“clef” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “clef”:

– It sounds deeper than a trumpet and is usually said to be one of the bass clef instruments.

– VioloncelloCellists, Double bass players and bassoonists also need to read tenor clef when their music goes high.

– They are Gs, because there is a treble clef at the beginning of the staff.

– The tenor clef is another C clef.

– The treble clef is drawn by starting with a circle in the middle, then going up, round and straight down with a hook at the end.

– In the bass clef it would be possible to do this without a ledger line, but because sight reading is easier when both staves look the same, it is not usually done in piano music.

– After the clef there is usually a key signature which shows the key of the piece: it shows which sharps or flats are to be used regularly.

clef in-sentences
clef in-sentences

Example sentences of “clef”:

– A lot of the time the primo’s part may have both hands written in the treble clef and the secondo’s part may have both hands written in the bass clef.

– The treble clef is used for high notes.

– In the alto clef Middle C is on the third line of the staff.

– Because it comes from French, the plural of roman à clef is “romans à clef“.

– A clef is needed to show which notes they are.

– Harp music looks like piano music: there are two staves, one which usually has a treble clef for the right hand, the other with a bass clef for the left hand.

– In some scores, the A minor key signature in the bass clef is written with the flat for the F on the second line from the top.

– For example, someone who is used to reading music in the alto clef, such as a violist, can transpose up a tone from music written in the treble clef by imagining it was written in the alto clef and playing an octave lower.

– A staff of written music usually has a clef in front.

– It is easier to change the clef or use the “8va” sign, which means the notes should be played an octave higher or lower than it is written, depending on whether the sign is above or below the staff.

– The choice of clef used depends on the music.

– In a few scores, 6-sharp key signatures in the bass clef are written with the sharp for the A on the top line.

– Although cello music is most frequently written in the bass clef, cello music often goes quite high so that the tenor clef is used especially in the solo repertory.

– This is why the treble clef is called a “G clef”.

– Muse’s won the O2 Silver Clef Award in London on 2 July 2010 because of their live performance.

- A lot of the time the primo’s part may have both hands written in the treble clef and the secondo’s part may have both hands written in the bass clef.

- The treble clef is used for high notes.
- In the alto clef Middle C is on the third line of the staff.

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