“climatic” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “climatic”:

+ It is in the tropics and would in most climatic situations have average temperatures of in the coolest months of July through September, the months in which the garúa is most frequent.

+ It experiences greater climatic extremes than nearby towns and villages.

+ The climatic condition is humid subtropical with dry, cool winter days and moderate hot monsoon season.

+ One important theory said that the biblical Ararat was striped with different climatic zones.

+ There are many different plants and animals which probably survived because they found shelter from climatic changes during recent geological history.

+ Nannofossil biostratigraphy and climatic stages of the Brunhes Epoch.

climatic some ways to use
climatic some ways to use

Example sentences of “climatic”:

+ The decline of Late Bronze Age civilization as a possible response to climatic change.

+ This was a time of major climatic change, especially cooling.

+ Through a tree’s life, a year-by-year ring pattern is formed which reflects the climatic conditions in which the tree grew.

+ The Andes of Chile and Argentina can be put in two climatic and glaciological zones; the Dry Andes and the Wet Andes.

+ Also questionable comparison, as the two states have predominantly different climatic zones.

+ The Baltic Sea for example is in a cool climatic area with low evaporation, has many rivers flowing into it, and on-and-off refilling from the open ocean.

+ Kakadu’s 25 frog species are extremely well adapted to the region’s climatic extremes.

+ The cold waters create an inversion: the air near the ocean surface is cooler than the air above, contrary to most climatic situations.

+ Bangalore is more famous for its climatic conditions.

+ The prevailing climatic conditions in the barangay are categorized into two types: dry and wet season.

+ Knowledge of precise climatic events decreases as the record goes further back in time.

+ The decline of Late Bronze Age civilization as a possible response to climatic change.

+ This was a time of major climatic change, especially cooling.

+ Under extreme climatic conditions, a biennial plant may complete its lifecycle in a very short period of time.

+ This caps glacial deposits and shows a sudden climatic change at the end of the Marinoan ice age.

+ Pleistocene salinities and climatic change: Evidence from lakes and lunettes in southeastern Australia.

+ Countries or regions that share the same climatic characteristics with Morocco are California, Portugal, Spain and Algeria.

+ The subtropics are a climatic region of the world.

+ It has shown that the climatic conditions has killed the soldiers more than the enemy’s attack.

+ The Holocene climatic optimum was a warm period from about 9,000 to 5,000 years BP.

+ It reversed the gradual climatic warming which started around 20,000 years ago.

+ Tephrochronology of Bed I, Olduvai Gorge: An application of the laser-fusion Ar dating to calibrating biological and climatic change.

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