“child abuse” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “child abuse”:

– The Ellis case was one of many high profile child abuse cases around the world in the 1980s and early 1990s.

– For example, in 1996 the Irish bishops decided that priests suspected of child abuse must be reported to the police.

– Children in orphanage may often suffer from child abuse or trauma to be left by parents.

– The story is about two boys who endured child abuse in the 1950s, alcoholism and desertion by their family.

– Peter died of child abuse on 3 August 2007 in London after suffering more than 50 injuries over an eight-month period.

child abuse how to use?
child abuse how to use?

Example sentences of “child abuse”:

– He was arrested for child abuse in 2012.

– The Gardaí were also criticised in the Murphy Report, part 1, sections 1.93 On November 26, 2009, then Commissioner Fachtna Murphy apologised for the failure of An Garda Siochána to protect victims of child abuse in the Dublin Archdiocese.

– Near the end of his life, Warr said that being accused of child abuse was worse than being diagnosed with cancer.

– The story of Kullervo differs from all other folktales in the respect that it describes the effects of child abuse in a very realistic way, and in the end of the poem Väinämöinen especially warns all parents from abusing their children.

– In November 2017, Venables was again sent to prison for having child abuse images on his computer.

– He had previously revealed that he was a victim of child abuse and rape, but also talked about his mental issues, as well as his battles with drugs and alcohol.

– Child sexual abuse is a kind of child abuse when an adult or someone else with power makes a child do any kind of sexual activities.

– He was fired in 2011 along with the University President because they failed to report child abuse by a former assistant football coach.

– In the case of sexual abuse or of child abuse these memories will usually be bad ones, and the brain will have changed them, as a measure of protection.

- He was arrested for child abuse in 2012.

- The Gardaí were also criticised in the Murphy Report, part 1, sections 1.93 On November 26, 2009, then Commissioner Fachtna Murphy apologised for the failure of An Garda Siochána to protect victims of child abuse in the Dublin Archdiocese.

– Authorities in the Dominican Republic are investigating allegations of child abuse against him.

– An organization called Crisp Thinking has created an expert service providing social platforms and apps with the risk protection they need to protect their users from sexual exploitation, child abuse images and trolls.

– Infanticide and child abuse cases may be diagnosismisdiagnosed as SIDS due to lack of evidence.

– The song is about the band’s hatred towards child abuse and domestic violence.

– People also say that child abuse may have been involved when collecting the data.

– Talking about these things and helping children who suffer from child abuse is very important, but some people do not believe it could happen in their country, neighbourhood or family.

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