“chalice” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “chalice”:

– He gains access to the excavation and puts the chalice near the idol where the reflection shows the image of a church with a square tower.

– He also poisons Linden Rathan using a farewell chalice and tortures him for knowledge about the Dragonlords.

– The four evangelists pour the word of God into the mill funnel, the mill in cross form represents Jesus Christ and shows the place of transformation, the 12 apostles power the mill and the four church fathers catch the trans-substantiated nourishment in a chalice and pass it on to the believers.

– The chalice shaped Romanesque baptismal font from the 13th century, is made from limestone and was brought in from the isle of Gotland.

– It was the official papal chalice for many popes, and has been used by many others, most recently by Pope Benedict XVI, on July 9, 2006.

– He was in films such as “The Silver Chalice with Charlton Heston.

– The image on the chalice matches a tomb in the church, and George deduces that it is in fact Don Carlos’ tomb.

– Solving it opens up a panel with the De Vasconcellos chalice inside.

chalice - some sentence examples
chalice – some sentence examples

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