“chorale” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “chorale”:

+ He was the Music Director of the Los Angeles Master Chorale from 1991 to 2001.

+ Chorale tunes also appear in chorale preludes, pieces for the organ.

+ In addition to the main choir there is a small choir which sings a chorale tune on top of the music during the first movement.

+ The right hand plays a free melody, and also the chorale tune in long notes at the top.

+ To him they are named the Conservatory of Music of Sassari, the town band, a street of the same city and the Chorale Luigi Canepa, the oldest choral institution of Sardinia.

+ In Baroque times in the Lutheran church organists would improvise a chorale prelude.

+ In the last section, marked “forte”, the pedal part plays the chorale tune upside down.

chorale use in-sentences
chorale use in-sentences

Example sentences of “chorale”:

+ Berg quotes this chorale in the last movement of the piece, using the harmony composed by Johann Sebastian Bach.

+ Bach had used the chorale before.

+ A chorale is a hymn which is sung in a Lutheran church by all the people.

+ This was an autograph manuscript which also included other organ music: the six trio sonatas and the Great Eighteen Chorale Preludes.

+ In his German-language church music, Bach uses Lutheran chorale melodies.

+ He liked the symphonic poems of Franz LisztLiszt and these gave him the ideas for writing chorale fantasies for the organ, although he never wrote music that tells a story.

+ The words of a chorale have a rhyming pattern.

+ Johann Sebastian Bach used many chorale tunes, usually adding harmony of his own.

+ Berg quotes this chorale in the last movement of the piece, using the harmony composed by Johann Sebastian Bach.

+ Bach had used the chorale before.
+ A chorale is a hymn which is sung in a Lutheran church by all the people.

+ These would usually have been played during the church services before the chorale was sung.

+ Bach was one of many composers who wrote many of his chorale preludes down.

+ The last four notes of the row, rising whole tones, are also the first four notes of the chorale melody, “Es ist genug”.

+ In the LutheranismLutheran church the chorale was the most important part of the musical worship.

+ This was a piece of music which uses the melody of the chorale that the congregation sang.

+ The canon moves mostly in quavers and is based on the chorale tune.

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