“claim” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “claim”:

– Many authors claim to be professional accountants and teachers of accountancy.

– There have been many “Benedicts” who have tried to claim credit for the invention of the dish, but they are all frauds.

– Jack eventually allowed the devil to resume his shape, but only after he promised not to bother Jack for a whole year and to not try to claim his soul when he died.

– Even though Bulgaria was the first country to recognize Macedonia with its name, it doesn’t support the Macedonian ethnicity and language, but claim it’s all Bulgarian.

– For example, saying “some people claim that Queen was a popular band” unnecessarily raises a question about the statement’s truth.

– Both India and Mauritius claim the territories, and do not recognise the United Kingdom’s authority over the Chagos Archipelago.

– DB claim they are the second largest logistics company in the world.

claim how to use in sentences
claim how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “claim”:

– Pre-loading Wikidata values in this fashion would often be unsuccessful due to failing Wikidata claims for the item: it is up to the editor importing the claims to check whether the claim is correct and appropriate for the infobox.

– The universal quantifier is used to claim that for elements in a set, the elements all match some criteria.

– That would have been required for the claim about the age to be recognized by record authorities, such as Guinness World Records.

– Jack allowed the devil to come down, but only after he promised not to bother Jack for ten years and not to claim his soul when he died.

– A federal district is made so that no state in the country can claim to be more important than the others because the national capital is inside the state, or to stop one state trying to have control over the national capital.

– However, the majority of Free-Staters, regardless of where they were from, did not claim to be abolitionists at the beginning.

– The villagers claim to be fully literate while all children now attend school.

– The LAPD said they were not able to prove that the claim was true.

– This is often based on a claim that the primary active xanthine in mate is “mateine”.

– They claim Kaushik Gotra.

– Your defamatory claim no 6- He is just a con artist who is using his false artificially created persona to manipulate teens on YouTube and to earn money by these so called “free self defense training for girls” for which he does charge money from other sources rather than the trainess themselves.

– Modern scholars think that by using the typical symbols of pharaonic power, Hatshepsut was asserting her claim to be the sovereign rather than a “King’s Great Wife” or queen consort.

– In the course of the legal battle, Sompote presented photos of himself sharing his photos of Thai Buddhist stating that Eiji had based Ultraman’s face on the said structure, a claim which he has continued to hold since the dispute began.

– France, England, and Spain all claim to be the country where crème brûlée had its origin.

- Pre-loading Wikidata values in this fashion would often be unsuccessful due to failing Wikidata claims for the item: it is up to the editor importing the claims to check whether the claim is correct and appropriate for the infobox.

- The universal quantifier is used to claim that for elements in a set, the elements all match some criteria.
- That would have been required for the claim about the age to be recognized by record authorities, such as Guinness World Records.

More in-sentence examples of “claim”:

– Your defamatory claim no 2- who first claimed to be in “special forces”, “commando” and also wore balidan badge, Marcos badge.

– This claim overlaps with British and Chilean claims in Antarctica.

– Sheldon mentions the logical fallacy in disputing his mother’s claim that her prayer group did ensure his safety during his North Pole expedition.

– First, let me state, that I am unaware of a way to sort out disputes between administrators, especially if both of them claim to be the one who is right.

– They claim the principality of Orange on the basis of agnatic inheritance.

– They claim descent from the Panwar Rajputs, and spring from the same ancestor as the Dhudhi tribe.

– The limitations period may be extended to ensure fairness to the parties, for example, if the person making the claim was a minor at the time the legal claim arose, or if the defendant committed a wrongful act to conceal the legal claim from the injured plaintiff.

– Additionally, the claim of an apparent inconsistency between the “design” of predators and prey ignores the balance of the ecosystem.

– Antoine Lavoisier and Carl Wilhelm Scheele Carl Wilhelm Scheele also have a claim to the discovery of oxygen.

– In the United States, “Maxim” is an industry leader, reporting a circulation of 2.5 million readers which they claim is enough to outsell leading competitors “GQ”, “Esquire”, and “Details” combined.

– Id also like to point out that you claim to have used ‘reliable’ sites but except for the WHO article I dont think most of the rest are so– indeed three seem to be linked to causes/movements against male circumcision which is simply termed as ‘genital mutilation’; posting which constitutes a violation of Wiki rules per se as you arent allowed here to lobby for any such group/s etc.

