“coastal waters” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “coastal waters”:

– Found along the eastern coast of the Americas, this species is found mainly in coastal waters over beds of seagrass, sandy flats, and shell or coral rubble.

– It brought gusty winds to California coastal waters before dissipating.

– In the western Atlantic OceanAtlantic Bull sharks migrate north along the coast of the U.S during summer, swimming as far north as Massachusetts, and then return to tropical climates when the coastal waters cool.

– Spotted eagle rays live in shallow, coastal waters and coral reefs in tropical regions, including Hawaii, the Gulf of Mexico, Oceania, west Africa, the Indian Ocean and the west coast of the United States of America.

– It normally is found in shallow coastal waters at less than 60 m depth.

– They evolved in the estuaries and coastal waters of Africa.

– The Norwegian coastal waters are the most important spawning ground of the herring populations of the North Atlantic, and the hatching occurs in March.

coastal waters some example sentences
coastal waters some example sentences

Example sentences of “coastal waters”:

– Arrow crabs are found in the western and eastern Atlantic Ocean, from North Carolina and Bermuda to Brazil, including the Caribbean Sea, also in the coastal waters of Cape Verde.

– The species is Endemismendemic to the sandy beaches and shallow coastal waters of the Australian continental shelf.

– The smalleye hammerhead, also known as the “golden hammerhead” or the “curry shark”, is a small species in the hammerhead shark group, and is found in the shallow coastal waters of the western Atlantic Ocean from Venezuela to Uruguay.

– Off the southwest coast of the United Kingdom, in the northeast Atlantic, the basking shark feeds at the surface of coastal waters during the summer.

– It lives in coastal waters from northern Australia and New Guinea north to the Philippines and Vietnam.

– They around found mainly in coastal waters over beds of seagrass, sandy flats, and shell or coral rubble.

– Territorial waters, or a territorial sea is a belt of coastal waters that go at most from the edge of a coastal state.

– Fair-weather waterspouts occur in coastal waters and are associated with dark, flat-bottomed, developing convective cumulus towers.

– Species found in coastal waters are usually small and have a leg span of about 1inch.

– It is found in warm temperate and tropical coastal waters all around the world, between latitudes 46° north and 36° south.

- Arrow crabs are found in the western and eastern Atlantic Ocean, from North Carolina and Bermuda to Brazil, including the Caribbean Sea, also in the coastal waters of Cape Verde.

- The species is Endemismendemic to the sandy beaches and shallow coastal waters of the Australian continental shelf.

– They usually live around coastal waters or coral reefs.

– The Lemon shark does inhabit coastal waters which swimmers, surfers and divers commonly swim in.

– The young spend the summer and the winter until February in Norwegian coastal waters and then return to the warmer waters west of Scotland.

– Several days prior to the passage of Beryl through Atlantic Canada, the Canadian Hurricane Centre issued gale warnings for the coastal waters off of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.

– Sea snakes are found in warm coastal waters from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific.

– They are found in coastal waters of the northern Atlantic and Pacific ocean as well as Baltic SeaBaltic and North Seas making them the most wide-ranging of the pinnipeds.

– They live in sand and mud beneath shallow coastal waters and can survive in relatively anoxic environments.

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