“collected” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “collected”:

– Total amount of collected remuneration in 2010 reached about 427 million rubles.

– His collected works fill around 80 volumes.

– With DNA sequencing and DNA barcoding, scientists went into museums to look at specimens, or preserved example animals, that had been collected many years before.

– When Muhammad proclaimed the verses later collected as the Qur’an, his followers naturally learnt the words by heart.

– Although the scientific evidence collected is reliable, and the rocks are correctly described, what made the rocks look like they do is not clear.

– As he was exploring the Amazon valley in the 1850s, Bates collected butterflies.

– During his travels in South America, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Sekelj collected many important items from other cultures.

collected in sentences?
collected in sentences?

Example sentences of “collected”:

– His collected information influenced the next two generations of naturalists, including Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck and Georges Cuvier.

– He translated into Esperanto, the poetry he had collected during his travels.

– The day after the fire, which destroys all the narrator’s possessions, he witnesses a group of neighbors collected around a wall that remains standing.

– More than 2000 years ago the Ancient GreeceGreek Mathematician, Euclid of Alexandria, collected and wrote down ideas about geometry and measurement in a text called “Elements”.

– Then when it dried, they collected the salt and sold it.

– NASA collected more than 1.2 million names from people who sent their names from 2009 to 2011.

- His collected information influenced the next two generations of naturalists, including Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck and Georges Cuvier.

- He translated into Esperanto, the poetry he had collected during his travels.
- The day after the fire, which destroys all the narrator’s possessions, he witnesses a group of neighbors collected around a wall that remains standing.

– The liquid becomes a gas and is collected by cooling it so it condenses into another flask.

– Fish can also be collected in ways that do not injure them, for observation and study or for keeping in Aquarium.

– They will grow back and can be collected again a in seven or eight more months.

– Based on 92 reviews collected by Rotten Tomatoes, “The Rocker” had an overall approval rating of 36 percent, with a weighted average score of 5.1/10.

More in-sentence examples of “collected”:

– The specimen was privately collected and sold in two parts.

– He collected a total number of 372670 votes and secured the first position, where Rashtriya Janata Dal candidate Hena Shahab wife of Mohammad Shahabuddin stood second with total 258823 votes.

– They also collected religion and language data for the provinces in both 1990 and 2000.

– The Collected Works of L.S.

– They had collected large bribes to give large federal Grants to the railroads.

– On September 7, 2002, the collected funds was given notice to the public.

– Sakhalin is the subject of a whole book by Anton Chekhov, reprinted in many Russian editions of his collected works.

– The primary use of interpolation is to help users, be they scientists, photographers, engineers or mathematicians, determine what data might exist outside of their collected data.

– They collected 1015 breadfruit plants.

– After the bushfires in the summer of 2002 and 2003 all the eggs in the wild were collected and taken to the Melbourne Zoo for hatching.

– Simon Schuster collected the stories and published them for the first time in 1981.

– In botanic gardens, seeds or cuttings are collected from species in the wild and then used to build up a population of plants from which, one day, some plants may be reintroduced to their natural habitats.

– They also collected scientific data, and information on indigenous nations.

– Many of these methods were invented in Britain, because the government collected statistics about the population, and then published the results.

– It was demonstrated publicly immediately after Karadžić’s death – when Croatian Parliament collected a considerable amount of money in order to erect a monument to honor Karadžić in Croatia and the Court chanchellor Ivan Mažuranić got the Viennese Imperial Court to financially support the Karadžić’ widow.

– The sonnets were collected under the name of Amoretti.

– In the past, tolls were collected to give income to governments or landowners.

– While dolls are usually for children, they are also collected by adults, for remembering things from the past, their beauty, their historical importance or their financial value.

– He retired to a farm in 1895 and he was a beekeeper which means that he collected bees so that they could produce honey.

– Also, since the same fee can be collected by anyone finding and returning the bottle, it is common for people to collect these and return them as a means of surviving.

– That description was based on material collected in Sierra Leone by Adam Afzelius.

– The Toa, unaware of the Bohrok’s purpose, collected the Bohrok’s Krana to confront the Bohrok Queens, the Bahrag: Cahdok and Gahdok.

– A group of Portland area writers and readers of science fiction and fantasy collected money to support the award in 1996.

– The overwhelming majority of the organisms collected were simple, soft-shelled foraminifera.

– Verne realizes they have not had a chance to search for food until Hammy reveals that while sped up, he had collected enough nuts for the group to last the year.

- The specimen was privately collected and sold in two parts.

- He collected a total number of 372670 votes and secured the first position, where Rashtriya Janata Dal candidate Hena Shahab wife of Mohammad Shahabuddin stood second with total 258823 votes.

– We already asked for feedback in 2015, and collected some interesting ideas which we shared with you in this thesis.

– He collected it on an expedition to South America.

– Tolls might be collected by vehicles traveling on one or more lanes of a road which is otherwise free to use.

– The gas collected from coal gasification often has a CO/H ratio of ~0.7 instead of the optimal ratio of ~2.

– Thailand collected nationality data for its provinces in both 1970 and 2000.

– For example, diamonds can only be collected with an iron pickaxe, or one of a better quality.

– The United States Exploring Expedition collected thousands of animal specimens, herbs, shells, minerals, tropical birds, jars of seawater and ethnographic specimens from the South Pacific.

– The milk is collected in a large stainless steel container where it undergoes pastuerization, a process that heats milk to a very high temperature to kill any bacteria that are living in the milk.

– It is collected on roofs and catchments and stored in tanks.

– When all the information was collected and the biographies written, he published them in 1568 in a book called “Lives of the Artists”.

– Dozois was well known for publishing books that collected many short stories.

– Blood is not collected and used immediately.

– It was collected during a 1966–1967 expedition but not named and described until recently.

– Being expensive to buy because of taxes has two benefits; one is that the taxes collected from the sale of the drugs goes into helping to pay for assistance the drug user may experience later.

– Since the 1952 Olympic Games, Soviet and later Russian athletes are in the three in gold medals collected at the Summer Olympics.

– Eventually her four children would come to their own brand of literary characters as fictionalized versions of themselves in their mother’s short stories; In a series of the short stories, later collected in the books “Life Among the Savages” and “Raising Demons”, she presented a fictionalized version of her marriage and the experience of raising four children.

– It was first collected in 2001, and was thought to be a subpopulation of the furry-eared dwarf lemur.

– The mail is collected by the agents of the postal service.

– The collected samples are then taken to a Forensic scientists can also use GSR residue to determine the distance between the barrel of the fired weapon and the target.

– Since then the Museum has collected more things to do with history, rather than more modern pieces.

– No more were found until two were collected and sold on eBay in 2018.

– Mega-plant fossils are rare in the park, but pollen grains and spores collected from here suggest that these forests contained sycamore, magnolia and bald cypress trees, and “Metasequoia”.

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