“clustered” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “clustered”:

– That does not apply to galaxies that are clustered together, such as Andromeda which, along with our galaxy, is part of the Local Group in the Virgo Supercluster.

– The glowing arm tips are clustered together far above the animal’s head, diverting attack away from critical areas.

– The countries engaged in state-mandated filtering are clustered in three main regions of the world: east Asia, central Asia, and the MENA: Middle East North Africa.

– Most of the pods are clustered around the base of the plant, and only a few are found several inches away.

– A symbol such as a circle can be used as a circle within a circle, sometimes on its own or clustered in groups.

– These first people are known as the Basketmakers and they lived in pithouses clustered into small villages usually built on mesa tops but sometimes in the overhangs of the cliffs.

clustered - example sentences
clustered – example sentences

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