“coloured” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “coloured”:

– The bills, pouches and bare facial skin of all species are brightly coloured before the breeding season.

– Because of their dark coloured fur, moose are hard to see when they are crossing roads at night.

– The Circle line, coloured yellow on the tube map, is the eighth busiest line on the London Underground.

– A history of the British sea-anemones and corals, with coloured figures of the species and principal varieties”.

– Most Coloured speak Afrikaans as their first language, although there are some native English speakers.

coloured in-sentences
coloured in-sentences

Example sentences of “coloured”:

– The main county is coloured red.

– The sandstone has horizontal stripes of orange coloured by iron oxide which dry out quickly, and dark strips where bacteria are growing in damp layers of stone.

– Males build a structure and decorate it with sticks and brightly coloured objects.

– The columns and arches are often decorated with bright coloured paint.

– Copper is one of the few coloured metals.

– Gold, copper, caesium and osmium are the only four coloured metals.

– In the picture, the white keys have been coloured to show how the keys are interconnected.

– His first landscape paintings are sad and gloomy, coloured with dark browns, greens, and pale blues.

– The board was sanded smooth and then coated with a gluey paint called “size” which would hold the coloured paint well, but stop the expensive colours from being soaked up by the wood.

- The main county is coloured red.

- The sandstone has horizontal stripes of orange coloured by iron oxide which dry out quickly, and dark strips where bacteria are growing in damp layers of stone.

– Often there would be a second pair of coloured short pants on top of the tights, for show.

– A petal is a coloured part of a flower.

– Goya’s brightly coloured tapestry cartoons influenced the ImpressionismFrench Impressionist painters such as Monet and Renoir.

– After coming back to Australia, Willoughby joined his cousin’s new band Coloured Stone.

– In dark coloured European minks, the fur is dark brown or almost blackish-brown.

– The coloured mantle has places where the skin is transparent, and acts like a lens to concentrate light on the algae beneath.

– Some cactus fruits are brightly coloured and good to eat: many animals eat cactus fruits.

More in-sentence examples of “coloured”:

– Headers are coloured horizontal bars that help categorise offices and titles in succession boxes.

– The Christmas tree is decorated with lights, shiny coloured balls, sparkly tinsel and other ornaments.

– Each one is coloured like its respective Pipling.

– The flowers are coloured lilac to pink.

– The reserved seats are coloured red to make them more obvious.

– The underside of these newts is vividly coloured a yellow-orange.

– The 1992 World Cup, held in Australia and New Zealand, introduced many changes to the game, such as coloured clothing, white balls, day/night matches, and an alteration to the fielding restrictions.

– The large, protruding eyes have yellow or copper coloured irises and horizontal slit-shaped pupils.

– They were replaced by a controversial format as the forecast underwent another redesign, with the flat map replaced by a 3D globe, and weather conditions shown by coloured areas.

– For the past program, the third and fourth cars, coloured in green, had their seating layout changed, with all but eight parts of seats, four at each ends of the car removed completely.

– Disco clubs usually had coloured lights that flashed with the music called scanners, and mirror balls with hundreds of small mirrors, that reflect light onto the dancers and all corners of the room.

– Often the male is brightly coloured while the female is camouflaged.

– Many species have bright coloured feathers.

– They are almost invariably coloured horses, Shires or Clydesdales and are “piebald” or roan.

– On the other hand, if it is brightly coloured like the neighbouring moon Miranda, then it would be even smaller than Cupid and comparable to the smallest farther moons.

– They mainly come in black, sometimes with a band of coloured fabric around the rim.

– These are coloured reddish-brown and about 8mm long.

– The coloured glass sections were then held together with strips of lead.

– The transition metals usually form coloured ions.

– The coloured glass is made into stained glass windows.

– Most desktop publishing software allows for grids in the form of a page filled with coloured lines or dots placed at a specified equal horizontal and vertical distance apart.

– The point being that Karpov as a child had collected marbles, which are round, coloured glass stones.

– At night, it is lit up with different coloured lights.

– He then places a collection of coloured objects in the entrance to the bower.

– Paint is made from a coloured pigment which is usually a powder.

- Headers are coloured horizontal bars that help categorise offices and titles in succession boxes.

- The Christmas tree is decorated with lights, shiny coloured balls, sparkly tinsel and other ornaments.

– This template can be used to create simple, flexible coloured text background.

– A dye-sublimation printer is a high quality computer printer that uses heat to make coloured images.

– The figures, often female, are represented in coloured clothing: blue-violet Chiton chiton, yellow himation, white veil.

– Siddhartha did not fear them and kept his mind relaxed and the hurtful things became like flowers and many coloured lights.

– For Chitti’s 2.0 version look, its hair was spiked and brown coloured lenses were used for its eyes, whereas for its “good robot” look, green coloured lenses were used.

– The floor is of coloured marble.

– Sometimes coloured paper is used to give a certain amount of colour to the puppet.

– There may be decorative tiles, plaster or coloured mosaics on the walls.

– The pigments used in pastels are the same as those used to produce all kinds of coloured art.

– When cut in open one can see four more squares alternately coloured pink and yellow.

– He is a monkey, has an Amber amber coloured body and blue eyes, and has rounded ears on the side of his head.

– The signals are coloured lights mounted on a pole.

– When he came back after a short time, his fur was coloured pink.

– This archaic sculpture has traces of coloured paint.

– They are brightly coloured with a strong beak.

– This line is coloured red on the MRT Rail map.

– Therefore, 1 is not an element of the Mandelbrot set, and thus is not coloured black.

– It is lit by 6,600 lights and 50 coloured projectors.

– Lanark is also notable for its annual Lanimer celebrations, where local children on coloured floats parade through the streets along with marching pipe bands.

– He wanted it to be very light and bright, with very big windows of beautifully coloured glass.

– Many Morpho butterflies are coloured in metallic, shimmering shades of blue and green.

– They are made of many different things including carved and painted wood, brightly coloured ceramics, painted paper glued to boards, and mixtures of material with clay, wood, cloth, straw and metal used for different parts.

– Some windows include coloured glass.

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