“carry out” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “carry out”:

+ Robot EZ-27, known as Easy, is placed in a university to carry out a variety of jobs, including proof-reading.

+ Former plantation owners, dissatisfied with the abolition of slavery, joined the Republicanismrepublican movement led by Deodoro da Fonseca, an elderly Marshal, to carry out a Coup d’etat and install a republic which became Brazil’s first dictatorship on November 15, 1889.

+ To balance the aircomposition of air, plants use carbon dioxide to carry out photosynthesis, so oxygen is made.

+ Many activists carry out their work as employees of or with the assistance of non-profit organizations.

+ During the task, she was assigned as Big Brother’s personal assistant and had to carry out various duties, which often resulted in Nikki throwing a tantrum and refusing to comply.

+ Numerous examples exist of this such as his refusal to carry out an order from Hitler to execute Jewish prisoners.

carry out how to use in sentences
carry out how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “carry out”:

+ As they carry out their plan, Tom is shot in the leg.

+ Each soldier is trained in a variety of weapons and equipment to carry out commands.

+ The invitation made William decide to carry out his existing plans to land with a large Dutch army.

+ Finally, Congress has the power to do whatever is “necessary and proper” to carry out its enumerated powers and, crucially, all others vested in it.

+ Although it may be impossible to prevent flooding, there are a number of methods you can carry out to stop the water coming into your home or working environment.

+ BPI certificates are not automatic; the record company must pay a fee to the BPI and they carry out an audit into the release in question.

+ During this period, 20 states did not carry out any executions.

+ Additionally, a physician may approve any other reason to carry out an abortion.

+ I have experience with the admin duties, deletion of pages, blocking of users, protection etc and would like to carry out tasks here.

+ This meant that the government had no money with which to pay civil servants and carry out administration.

+ In 1921, Shackleton returned to the Antarctic, intending to carry out a programme of scientific activities.

+ Women from rich families however, had slaves to carry out domestic work for them.

+ Reservists carry out duties decided by the Garda Commissioner and the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform.

+ In 1960, in order to carry out its plan and break down the economic backbone of the Jumma people of the CHT in the name of so-called industrial development, the Pakistani government built the Kaptai hydro-electric dam on the Karnaphuli river in the heartland of the indigenous Jumma people.

+ As they carry out their plan, Tom is shot in the leg.

+ Each soldier is trained in a variety of weapons and equipment to carry out commands.
+ The invitation made William decide to carry out his existing plans to land with a large Dutch army.

More in-sentence examples of “carry out”:

+ Seeing that this was his only chance to carry out his plan, he pulled his gun and fired, killing the Archduke, Sophie, who had been pregnant at the time.

+ On 13 January 2010, a federal court handed Vice-President Jonathan the power to carry out state affairs in the president’s continued absence.

+ It is a formal body which exists to give legal effect to decisions made by the Cabinet, and to carry out various other functions.

+ DNA polymerases are a family of enzymes that carry out all forms of DNA replication.

+ The rest of the book describes how priests, the Levites, should be ordained, should dress, carry out rituals, and act.

+ The antagonist of the game, Raul Menendez is trying to carry out a massive cyber attack to hack unmanned weaponry used by the United States.

+ However, in the 2010s, American prisons started having trouble getting enough of the medications used to carry out lethal injections.

+ There are specified industrial estates which carry out sub-sonic technology, food processing, light engineering, bass engineering and rum distilling.

+ Microaerophiles carry out aerobic respiration, and some of them can also do anaerobic respiration.

+ They take energy from the environment and use it to make other organic molecules that are used to carry out various biological functions such as cell growth or repairing broken tissue.

+ Plants and other organisms that carry out photosynthesis are phototrophs.

+ Everything a computer does is described by instructions of computer programs, and microprocessors carry out these instructions many millions of times a second.

+ For example, one could carry out this method on a list of the numbers from 2 to 10.

+ The way people show emotions, carry out daily routines or perform normal functions changes based on each individual’s own culture.

