“Central America” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “Central America”:

– Otherwise, Central America is counted as part of North America.

– The National Hurricane Center began to track a tropical wave associated with a few showers and thunderstorms, moving westward off the coast of northern Central America on July17.

– Most people in Central America also speak Spanish, including people in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico.

– The species has neotropical distribution; mostly in wet tropical mountain forest of Central America and South America, but some in semi-arid environments.

– Many other countries also produce cigars, most notably in the Central America and Caribbean island areas.

– Arthur formed from the remains of dissipating Tropical Storm Alma which crossed Central America from the Pacific Ocean.

– A lot of precipitationrainfall from the depression started deadly flooding in Central America which left at least 75 people dead and forcing 100,000 people to move, and being responsible for $150 million in damage.

Central America in sentences?
Central America in sentences?

Example sentences of “Central America”:

– In the winter, they live in Central America and the southwestern United States.

– The idea of zero was first thought about in Babylon, India and in Central America at different times.

– Avocado trees come from Central America and Mexico.

– People were thinking that Iris would cross Central America without dying and would keep the name Iris.

– These spiders live in Central America and South America.

– From colonial times to now, Costa Rica’s reluctance to become politically tied with the rest of Central America has been a major obstacle to efforts for greater regional integration.

– It is from southern Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.

– The consensus among the scientific community is that the extinction was triggered by the Chicxulub impact event in Central America but that the Deccan eruptions also disrupted the planet’s climate.

– The sarabande seems to have come from Central America where it was known as “zarabanda”.

- In the winter, they live in Central America and the southwestern United States.

- The idea of zero was first thought about in Babylon, India and in Central America at different times.
- Avocado trees come from Central America and Mexico.

– These include Saskatchewan, Central America and Galápagos.

– The presence of these animals in Central America is explained by the Great American Interchange.

– As it crossed Central America convection increased, and a poorly-defined center developed early on September 9th.

– From 1852–1855, together with a companion, Wagner travelled through North AmericaNorth and Central America and the Caribbean.

– It went across Central America on June 23.

– It is native to eastern Mexico and Central America south to Costa Rica.

– South America is attached to Central America at the boundary of Panama.

More in-sentence examples of “Central America”:

– They live in Central America and South America.

– It created procedural plans for a regional refugee status and the promotion of return to Vietnam for Vietnamese boat people not qualifying for refugee status He also helped plan out a peace process in Central America called the “CIREFCA Process”.

– The cordillera goes on through the mountain ranges of Central America in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.

– The mountains of Central America and southeastern Africa also have various species, especially the island of Madagascar.

– It is native to South America, Central America and the Caribbean.

– Many genera in South and Central America are more closely related to tanager clades, Burns K.J; Hackett S.J.

– It caused heavy damage and fatalities in Central America while a tropical storm.

– The Federal Republic of Central America was known as the United Provinces of Central America in its first year of creation.

– It is found in Central America and North America.

– Mitch was the second deadliest Atlantic hurricane because it killed 11,000-18,000 in Central America and Mexico, it is second only to the Great Hurricane of 1780.

– The peninsula is east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, a northwestern geographygeographic divider, separating Central America from the rest of North America.

– It is native to South America, Central America and Mexico.

– Hurricane Iota was a deadly and damaging storm that hit Central America on November 17.

– Gomphotheres also survived in Mexico and Central America until the end of the Pleistocene.

– Hurricane Anna hit Central America and the Windward Islands in July 1961.

– It moved westward across the unfavorable Atlantic Ocean and crossed Central America into the Pacific on the 28th.

– After marring a local beauty Beryl Garcia, he had stolen public money and fled Central America to England in 1885 where he used the money to start a public school in Yorkshire.

– Some of the 100 living species of South American marsupials have migrated north: 13 species to Central America and one to North America.

– The Spaniard Andrés Niño led an expedition from Central America and arrived in Meanguera Island in the Gulf of Fonseca on May 31, 1522.

– Eta rapidly weakened to a tropical depression as it moved across Central America for two days before moving north over water.

– Westernization is the transformation of a non western culture to Western standards, with historical examples being the Romanization of “barbarian” europe in the classical period, the Hispanization of South America, Central America and the Philippines in the 1500s, the Anglicization of North America and Australia in the 1700s, the Francization of North and West Africa in the 1800s and the current Americanization of many first world nations such as Singapore and Israel through Hollywood/ American popular culture.

– In the Americas, they are found from southern Canada, southward to Central America to southern South America.

– Coffee plants originally grew in Africa, and now also grow in South America, Central America and Southeast Asia.

– The Spanish settled in Central America and South America, mining for gold and silver, and farming tobacco, the Spanish had a surplus of labor, because they used the Natives to do the work for them, this was called Encomienda.

– This appears to be related to the patchier, more dispersed distribution of food resources in Central America and the fact that there is less dietary overlap between the Central American squirrel monkey and the white-headed capuchin than between their South American counterparts.

- They live in Central America and South America.

- It created procedural plans for a regional refugee status and the promotion of return to Vietnam for Vietnamese boat people not qualifying for refugee status He also helped plan out a peace process in Central America called the "CIREFCA Process".
- The cordillera goes on through the mountain ranges of Central America in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.

– Baird’s tapir is a species of tapir that is native to Central America and northern South America.

– At first it was only found in the Caribbean islands, parts of Central America and parts of South America.

– The SpainSpanish and Portuguese people were the first to colonize many parts of South America and Central America in the 16th century.

– Asia, Central America and Eastern Europe are affected too, with North America least affected.

– Capuchin monkeys live in Central America and South America.

– Other social issues involve the increasing presence of the Central American gangs known as Maras, and illegal immigration from Central America in general.

– It goes from the coast of Labrador, CanadaLabrador and Newfoundland in the north, to Florida,Cuba and parts of Central America in the south.

– Found from northern Mexico through Central America to South America north of 35°S Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay and Argentina.

– At least 178fatalities across Central America have been related to the storm, including 74 in Honduras, 53 in Guatemala, 27 in Mexico, 19 in Panama, two each in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, and one in El Salvador.

– The tree was brought to Central America by the ancient Maya civilizationMayas, and was grown in Mexico by the Toltecs and later by the Aztecs.

– They are Indigenous native to Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America and the northern part of South America.

– Pool, “op.cit.”, p.277 The huge number of stelae that survive from ancient Egypt and in Central America are one of the largest and most significant sources of information on those civilisations.

– The Mayan languages ares a group of languages spoken in Central America and Mesoamerica.

– The long-tailed weasel lives in most of North America, south to Central America to northern South America.

– The quetzal previously appeared in the flag of Los Altos, Central America in the 1830s.

– The Mexican free-tailed bat is found from the southern half of the United States through most of Mexico, and through most of Central America into South America.

– Most of Central America rests on the Caribbean Plate.

– They can be found in the southwestern United States, Mexico, Central America up to northwestern South America.

– Dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome were first reported in Central America and South America in 1981.

– The eyelash viper is found in southern Mexico, southeastward to the Atlantic lowlands, through Central America to northern South America in Colombia and Venezuela.

– The remnants of Hurricane Beta poured heavy rain over parts of the Central America on Monday, making forecasters to warn of deadly landslides and flooding as the storm began to dissipate.

– This has the advantage of including Central America and the Caribbean islands.

– Stone later served as Ambassador at Large to Central America and Ambassador to Denmark.

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