“charcoal” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “charcoal”:

– This filter is made from activated clays and charcoal and removes fine insoluble soil and non-volatile residues, along with dyes from the solvent.

– Activated charcoal will not work for every kind of poison.

– To use a bloomery, charcoal is inserted into the chimney, then heated.

– Early results from Radiocarbon datingradiocarbon tests show that pine charcoal from two of the pits goes back to the Mesolithic.

– One end of one charcoal pouch is lit, and it takes a long time for all the charcoal to burn down the whole length of the rope.

– When it is heated with charcoal it makes liquid lead metal.

– Grill the strips of meat over the charcoal embers just until they are charred by fire and kissed with smoke, then wrap them up with a bit of sweet, a shot of salty, a spark of spice, a lick of acidity, some crunch, and a boatload of savory for what eventually becomes a minor feast of culinary fireworks.

– When one inhales through the hose, air is pulled through the charcoal and into the bowl holding the tobacco.

charcoal in-sentences
charcoal in-sentences

Example sentences of “charcoal”:

– Bad bacteria and odor are removed by adding charcoal and sun-dried chili peppers.

– Then, it is mixed with charcoal to give tamahagane hardness.

– Dvořák rewrote his opera “King and Charcoal Burner”, using completely different music.

– During his career, he created about 900 oil paintings and more than 2,000 watercolors, as well as many sketches and charcoal drawings.

– On the other hand, eucalypts helps several industries, such as sawmilling, pulp, and charcoal making.

– The tip of this stick however, is covered with a charcoal like black substance.

– Rorschach blots, “grattage” or rubbing, often using the charcoal from match sticks or his fingers instead of pen or brush.

– In 1874 he wrote an opera “King and Charcoal Burner”, but the opera house did not want it.

– In 1910 eucalypts were introduced to Brazil for timber substitution and the charcoal industry.

– It was challenged because it was a charcoal sketch rather than a painting.

- Bad bacteria and odor are removed by adding charcoal and sun-dried chili peppers.

- Then, it is mixed with charcoal to give tamahagane hardness.

– The lead sulfide in galena is changed to lead oxide, which is heated with charcoal to make liquid lead.

– Biochar is a type of charcoal added to soil that acts as plant food, or fertilizer.

– German units in the area were given charcoal instead of wood for cooking fires to cut down on smoke and reduce chances of Allied observers realizing a troop build up was underway.

– Some very tiny charcoal was found, but it could have come from a natural brush fire.

– Their coming coincides with an increase in fossil charcoal deposits, but they remained a minor component of the rainforest until about 20 million years ago, when the gradual drying of the continent and lessening of soil richness led to the growth of a more open forest type, with mainly “Casuarina” and “Acacia” trees.

– A charcoal fire heated a brick hearth, where the cook fried or cooked food in earthenware or bronze pots for baking or roasting.

– In many foreign languages the words for carbon, coal and charcoal are synonyms.

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