“civilization” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “civilization”:

– We don’t know exactly where the borders of the Maya civilization were.

– The Ancient EgyptEgyptians and the Minoan civilization of Knossos used a special glyph in their writing for the silphium plant.

– Nineveh was a large city, and was then the center of the civilization and trade of the world.

– Only with the rise of civilization and wealth, and especially within the last 60 years has this pattern of childraising, embedded in our mammalian biology, been significantly altered.

– The Indus Valley Civilization flourished from about 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE.

– Kulubá is an ancient Maya civilization city and archaeological site in the Tizimín Municipality, Yucatán Yucatán, Mexico.

– It is very old and was made long ago by a civilization called the “Forerunners.” In the game, the year is 2552.

– The Etruscan civilization began in pre-history.

civilization some example sentences
civilization some example sentences

Example sentences of “civilization”:

- The full title is "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" The book traces the Roman Empire—and Western civilization as a whole—from the late first century AD to the fall of the Eastern or Byzantine Empire.

- The Zapotec civilization was an indigenous pre-Columbian civilization.

– The full title is “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” The book traces the Roman Empire—and Western civilization as a whole—from the late first century AD to the fall of the Eastern or Byzantine Empire.

– The Zapotec civilization was an indigenous pre-Columbian civilization.

– Like Ancient Greece, their civilization was made up of numerous cities, which all worked in different ways.

– The country did not have a strong native civilization to begin with.

– As the Etruscan civilization was assimilated into the Roman Republic in the 4th century BC, the Etruscan religion and mythology were partially absorbed.

– The area where the Maya civilization developed was inhabited from around the 10th millennium BC.

– This was the first of three so-called “Kingdom” periods which mark the high points of civilization in the Nile Valley.

– Palmer, “European civilization achieved its greatest power in global politics, and also exerted its maximum influence upon peoples outside Europe”.

– The Inca civilization ends at that time, but many cultural traditions remain in some ethnic groups as Quechuas and Aymara people.

– It is set in an open world environment after civilization has been destroyed.

– Their civilization is surrounded by three protective walls called Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and Wall Sina.

– Many archaeological sites of the pre-Columbian Maya civilization are near the river’s course.

– The Angkor civilization is the world’s largest pre-industrial civilization.

– The Keke Moilang was a civilization and a southern province in Ancient Manipur.

– Phoenicia was a civilization to the north of Canaan.

More in-sentence examples of “civilization”:

– The Maya civilization started getting smaller after 900 AD.

– The Aztec having started to build their empire around 14th century found their civilization abruptly ended by the Spanish conquistadors.

– The Oxus civilization expanded as far east as western edge of the Indus Valley during the period between 2200 and 1800 B.C.

– Newar people have continued their age-old traditions and practices and pride themselves as the true custodians of the religion, culture and civilization of Nepal.

– The opposite of civilization is sometimes said to be entropy, barbarity, rudeness, or animal-like behavior.

– Some scientists, scholars and others still use Latin in the course of everyday work, even though the Roman civilization fell apart more than 1,500 years ago.

– Human use of palms is as old as, or even older than, civilization itself, starting with the growing of date palms by Mesopotamians and other Middle Eastern peoples 5000 years or more ago.

– He revealed our fragmented civilization through imagination and fantasy.″Mythologies″, Exhibit Catalogue, “The Scottish Gallery”, May 1990.

– Together they returned to the Amazon in 1948, after which he penned “Where Civilization Ends”.

– They said that they wanted to bring civilization and Christianity to new places.

– The Roman Republic was a civilization ahead of its time and very advanced.

– Roman civilization was in existence all through Classical Antiquity, Late Antiquity, and the Middle Ages, but “ancient Rome” means the ancient history of Roman civilization before the Middle Ages.

– Until the process of secularization in the west began with the Age of Enlightenment in the 17th century, Western civilization was also called Christendom meaning the area where the ChristianityChristian religion is in the majority.

– However, there were some plumbing pipes in the city settlements of the Indus Valley Civilization by 2700 B.C.

– The Minoan civilization was later replaced by the Mycenaean culture.

– The Indus Valley civilization covered a large area from Balochistan.

– The Minoan civilization was later named after him by Arthur Evans.

– The character is depicted as a well-educated man who has tired of civilization and returns to the jungle where he was raised.

– After the end of the Egyptian civilization in 30 BCE, people no longer knew how to read the hieroglyphs.

– They were the only known civilization of pre-Columbian America to have a fully developed written language.

– A civilization is generally an advanced stage of organization.

– A history of Chinese civilization Edition 2, illustrated.

– There is also Civilization Revolution, which is like Civilization 1-6, but it works on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, and iPhone.

– This happened even after the end of the ancient Egyptian civilization as it is known today.

– Iranians celebrated Nowruz continuously at least since 500 BC.Historically the ethnics residing in geographical civilization of PERSIA have celebrated changing of the seasons or solar rotations, the equinoxes.

– A poetrypoetic and sensitivitysensitive man, he dislikes modern civilization and how computers and robots are taking over people’s lives.

– One way a civilization ends is to become part of another civilization.

– The Mayan civilization was powerful, more than a thousand years ago.

– Anarcho-primitivists look at the history of human civilization in order to decide how to achieve their goals.

– During the Harappan/Indus civilization soapstone was used in the manufacture of seals.

– The region between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers is often referred to as the cradle of civilization and the birthplace of writing.

– Various rock paintings and rock carvings of Indus Valley civilization and Iron Age seen in this district support the historical significance of this district.Krishnagiri district was carved out of Dharmapuri district on 9 February 2004 with five taluks and ten blocks.

– Augustus became the first Roman emperor and Roman civilization controlled all the lands around the Mediterranean Sea.

– Einstein might not have actually said this, but other things he said show that he believed the weapons used in World War III might be so devastating that they would end civilization as we know it.

– The Minoan civilization is famous for its sea trading and well-planned cities.

– The Indus Valley civilization is suggested to be of Dravidian origin.

– Greek mythology and the beginning of western civilization came from European nations.

– Like the Ancient Greek, the Maya civilization was made of many independent city-states.

– Semi-recent excavations in the Deolpota village of western Bengal seem to suggest that a Paleolithic civilization in the region existed about one hundred thousand years ago.

– This is a subgenre of science fiction, science fantasy, dystopian or horror film where the Earth’s technological civilization is collapsing or has collapsed.

– The Maya calendar is a system of calendars and almanacs used in the Maya civilization of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, and in some modern Maya communities in highland Guatemala.

– The Jedi are a group of Knightknights who protect democracy and civilization so that peace can exist in the galaxy.

– A cradle of civilization is a place where civilization emerged.

– The Early Arians and the Indus Civilization“, Oxford University Press Genetic tests show that the ancient Indus Valley Civilization was predominantly of neolithic Zagros mountain farmers ancestry and this ancestry component is linked to early Dravidians.

– Ancient India had a long-lived civilization and culture.

– The Olmec civilization emerged around 1200 BCE in Mesoamerica and ended around 400 BCE.

– Newar civilization within it consists of various strands of ethnic, racial, caste and religious heterogeneity, as they are the descendants of the diverse group of people that have lived in Nepal Mandala since prehistoric times.

– Almost all things in the game can be made by the player, from buildings in the civilization phase to the creature in the creature phase.

- The Maya civilization started getting smaller after 900 AD.

- The Aztec having started to build their empire around 14th century found their civilization abruptly ended by the Spanish conquistadors.
- The Oxus civilization expanded as far east as western edge of the Indus Valley during the period between 2200 and 1800 B.C.

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