“clarification” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “clarification”:

– I feel this is inappropriate as I had already told him and PeterSymonds on IRC when the concern was raised that I would not edit further with it until clarification or a flag was given.

– Brandmüller, along with three other cardinals, has issued a request to Pope Francis, entitled “Seeking Clarity: A Plea to Untie the Knots in “Amoris Laetitia””, seeking clarification on various points of doctrine in the Pope’s apostolic exhortation, “Amoris laetitia”.

– If this is a bit too confusing, please feel free to ask for help or clarification at.

– A clarification of the list’s inclusion criteria is needed, but the general consensus is that the list itself is useful.

– There are a number of ambiguities in the above definitions that require clarification and a choice of convention.

– Hello, just looking for clarification if any further action is required.

clarification use in sentences
clarification use in sentences

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