“central location” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “central location”:

+ Due to Brockville’s central location in the town, and the SPL’s stringent stadium requirements, the dilapidated Brockville site, home of Falkirk for over 100 years, was no longer suitable for the club’s ambitions.

+ After world war II the Rhine Main area was one of the hot spots in Germany because of its central location and its traffic opportunities.

+ This is caused by its low taxes, its central location between Zürich and Milan, and the pretty countryside.

+ This keeps those citations in one central location for easier maintenance and avoids cluttering the text.

+ The capital of the state of Delaware was moved here from Newcastle, DelawareNewcastle in 1777 because of its central location and relative safety from British raiders on the Delaware River.

+ Its central location was the logical choice for state capital, and Concord was so named in 1808.

central location use in-sentences
central location use in-sentences

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