital while in a coma after she had a serious heart attack on December 30, 2017.

– A work-related injury in 1961 put him in a coma and deafened his right ear.

– In April 2019, Evans was put into a coma due to an infection.

– It is a spiral galaxy in the Coma Berenices constellation.

– Foisor died of complications from pneumonia after several days in a coma at County Hospital of Timișoara, Romania, aged 49.

– Mao’s organs failed quickly and he fell into a coma shortly before noon where he was put on life support machines.

– Cheng slipped into a coma and was showing signs of improvement in May 2010 but never recovered fully recovered.

– Rick wakes up in a hospital after being in a coma to find the world is filled with “walkers”.

coma how to use?
coma how to use?

Example sentences of “coma”:

– Denis died of a stroke while in a coma on 15 May 2020 in Buenos Aires, aged 71.

– He is curiositycurious about coma patients that he sees in the village.

– He was placed in a medically induced coma and was slowly brought out.

– The movie is based on the true story of the unexplained coma of socialite Sunny von Bülow.

– If the person can not say that they want to die, but people think that they would ask to die if they could, then it is “non-voluntary euthanasia.” Non-voluntary euthanasia is a choice for people who are in a coma or who are very young, as they can not say what they want.

– According to North Korean authorities, Warmbier’s coma was a result of botulism and a sleeping pill, but U.S.

– He was in a coma for a long time.

– In October 2016, Vora went into a coma after having a heart attack and a stroke.

– After being shot by criminals, he wakes from a coma in the hospital to see that his town is overrun with walking dead people.

– The coma lasted nearly nine years until his death in 1984.

- Denis died of a stroke while in a coma on 15 May 2020 in Buenos Aires, aged 71.

- He is curiositycurious about coma patients that he sees in the village.
- He was placed in a medically induced coma and was slowly brought out.

– He was known for being accused of the attempted murder of his wife Sunny von Bülow in 1979 which had left her in a coma from which she never recovered.

– He was in a coma from that time.

– The show began running multi-episode stories and Casey developed a romantic relationship with a patient who had just emerged from a coma after thirteen years.

– John Paul II spoke his final words, “pozwólcie mi odejść do domu Ojca”, to his aides, and fell into a coma about four hours later.

– He remained in a coma until his death from respiratory arrest due to an aneurysm/brain damage on 4 September 2014 in Buenos Aires.

– In the first story, Bart Simpson is put in a coma and the Simpson family gets a robot as a son.

– People can also lack capacity if they are unable to communicate in any way; for example, if they’re in a coma or if they have severe brain damage.

More in-sentence examples of “coma”:

– She went into a coma and died five days later, aged 22.

– On 12 April 2018, it was reported that Haftar is in a coma after suffering a stroke and was hospitalized under intensive care in Paris.

– Barreto slipped into a coma after being involved in a car accident in Rio de Janeiro in 2009.

– De León died while in a diabetic coma at a Miami hospital on April 16, 2002 at the age of 60.

– It is in the Coma Berenices constellation.

– He was put into an induced coma at a hospital in his native Ostrava.

– On 1 January 2017, Van der Elst was put in an Comainduced coma because of heart failure.

– She was in a state of coma until her death thirteen days later on 19 August 2014, aged 87.

– Lyle died on November 19, 2019 while in a coma at a hospital in Atlanta, Georgia from problems caused by cerebral aneurysm-related surgery at the age of 66.

– Rígoli died in Mar del Plata, Argentina from heart failure after being in a medically induced coma after having high blood pressure.

– A 58-year-old female patient with diabetes, in a coma since 25 March, became the first fatality.

– Girl In a Coma is a Rock musicrock label.

– The Familyfamily of a coma victim can sign papers so that they are taken off of life support and then will die.

– Prince Dipendra was crowned as King while he was on coma stage, later he died in hospital bed.

– He had been in a coma for more than a year because of a skiing accident in Austria in February 2012.

– Carl wakes from a coma but he does not remember everything that has happened over the past few years.

– Abadi died on 31 October 2019 at a hospital in Tehran while in a coma after suffering a heart attack at the age of 85.

– In April 2002 he was hospitalized for a subdural hematoma and was in a coma from 2004 until his death.

– They began dating but Gordon fell seriously ill and was put into a medically induced coma before being diagnosed with Still’s disease.

– Tasker died while in a coma on 15 August 2019 in Sydney due to cardiac arrest-related problems, aged 67.

– Meili was so badly injured that she was in a coma for 12 days.

– He was in coma and admitted to the intensive care unit.

– On 23 June 2012, Hoet suffered from hypercapnia and he was being held in a coma at the hospital of Soltau, Germany.

– O’Connell died on October 8, 2017 at a hospital in Santa Monica, California while being in a coma after suffering from a brain aneurysm at the age of 52.

– He died of respiratory failure after being in a coma from a heart infection.

– Shepard was in a coma and suffered fractures to the back of his head and the front of his right ear.

– In 2012 Nanninga went into a coma and only regained conscience five months later.

– Aruna Ramchandra Shanbaug was an Indian nurse who was at the center of attention in a court case on euthanasia after spending 42 years in a coma after being raped and strangled.

– The Mice galaxies are two Spiral galaxyspiral galaxies in the constellation Coma Berenices.

– He was put into a coma and died three days later, aged 78.

– Sometimes patients have to be put into a coma to stop very bad status epilepticus.

– Someone in a coma who is kept alive with a ventilator, and the doctors turn it off and they die, would be passive non-voluntary euthanasia.

– He remained in a coma for three months.

– Argov recovered from his coma and was returned to Israel.

– Bond suffered issues after open heart surgery and was put into an induced coma on 2 June 2015 at a Perth hospital.

– Warmbier fell into a coma in North Korea and was released in June 2017, after nearly 18 months in North Korea.

– In 2005, Karachentsov was involved in a serious car accident that left him in a coma for a month.

– In August 2020, Hibbert was hospitalized with COVID-19 and put in a coma in Saint Andrew Parish, Jamaica.

– Rise died at 10:10AM local time on September 7, 2014 surrounded by her family, in Aju University Hospital after being in a coma since the accident and undergoing numerous surgeries.

– Cerati went into a coma after having a stroke on 14 May 2010 after a concert in Caracas, Venezuela.

– A stimulus or stimuli might be used to see if a person is in a coma and what type of coma.

– Notable galaxy clusters in the relatively nearby universe include the Virgo Cluster, Fornax Cluster, Hercules Cluster, and the Coma Cluster.

– It is now revealed that Shorvori is alive and had been in coma for 3 months.

– The highest mountain is Coma Pedrosa.

– Mumari died on 31 March 1972 at a hospital in Mumbai while in a coma from cirrhosis-related problems, aged 38.

– NGC 4477 is a barred lenticular galaxy in the Coma Berenices constellation.

– Despite surgery, Owen went into a coma and never regained consciousness.

– Walker died after falling into a Diabetesdiabetic coma on 20 January 2015, aged 41.

– He died while under a medically induced coma in the early hours of April 11, aged 25.

– Darc died at a Paris hospital while in a coma after suffering a stroke on 28 August 2017, aged 79.

- She went into a coma and died five days later, aged 22.

- On 12 April 2018, it was reported that Haftar is in a coma after suffering a stroke and was hospitalized under intensive care in Paris.

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