“charity” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “charity”:

– She did so as a charity single to help others.

– He was also a performer in the charity song “We Are the World”.

– His goal was to use his charity organizations to manipulate the poor.

– Wallis is a patron of the theatre charity the Music Hall Guild of Great Britain and America.

– After the Italian defeat at Caporetto in World War I, he donated to a new charity for war veterans, La Patria Riconoscente.

– Frank Fontaine created charity organizations to support the underclass.

charity - some sentence examples
charity – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “charity”:

– It is 24 hours long and encourages viewers to donate to the charity UNICEF.

– On 13 January 2019, Adamowicz was stabbed in the heart on stage at a charity event in Gdańsk and was taken to hospital in critical condition.

– Bono is known for doing a lot of charity work.

– The four-day charity event sees tens of thousands of brats sold by “celebrity” cashiers, usually local television, radio, and government personalities.

– Back at home, Laura informs them that they will have the rest of the belongings that they had to leave behind in the season premiere returned to them, but that they will sell them at a charity sale for PATH.

– A third version featuring John Legend recorded for the British charity telethon Comic Relief reached number one in the UK in March 2015.

– He was also selected as a senator in the Iranian Senate in 1963 because of his charity works for the Iranian people.

– They also run a charity called the Obama Foundation, and own Higher Ground Productions, a company which makes movies.

– A percentage of the profit went to the charity to help fight AIDS in Africa.

– He was given this award for his cricket feats and charity work.

– Her charity charity work includes support of Autism Speaks.

– He was appointed CBE in 2003 for services to both music and for his charity work.

– It was officially endorsed by the Roman Catholic Church around 1129, and became a favored charity by many Christians and grew fast in membership and power.

– The most common form of charity is donating money.

– Colombian singer Shakira recorded the song as a charity single as well.

– T-ara held a charity event on December 14, 2013, in Cafenne, which is a cafe run by Eunjung’s mother.

- It is 24 hours long and encourages viewers to donate to the charity UNICEF.

- On 13 January 2019, Adamowicz was stabbed in the heart on stage at a charity event in Gdańsk and was taken to hospital in critical condition.
- Bono is known for doing a lot of charity work.

More in-sentence examples of “charity”:

– In September 2011, he swam the entire 140 mile length of the River Thames, raising over pound sterling£1,000,000 for a charity called Sport Relief.

– Before a person is considered to be “venerable” he or she must be declared as such by a proclamation, approved by the Pope, of having lived a life that was “heroic in virtue” – the virtues being the Theological Virtues of faith, hope, and charity and the Cardinal Virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.

– Children in Need became a registered charity in 1989.

– Proceeds went to Kids Company, a charity which helps vulnerable children and young people in London.

– PATH is a charity championed by former Destiny’s Child singer Michelle Williams that helps feed the homeless.

– It was a Charity charity song to help victims of the earthquake in Haiti.

– Her greatest charity work was the Great Wall of Jerusalem, a large soup kitchen that fed the poor.

– They did the tour to help Reconciliation Australia, an Australian charity that tries to improve the lives of Indigenous Australians.

– Aside from his projects with The Frames and Irglová, Hansard also appeared as part of the band on the 2006 Oxfam charity album, “The Cake Sale”.

– Foster is a member of the board of Trustees for the architectural charity Article 25.

– Since 2001, Bernadette has been a leading member of the “Pièces Jaunes a charity that aids children in French hospitals by collecting small change.

– She became anarchist in 1866 to a school in the MontmartreMontmartre quarter of Paris, where she saw that his charity and follow the revolution.

– After Wings ended, Linda still recorded and performed with her husband, but she was now recognized as an activist for social causes, and for charity work.

– Abramoff started a charity called the “Capital Athletic Foundation”.

– He is the chief Coordinator of Twenty-20 the charity outfit floated by Anna-Kitex Group.

– Bey was a member of the Canadian charity Artists Against Racism.

– Henley is a supporter of SOS Children’s Villages, an international orphan charity that gives homes and mothers to orphaned and abandoned children.

– She oversees the charity Uweza Foundation, which supports programs for children and families in the Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya.

– In 2013, Karbauskis co-founded the “Švieskime Vaikus” charity foundation, together with Lithuanian singer and producer Andrius Mamontovas.

– In 1998, Matchbox Twenty recorded a live version of their single, “3 A.M.” for release on the charity album “Live in the X Lounge”, benefiting United Cerebral Palsy research.

– She became a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 1963 for her charity work in Australia and overseas.

– He founded a charity at Beverley and a grammar school at Kingston upon Hull.

– She sketched the design of the cover art for “The Open Door” and painted the cover art of the charity single “Together Again”.

– He has been a regional director of the Norwegian Refugee Council charity and served as the director of the British oil company Soma Oil and Gas.

– When not playing on the field, Messi finds time to do charity work.

- In September 2011, he swam the entire 140 mile length of the River Thames, raising over pound sterling£1,000,000 for a charity called Sport Relief.

- Before a person is considered to be "venerable" he or she must be declared as such by a proclamation, approved by the Pope, of having lived a life that was "heroic in virtue" – the virtues being the Theological Virtues of faith, hope, and charity and the Cardinal Virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
- Children in Need became a registered charity in 1989.

– He was best known for his work charity work as head of the Resota Center for homeless people in Bratislava.

– She has also helped to launch the SamandRuby charity in March 2006.

– Sevigny has involved himself in old-timers charity hockey games and has coached the semi-pro Verdun Dragons.

– Meresha releases “Is This Love” with and for the benefit of the international charity Movember.

– An English charity owns Portmeirion, today.

– The charity gives help to the health care and education in countries of the Sahel region.

– They also are known for the vast amount of Charity Shops which are located in most parts of the town.

– All money made by the book was donated to the Royal British Legion, which is a charity that financially and socially helps people who have served or are serving in the British Armed Forces.

– So, there is no real contradiction between Paul’s and James’ teachings, for Paul was speaking of the impossibility of earning salvation by one’s own efforts, not of the works of Charity charity and justice to which the Christians are called.

– It is distributed to British primary schools by the charity Bibles for Children.

– It was created after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, when a fraudulent charity tried to take advantage of the widespread media.

– As the Missionaries of Charity grew under Mother’s leadership, they expanded their ministry to other countries.

– Enid Blyton did a lot of work for charity and had a club for children which helped them to give money to charity.

– Arab Indonesians did charity charity work, and built and protected their social capital.

– The authors suggest that the United Nations should stopthe practice of classifying countries into development bins because the cut-off values seem arbitrary, can provide incentives for strategic behavior in reporting official statistics, and have the potential to misguide politicians, investors, charity donors and the public who use the HDI at large.

– The lord was supposed to protect them from criminals or other lords, and he was supposed to give them charity during famines.

– Dawn was awarded an Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British EmpireMBE in October 2000 for her services to charity and for having helped raise hundreds of thousands of pounds for hospitals in the Manchester and Leeds areas.

– Duped, tired, and poor, Nathaniel eventually became a tenant farmer while occasionally teaching school, working the soil for landlords and taking their charity when necessary to survive.

– Every year, Muslims around the world celebrate the day by large street processions, distributing food and charity and talks and sermons about the life of the prophet.

– It was a charity studio record for Oxfam.

– Members compete in local and national charity and fun races.

– The charity was established to provide support to conservationists in Africa directly on the ground via the use of blogs.

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