“charter” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “charter”:

+ The airport has one main passenger terminal, serving scheduled and charter holiday flights.

+ Promotion of pacific settlement of disputes and abjuring, under any circumstances, from taking part in coalitions, agreements or any other kind of unilateral coercive initiative in violation of the principles of International Law and the Charter of the United Nations.

+ There are three schools in Honeydew: Honeydew Elementary School, Mattole Valley Triple Junction High School and Honeydew Charter School #159.

+ This settlement was granted a charter in 1179 by Hugh Pudsey, then the Bishop of Durham.

+ They also had charter flights for holiday companies.

charter how to use in sentences
charter how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “charter”:

+ The town has was granted a Royal Charter in 1450, making the Town of Strathaven a Burgh of Barony.

+ She volunteers forty hours a week as a Senior Corps volunteer with the United Planning Organization’s Foster Grandparents Program at the Roots Public Charter School.

+ In Sweden, cities were made by the royal charter until 1951.

+ Time Warner Cable was founded in 1973 and was bought by Charter Communications in May 2016.

+ This was when the Highland University charter was approved by the Territorial Legislature in 1858.

+ In 1978 he signed Charter 77.

+ The BBC operates under a Royal Charter which lasts for a limited period of ten years, after which it is renewed.

+ The Charter of the University outlines its objectives.

+ During the communist dictatorship in Czechoslovakia he signed Charter 77.

+ According to a 1650 agreement with the Dutch, the western boundary of Connecticut ran north from the west side of Greenwich Bay “provided the said line come not within 10miles of Hudson River.” On the other hand, Connecticut’s original Charter in 1662 granted it all the land to the “South Sea” i.e.

+ On 8 December 2008, police stopped Liu and held him because of his work with Charter 08.

+ The town has was granted a Royal Charter in 1450, making the Town of Strathaven a Burgh of Barony.

+ She volunteers forty hours a week as a Senior Corps volunteer with the United Planning Organization's Foster Grandparents Program at the Roots Public Charter School.
+ In Sweden, cities were made by the royal charter until 1951.

+ River Cities High School also exists as a charter school alternative to the local high schools.

+ It was granted its royal charter in the year 1214.

+ The Society was granted a Royal Charter in 1778.

+ For 2012 the airport has introduced new international holiday charter flights to Europe as well as new regular air links to the Channel Islands.

+ It was granted a Royal Charter in 1847.

+ The team first played in 1960 as a charter member of the American Football League.

+ He was a founding member of the Charter 77 movement.

+ In the Netherlands and Sweden, Yiddish is protected by the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

+ The British were protected by a charter from the Mughal empireMughal Emperor Jahangir.

More in-sentence examples of “charter”:

+ The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms for example, provides that if someone is arrested they have certain rights.

+ He was one of the signers of Charter 77.

+ Some of those carriers in the United States are: ATT U-Verse, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Charter Communications and Verizon.

+ Most flights are in Japan, but it also has been an international airport for charter flights.

+ CPS reported having 681 schools including 472 elementary schools, 106 high schools, 96 charter schools, and 7 contract schools.

+ She was a spokesperson for Charter 77.

+ By the Virginia Company’s Third Charter in 1612, the boundaries of the new colony were extended to include Bermuda.

+ The Cleveland Browns started playing in 1946 as a charter member of the All-America Football Conference and joined the NFL in 1950 after the AAFC folded.

+ It was Incorporated by a Royal Charter in 1921.

+ The Romani languageRomani language, whose roots lie in the Indo-Greek Kingdom, is now an official language in many countries of Europe under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

+ On 15 March 1923, the charter of the All-Russian Society of Philatelists was approved.

+ Ukraine does not specify languages by name, but rather ratifies on behalf of “the languages of the following ethnic minorities of Ukraine”: July 2007, Ukraine’s entry on the states the following “Ukraine declares that the provisions of the Charter shall apply to the languages of the following ethnic minorities of Ukraine : Belarusian, Bulgarian, Gagauz, Greek, Jewish, Crimean Tatar, Moldavian, German, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Slovak and Hungarian”.

+ Abbeville had a charter granted to it in 1184.

