“cayenne” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “cayenne”:

– The “arrondissement” of Cayenne has an area of and a population of 87,849 inhabitants.

– The average temperature for the year in Cayenne is.

– The inhabitants of Cayenne are known, in French, as “Cayennais”.

– When the French Guiana became an oversea department of France in 1946, Cayenne was the only “arrondissement” in the department.

– The arrondissement of Cayenne is an Arrondissements of Francearrondissement of France, in the department.

– The city of Cayenne has a population, in 2014, of 55,817;.

– It was captured by an Anglo-Portuguese force at the invasion of Cayenne in 1809 and administered from Brazil until 1814, when it was returned to French control.

– The broth is traditionally served with a rouille, a mayonnaise made of olive oil, garlic, saffron, and cayenne pepper on grilled slices of bread.

cayenne example in sentences
cayenne example in sentences

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