“cbt” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “cbt”:

+ It does not dive into the patient’s past because CBT aims to improve the patient’s current state of mind.

+ Beck used his model as a starting point to develop CBT so that we can improve our understanding about emotions and behaviour.

+ One of the key reasons why CBT is so effective is because of its interactive nature.

+ Specific and measurable highlight the science behind CBT as the goals are used to test the “hypothesis”.

+ Despite its popular recommendations, CBT has faced criticism.

+ Arguably, CBT fails to focus on the patient as a whole.

+ This model was created because traditional CBT tends to use complex terms which may be unsuitable for some patients or colleagues who do not specialise in CBT.

+ This may be because CBT focuses solely on the patient’s present.

cbt use in-sentences
cbt use in-sentences

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