+ It is a Parliamentary systemparliamentary democracy and a Elizabeth II as Queen of Australia and Head of State and a Governor-General who is chosen by the Prime Minister to carry out all the duties of the Queen in Australia.

+ Perhaps the most that can be done is to lodge a “POV dispute” on an article’s talk-page, but not carry out a protracted debate, because the difficult users will likely escalate any rebellion to become wiki-stalking and hounding of their rivals.

+ Units of local government were created by the colonies to carry out various state functions.

+ Those who carry out policing duties are known as “police officers”.

+ While waiting for authorization of Congress to carry out such action, Wilson was alerted to a German delivery of weapons.

+ The Vice President’s main job is to replace the president on the event of their death, resignation, or impeachment, and to temporarily take over the presidential powers and duties while the President is abroad, or unable to carry out his or her duties.

+ By law, in Great Britain, it is illegal for anyone except a registered farrier to call themselves a farrier or to carry out any farriery work under the Farriers Act 1975.

+ A person who is physically fit will be able to walk or run without getting breathless and they will be able to carry out the activities of everyday living and not need help.

+ He also helps carry out the council policies, develops programs and budgets to respond to council goals, and makes sure that people get effective and efficient city services.

+ Each team includes several tactical officers who coordinate and carry out assaults on barricaded positions and apprehend armed suspects.

+ A temporary wedding officiant is usually allowed to carry out only one specific wedding that they asked permission for.

+ The United Nations set up the Committee on Civil and Political Rights to carry out the treaty.

+ Article Two of the United States ConstitutionArticle Two says that the President, Vice President, and executive offices will carry out the laws made by Congress.

+ Rube Goldberg machines are usually a set of simple mechanisms that are indirectly unrelated, which carry out a simple function, these are called chain reactions and initiate a series of events to produce a certain outcome.

+ Piracy goods are usually at low price because they don’t need to pay for copyright and carry out research.

+ If these activities become public, high-ranking officials may deny any knowledge of such act or any connection to the people used to carry out such acts.

+ However, the government turned them into militias to carry out the genocide.

+ The National Assembly started to carry out some dramatic changes to France.

+ Cilia and flagella are cell organelles, specialised units which carry out well-defined functions, like mitochondria and plastids.

+ Both have done some great work on finding pages that need to be deleted and I think it would be useful if they had the ability to carry out the deletions themselves.

+ They are trained to carry out a wide variety of assignments at locations around the world.

+ In the United States, there are some law enforcement agencies that are not called police forces but carry out similar work, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

+ This made it very difficult for him to carry out many of the public duties of a king which required him to make speeches.

+ They then carry out an experiment or collect other types of information that will tell them whether their predictions were right or wrong.

+ In 1987, he received a fellowship from British Council to carry out research on folk and traditional art of Bangladesh.

+ That means that every soldier will unquestionably carry out the orders which he or she has received and will obey his or her superior officer or non-commissioned officer.

+ KTEL buses carry out daily bus routes to almost all destinations.

+ At first, the Chinese used the stones to carry out fortune-telling and magic tricks.

+ Speed was seen as essential to carry out the mission of home defence against enemy bombers.

+ The Trust is planning to raise necessary funds to carry out further investigations.

+ The story revolved around a group of individuals who had to work together to foil the attempts of a terrorist organization that was preparing to carry out an attack on Rome.

+ People’s Republic of ChinaChina Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu condemned Israel’s raid on the international convoy and urged Israel to carry out UN Security Council resolutions and improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

+ Phototrophs or photoautotrophs are organisms which carry out photosynthesis.

+ In early March the Food and Drug Administration began allowing public health agencies and private companies to create and carry out tests.

+ For example, some militaries and intelligence services have Classified informationclassified “black budgets” to carry out black operations.

+ The towns agreed to consolidate and carry out that plan, making Hoxie the new county seat.

+ Seeing that this was his only chance to carry out his plan, he pulled his gun and fired, killing the Archduke, Sophie, who had been pregnant at the time.

+ On 13 January 2010, a federal court handed Vice-President Jonathan the power to carry out state affairs in the president's continued absence.

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