“clade” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “clade”:

+ Within that clade there is another monophyletic clade, the Toxicofera.

+ They are the clade Carnosauria.

+ Mammaliaformes is a clade which contains the mammals and their closest extinct relatives.

+ Viridiplantae are the clade which includes the green algae and land plants.

+ They are a clade which include not only the traditional theriodonts, but also their descendants the mammals as well.

+ Tactopods are members of a proposed clade of ecdysozoans called Tactopoda.

+ Such a clade is monophyletic.Hennig, Willi 1979.

clade in sentences?
clade in sentences?

Example sentences of “clade”:

+ Because the cell organelles of eukaryotes have different origins, the question arises as to whether the group is a unified clade or not.

+ They are a clade of bony fish which first appeared in the Silurian, 418 million years ago.

+ Together with the Brachiosauridaebrachiosaurs and relatives they make up the larger clade Titanosauriformes.

+ The flowering plants have long been assumed to have evolved from within the gymnosperms; but the known gymnosperms form a clade which is distinct from the angiosperms.

+ At least this clade of theropods had well-developed genuine feathers before the first known bird.

+ The Strepsirrhini clade is one of the two suborders of primates, with 114 species.

+ Reptiliomorpha is a clade of the amniotes and those tetrapods that share a more recent common ancestor with amniotes than with living amphibians.

+ The parasitoid wasps do not form a clade on their own.

+ It’s the living sister clade of the xenacoelomorphs.

+ The proposal was discarded when it was discovered that a larger grouping was monophyletic, and formed an natural clade of insectivores.

+ A cladisticscladistic analysis by Xu and his team showed that “Xiaotingia” formed a clade with “Archaeopteryx”, the Dromaeosauridae and the Troodontidae.

+ A new clade of Asian late Cretaceous long-snouted tyrannosaurids.

+ The current consensus among paleontologists agrees with Hwang that dromaeosaurids are most closely related to the troodontids, and together with the troodontids form the clade Deinonychosauria.

+ Because the cell organelles of eukaryotes have different origins, the question arises as to whether the group is a unified clade or not.

+ They are a clade of bony fish which first appeared in the Silurian, 418 million years ago.

More in-sentence examples of “clade”:

+ They evolved from fish like bowfins in the clade Holostei.

+ The Panarthropoda are a clade of ecdysozoans that consist of Dinocaridida, "Lobopodia", Onychophora, and Tactopoda.

+ They evolved from fish like bowfins in the clade Holostei.

+ The Panarthropoda are a clade of ecdysozoans that consist of Dinocaridida, “Lobopodia”, Onychophora, and Tactopoda.

+ This clade is called the Cetartiodactyla.

+ That is another major clade which contains both Fungi and Animals as well as some 300 species of unicellular protists.

+ The clade Nodosauridae may be defined as “all ankylosaurs closer to “Panoplosaurus” than to “Ankylosaurus”.

+ Afrotheria is a clade of placental mammals.

+ Avemetatarsalia is a clade name established in 1999 for all crown group archosaurs that are closer to birds than to crocodiles.

+ The first clade definitions were by Paul Sereno in 1991.

+ The clade Dracohors contains dinosaurs, birds and Siledauridae.

+ The Eumuroida is the clade including all organisms which evolved from the most recent ancestor of the Calomyscidae, Nesomyidae, Cricetidae, and Muridae.

+ There is a monophyletic clade within the Squamata.

+ Filozoa is a clade that is in the Opisthokonta clade.

+ This proves they are relatives: they are a clade called Paraves.

+ It is a clade with at least some members that have survived to the present day.

+ It is a clade of dinosaurs containing their only living representatives and whatever coelurosaurs are regarded as their ancestors.

+ The clade Trituberculata is not always regarded as valid.

+ The definition of the clade Megalosauroidea includes Megalosaurus”Megalosaurus bucklandii” and all taxa that share a more recent Allosaurus fragilis” or the House Sparrow.

+ The APG IIAPG II system classification accept this genus as constituting the sole genus which it places in the order Alismatales, in the clade monocots.

+ Coelurosauria is the clade containing all theropod dinosaurs more closely related to birds than to carnosaurs.

+ Tetrapodomorpha is a clade of vertebrates.

+ Such a clade would in their opinion include the Deinonychosauria.

+ It is in a proposed clade Afroinsectiphilia, with the golden moles and tenrecs.

+ A “key innovation” is a Trait trait which allows a clade to exploit a previously unused or under-used resource.

+ Most kestrels form a distinct clade among the falcons, as suggested by comparison of mtDNA cytochrome “b” sequence data and morphology.

+ Paraves is a branch-based clade containing birds and other closely related dinosaurs.

+ The commelinids are the only clade that the APG II has named within the monocots, the remaining monocots are a paraphyletic unit, occasionally referred to as the “basal monocots”.

+ The clade includes the mammals, which are descended from the cynodont therapsids.

+ Cavalier-Smith calls this clade Hadobacteria.

+ In cladistics it is an unranked clade in the Hemiptera clade.

+ The order they belong to, the Xiphosura, are basal to a clade of the Eurypterida and the Arachnida.

+ Their status as a separate class is traditional Linnaean taxonomy: as a clade they are a sub-group of the Therapsida.

+ The clade includes 17 order orders in the traditional Linnaean system.

+ They are a distinct clade of lizards.

+ Tetanurae are a clade which includes most theropod dinosaurs, including birds.

+ The APG IIAPG II system recognises a clade called “monocots” but does not assign it to a taxonomic rank.

+ Avialae is defined as a clade based on physical characteristics.

+ It is now known that the Neovenatorid clade survived until the end of the Mesozoic.

+ The name commelinids is a plant taxonomy is used by the APG IIAPG II system for a clade within the monocots, which in its turn is a clade within the angiosperms.

+ The tetrapod clade separated from fish in the Devonian.

+ Together they make up the clade Scalidophora.

+ This clade excludes other birds.McGrath, Matt 2011.

+ They were a clade from which arthropods, tardigrades, and Onychophora arose.

+ Eumetazoa is a clade which includes all major animal phyla except sponges, and a few other groups of animals, such as the Placozoa.

+ It is a clade of the Sarcopterygii which includes tetrapods and their closest relatives.

+ The rosids are a large clade of flowering plants.

+ Modern birds are the only living representatives of the clade Tetanurae.

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