“chasing” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “chasing”:

+ First they try shooting at him and then by chasing him in a car.

+ A predator that can move at high speed for a long time can be a pursuit predator, chasing until its prey tires and slows.

+ As soon as the boys transformed, they ate a hotdog stand and got away from the police that were chasing them by diving into a lake and burrowing their way into the city by eating the dirt.

+ Together, with Vasooli’s and Pappi’s money, they open a family toy shop, when during inaugration, Pappi remembers where he had kept the necklace, and starts chasing all of them to their house.

+ Micromoths and their microgrubs are not worth chasing for many birds.

+ Katy screams and flees with the tiger chasing after her she ditches the tiger and is nearly eaten by a crocodile and has a spider crawl on her.

chasing in-sentences
chasing in-sentences

Example sentences of “chasing”:

+ The men chasing after him caught up with him at Aṟan and searched his stomach for the stone, but could not find it.

+ Kennedy ran shooting from tree to tree with Kelly chasing him.

+ The men chasing after him caught up with him at Aṟan and searched his stomach for the stone, but could not find it.

+ Kennedy ran shooting from tree to tree with Kelly chasing him.

+ Suddenly, Atul gets conscious, but before Nita could bring doctor, he had run off on motorcycle with Vivek and was chasing Kapil.

+ This allowed for many comic relief moments, such as the belt changing hands while the champion was asleep, and The Headbangers chasing Crash Holly around an amusement park in Brooklyn.

+ But there can be a fine line between chasing and herding.Mary Ann Albright.

+ The Demand-Pull inflation theory can be said simply “too much money chasing too few goods.” In other words, if the will of buying goods is growing faster than amount of goods that have been made, then prices will go up.

+ In Prisoner of the Judoon, one was seen chasing an Androvax.

+ According to legend, Thao hunters discovered Sun Moon Lake after chasing a deer.

+ The boy was riding home on his bicycle from his girlfriend’s house when he saw a police car and thought it was chasing him.

+ The traffic inspector Fern who was standing there controlling the traffic saw the them running and started chasing them.

More in-sentence examples of “chasing”:

+ Woundwort keep chasing the rabbits to a stream, and the rabbits escape on a small boat.

+ He is chasing a nymph called Cloris.
+ The movie opens with Tod and Copper chasing a cricket together.

+ Woundwort keep chasing the rabbits to a stream, and the rabbits escape on a small boat.

+ He is chasing a nymph called Cloris.

+ The movie opens with Tod and Copper chasing a cricket together.

+ While Peter, Lucy, Susan and the beavers go to the Stone Table, they see what they think is the White Witch chasing after them, so they hide.

+ He may have have been talking about a time which he had used a kipper to distract dogs from chasing a hare, and that hunters never actually used kippers to train dogs.

+ Divers have reported that Great Hammerhead Sharks are shy and avoid humans, but there have been reports of Great Hammerhead Sharks approaching divers closely and even chasing them.

+ Percy sees that the thing chasing them is a Minotaur, who charges them.

+ Nico creates a large crack in the ground to swallow up the skeletons that were chasing Percy.

+ They can be seen sliding down hills and slopes, as well as chasing other otters for fun.

+ Female calves play chasing and running games, throw sticks, and may attack imaginary foes.

+ The defeated Spanish fled north through the North Sea with the English chasing them.

+ Maria then realises that the Bane know about Sarah Jane and the PR reveals his true body as well, chasing Maria, Sarah Jane and Kelsey into Sarah Jane’s house.

+ In his first appearance, he has many siblings and is in charge of them and cares for them since his mother Lola is away chasing dreams and his father Flint ran away from the family.

+ On the marriage day, they came to know the truth that their enemies are now brothers, so they get violent on each other, and started chasing Dabbu.

+ Unfortunately chasing the hamsters tires them out, except for Numbuh 3, who thinks this as a game.

+ However, Vachon simple ran around the outside of the ring with Sable chasing her and tagged her partner back in.

+ Atul started chasing Kapil in motorcycle, however his locket gets off from his body in between.

+ The two predators start chasing the “Charonosaurus”.

+ They are chasing Gabriele.

+ Su kept chasing Helu but ran into snow storms.

+ There are many stories of mambas chasing humans, but these snakes usually prefer to avoid contact with humans.

+ In the game, the player plays as Mario, who is chasing Donkey Kong through a toy factory after Donkey Kong stole many Mini-Mario toys.

+ When chasing a stray sheep into a cave, Moses encounters a burning bush.

+ It shows the god, Apollo chasing a beautiful wood nymph that he had fallen in love with.

+ He would not let an opportunity to go by, chasing difficult balls and impossible rebounds.

+ After chasing “Washington” towards the Russell Islands, Kondo ordered his warships to pull back without bombing Henderson Field.

+ In 1915, the United States Army was chasing MexicoMexican revolutionary Pancho Villa in Texas and Mexico.

+ Leatherface likes chasing teens around with his chainsaw and wearing a mask made from the faces of his victims.

+ The crowd continued to boo Batista after Reigns was eliminated. After the show went off the air, Batista mocked Bryan and gestured his middle finger at the crowd. On the February 3 “Raw”, Batista was confronted and was ultimately assaulted by Del Rio before chasing him off. Batista retaliated the following week, powerbombing Del Rio through the announce table. At the Elimination Chamber event and on the following “Raw”, he was heavily booed by the fans during matches against Del Rio. Batista won the match at Elimination Chamber, but continued to suffer a torrid fan reaction with ‘Boo-tista’ chants. Batista responded to the audience on the February 28 “SmackDown”, saying he didn’t come back to be liked and promising to be the next WWE World Heavyweight Champion, thus reverting to being a villain once again and mocking other superstars stating they were not “real men”.  Bryan was added to the WrestleMania main event after defeating Triple H in the opening match of the show.

+ While Apollo was chasing Daphne, the mischievous baby god Hermes stole the cattle and confused Apollo by making the cattle walk backward as they left their pen.

+ Another is the group that includes the spiders that can be seen making webs or chasing prey almost everywhere in the world.

+ They hunt antelopes, which they catch by chasing them to exhaustion.

+ Religious persecution originally meant chasing after people of a religion in order to kill them all.

+ They are often shown in art chasing after nymphs and were associated with nature and fertility.

+ The legend is that one day two hunters were chasing a wild boar.

+ In continuous chasing between Bourne and the killers, he notices that some unknown big power threatens his existence.

+ Ben’s boat leaves the docks, and he begins tormenting Julie and George, chasing them below deck; there, they uncover the bodies of Helen, Charlotte and Barry in the boat’s ice box.

+ The puppet flees for his life, with the Moor chasing him.

+ They leave in a SWAT van, with the T-1000 chasing them, first in a helicopter, then a liquid nitrogen truck.

+ He was chasing away some neighborhood children after they attacked his house.

+ The male common blackbird defends its breeding territory, chasing away other males or using a “bow and run” threat display.

+ While chasing the bounty hunter Jango Fett, Obi-Wan was captured by the Separatists in Geonosis and was sent off to be executed.

+ He sees a young woman chasing after a who had not paid for pastries he had bought from her.

+ Later, Otis is sitting with Daisy and he overhears the coyotes chasing a hare.

+ A documentary film called Chasing Legends was later released that covered the 2009 tour through the eyes of HTC-Columbia.

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