“cod” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “cod”:

+ The saffron cod may also enter brackish and even fresh waters, occurring quite far up rivers and streams.

+ Battered or breaded haddock and cod fish is one of the trademarks in Upstate New York and northwestern Pennsylvania.

+ The “Mayflower” was headed for Virginia Colony, but the ship was damaged and they were forced to land at Cape Cod now called Provincetown Harbor.

+ The Cod Wars, also called the Iceland Cod Wars Icelandic languageIcelandic: “Þorskastríðin”, “the cod wars”, or “Landhelgisstríðin”, “the wars for the territorial waters” The Icelandic Coast Guard’s name in Icelandic directly translates as “Territorial waters Guard”.

+ The “Mayflower” was supposed to land in the Colony of Virginia, but the ship was too damaged and they were forced to land at Cape Cod now called Provincetown Harbor.

cod use in-sentences
cod use in-sentences

Example sentences of “cod”:

+ Along with haddock and plaice, cod is a very common fish to use for fish and chips.

+ They mostly target harp seal, ringed seal, herring, saffron cod, European smelt, Atlantic cod and Atlantic salmon.

+ In an attempt to make herring more appealing on the home market, companies tried to present it in a new way, creating herring fishsticks called “herring savouries” and were tested on the market against a bland control product of cod sticks, sold as “fish fingers.” Shoppers in Southampton and South Wales, showed an overwhelming preference for the cod.

+ A mature Atlantic cod can reach two metres long, and weigh over 200 pounds.

+ Shrimp fisheries began in 1978, as well as cod fishing.

+ Wirral fisherman lands the biggest cod caught by a Briton.

+ September 11, 1954: Hurricane Edna struck Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard as a Category 2 hurricane.

+ Yellow-eyed penguins eat small to medium sized fish, red cod and squid.

+ Data suggests that when fishing is controlled, cod numbers return to their former level.

+ Along with haddock and plaice, cod is a very common fish to use for fish and chips.

+ They mostly target harp seal, ringed seal, herring, saffron cod, European smelt, Atlantic cod and Atlantic salmon.
+ In an attempt to make herring more appealing on the home market, companies tried to present it in a new way, creating herring fishsticks called “herring savouries” and were tested on the market against a bland control product of cod sticks, sold as “fish fingers.” Shoppers in Southampton and South Wales, showed an overwhelming preference for the cod.

+ The “Mayflower” was supposed to land in Virginia Colony, but the ship was damaged and they were forced to land at Cape Cod now called Provincetown Harbor.

+ Knut’s food began with a bottle of baby milk mixed with cod liver oil every two hours.

+ In late 1620, Doty went with Stephen Hopkins and others on other explorations of the Cape Cod area.

+ October 4-6, 1869: The 1869 Saxby Gale struck Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard as a Category 2 hurricane.

+ Damage across Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard was worse than the 1938 hurricane.

+ Their original destination was the Virginia Colony but they were forced to land instead at the Cape Cod hook.

+ Shrimp of the species “Pandalus borealis” play an important role in the diet of fish, particularly cod and blue whiting.

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