– The “Bhagavata Purana” and the “Vishnu Purana” claim sage Durvasa to be a portion of Shiva.

– Most Sinhalese in the island claim that Sri Lanka was ruled by nagas and yakkas before Vijaya came to Sri Lanka.

– In 2002, NASA hired James Edward Oberg, to write a book intended to challenge those who claim the Apollo Moon landings were a hoax.

– He argued that since the skeleton was Radiocarbon datingradiocarbon dated to about 9,000 years old, no modern-day Native American tribes could really claim the skeletons as their own under the NAGPRA law.

– But they continued to claim authority in religious matters from their base in Egypt.

– In the guise of a friar the Sompnour promises to find Robin and claim the reward himself.

– It’s underlying purpose is often debated, however, some claim it to be an allusion to early architectural elements such as the false doors in many pharaonic tombs.

– No claim to notability and no coverage in sources anyway.

– Additionally, the clause also proclaims that nothing contained within the Constitution may be interpreted to harm any claim of the United States, or of any particular State.

– The owners claim that Sealand is an independent sovereign state because in 1968 an English court decided that Roughs Tower was in international waters and outside the jurisdiction of the British courts.

– In most countries in the Developed countrydeveloped world, the number of people going to church who claim to be Christians has been dropping over the last few decades.

– However, some sources claim Nixon was born in 1927.

– According to MFI’s website, Shahi is the Awaited Messiah, but they deny the notion that Shahi is another form of Jesus and claim that Jesus has also returned to support the Mehdi.

– The scientific argument behind this claim is known as the Shakespeare authorship question.

– This cheese is protected by an Appellation d’origine contrôlée – meaning that no other area can claim to make it.

– The little man comes to claim the child.

– One example is that the edits claim the tomb of Jesus in India was first mentioned by the Ahmadii Muslims.

– If omitted, “This claim needs references to reliable sources.” will be used.

– Through the 19th and 20th centuries, other foreign powers also attempted to claim the land and resources in the region.

– According to Dunst, neighbors would never readily accept them and the newcomers were accused of not understanding “the Christiania lifestyle” despite Dunst claim that they introduced a democratic management form and established open workshops for photography, art, music, dance, video.

– This claim is correct but was initially not believed.

– Three pubs in Nottingham claim the title of “England’s Oldest Pub”.

– The Devil’s Dyke is reputedly where Julius Caesar defeated Cassivellaunus in 54 BC, although this claim is disputed.

– Caedwalla Caedwalla was apparently one of those trying to claim territory in Wessex after the death of Cenwalh.

– They claim it has thousands of churches, some of which are very small.

– However, the Big Eight merged in 1996 with several schools from the collapsing Southwest Conference to form today’s Big 12 Conference, which does not claim any of the Big Eight’s history.

– The claim was for a larger area than what is held by the Trust today, and included the Ayers Rock–Mt Olga National Park.

– Instead, a one-phrase extreme claim can be followed by a wikilinked sub-section title which, in much more detail, will then offset the impact of the original extreme claim.

– I can’t actually find the claim of notability within this article, but the owners will obviously dispute deletion so it needs to go to AfD.

– Edward I was invited to choose who would be king from among the candidates who had any claim to be king.

– Union members and supporters of unions claim that they are necessary because the people that run companies want to pay as little as possible.

– Butler of Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts in a November 1967 letter printed in “The New York Times Magazine” responded to Montgomery’s claim by correcting that the “true story, well known to the relations of Mrs.

– In 1983, he battled against Honda teammates André Malherbe and Graham Noyce to claim the 500cc world championship, on a Yamaha.

– Some of these sources claim that President Vladimir Putin of Russia was the driving force behind this original cooperative coalition of developing BRIC countries.

– The existential quantifier is used to claim that for elements in a set, there exists at least one element that matches some criteria.

– Telemachos held a competition for the suitors to claim Penelope.

– She was married to Nicholas de la Motte whose family’s claim to nobility is dubious.

– It is supported for its claim from Sunset Magazine.

– Later pharaohs attempted to claim some of her projects as theirs.

- Your defamatory claim no 2- who first claimed to be in "special forces", "commando" and also wore balidan badge, Marcos badge.

- This claim overlaps with British and Chilean claims in Antarctica.

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