+ As well, the Organization of American States has adopted the American Convention on Human Rights in 1969 and the African Union has adopted the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights in 1981.

+ However, the Royal Charter making it a city was only issued in 1974.

+ Louis, Kansas was a charter member of the Missouri Valley Intercollegiate Athletic Association in 1907.

+ Facing a lack of cooperation from the premiers, Trudeau then announced his intention to unilaterally patriate the constitution from the United Kingdom and have a charter of rights and constitutional amending formula approved by national referendum.

+ Respect for the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and International Law.

+ However, its founders got such strong opposition from the Church of England that it prevented them from getting the Royal Charter needed for the award of degrees.

+ One of the American League’s eight charter franchises, the club was founded in Boston in 1901.

+ In a series of reports in September 2017, “Politico” reported that since May 2017, Price had expended more than $1 million of Department funds for his own travel on private charter jets and military aircraft.

+ The society received a Royal Charter in 1904 from Edward VII.

+ The “Guardian” Harrow has educated boys since 1243 but was officially founded by John Lyon under a Royal Charter of Elizabeth I in 1572.

+ It was founded in 1754 and was granted a Royal Charter in 1847.

+ Albany has a home rule charter and is a Council-Manager city.

+ On 15 August 1327 it got its town charter from Louis II, Bishop of Münster.

+ The town was first mentioned in 1283, after being given its town charter by Villekinus de Endorpe.

+ There are a wide range of scheduled services throughout the United Kingdom and Republic of IrelandIreland; also there are limited charter and freight flights to continental Europe.

+ Washburn University was created in February 1865 as Lincoln College by a charter issued by the State of Kansas and the General Association of Congregational Ministers and Churches of Kansas.

+ The last legislative act of the Territorial Legislature was the approval of the charter for the College of the Sisters of Bethany.

+ At the beginning of the 15th century, this charter was reconfirmed during the foundation of the Mairie or town government.

+ It was given a Royal Charter in 1893.

+ He is another scholar who signed Charter 08.

+ In June they signed the United Nations Charter saying how the organization would work.

+ Birmingham Community Charter High School is an independent charter coeducational high school in the neighborhood/district of Lake Balboa, Los Angeles, CaliforniaLake Balboa in the San Fernando Valley section of Los Angeles, California, United States.

+ There are also nine charter schools and 31 private schools in the county.

+ Rochester upon Medway City Council did not appoint appoint Charter Trustees to maintain the existence of the city and the mayoralty so the city simply ceased to exist, because the council forgot.

+ Also the company operates charter flights.

+ In 1884, a charter was granted recognizing the Society as a religious, non-profit corporation.” He wrote several books, set up some Bible study classes for people to study his teachings, and started a magazine, “Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence”, which taught that Christ was already present.

+ In England and Wales, the name “city” is only for places that have a Royal charterRoyal Charter saying they can have that name.

+ Peaceful settlement of all international conflicts in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

+ The council was entitled to petition for a charter granting borough status, whereupon the district became a “borough” and the district council a “borough council” headed by a mayor.

+ On 8 April 1954, a Comet on charter to South African Airways crashed in the Mediterranean near Naples.

+ The Quebec Act gave the Quebec people their first Charter of rights.

+ It was given its borough charter in 1166 by Henry II.

+ The town linked to the Magna Carta; in 1214 the barons of England are believed to have met in the Abbey Church and promised to force King John to accept the Charter of Liberties, the document which influenced the creation of the Magna Carta.

+ To encourage relations of friendship and cooperation between all nations based on the principles of International Law, particularly those enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.

+ It also does general aviation and charter flights.

+ He is a signatory of Charter 77 during Czechoslovakia’s Czechoslovak Socialist RepublicCommunist era, Kořán translated over seven dozen books, mostly by American writers, from English into Czech, including major works by Kurt Vonnegut, Henry Miller, Roald Dahl, Ken Kesey, Charles Bukowski, John Kennedy Toole, and John Wyndham.

+ A Royal Charter of 1155 established the ports.

+ The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms for example, provides that if someone is arrested they have certain rights.

+ He was one of the signers of Charter 77.
+ Some of those carriers in the United States are: ATT U-Verse, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Charter Communications and Verizon.

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