“carefully” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “carefully”:

– A relic is an object, especially a piece of the body or a personal item of someone of Religionreligious importance, that was carefully preserved with an air of veneration as a memorial that you can touch.

– He said very little, but what he said was carefully thought out.

– The S-Boxes are carefully chosen to resist cryptanalysis.

– Anyone may register a pedigree with the college, where they are carefully checked and need official proofs before being altered.

– He had to give himself time off performing and he practised very carefully and studied meditation and yoga to help him get over his problems.

carefully in-sentences
carefully in-sentences

Example sentences of “carefully”:

– However, after a carefully planned search effort the bird was rediscovered by Geoffrey Orbell near Lake Te Anau in the Murchison Mountains, South Island, on November 20, 1948.

– Umpires watch everything carefully to decide what happened, make calls about a play, and make sure everyone follows the rules.

– His key idea was that the threat of nuclear war could be controlled by the use of carefully graded deterrence.

– Let the bell be cast by the best workmen examined carefully before it is Shipped with the following words well shaped around it vizt.

– Everything was carefully thought out.

– The first time anyone looked at these photos carefully was in the 1970s.

– This power must be carefully administered as it could potentially allow users to make changes to files that could cause serious damage to other users’ files as well as damaging the operating system itself.

– It is also important to follow storage instructions carefully for these foods.

– Classical musicians often spend a lot of time thinking carefully about pieces of music, especially about pieces of music that they perform.

– The layout of the shrine was planned very carefully to complement and work with the hills and other natural structures around it.

- However, after a carefully planned search effort the bird was rediscovered by Geoffrey Orbell near Lake Te Anau in the Murchison Mountains, South Island, on November 20, 1948.

- Umpires watch everything carefully to decide what happened, make calls about a play, and make sure everyone follows the rules.

– At Elephantine the official nilometer, a measuring device, was carefully monitored to predict the level of the flood, and his priests must have been intimately concerned with its monitoring.

– Robins will make a beautiful little round nest of woven grass and carefully line it with feathers, bits of fluff and other soft things.

– Hot water may then be added by carefully pouring it, as with the cool water before, into the cavity opposite the “yerba”, until it reaches almost to the top of the gourd when the “yerba” is fully saturated.

– Noida’s infrastructure and utilities was carefully designed.

– The second issue was that I’d proposed a mass deletion and redirection of files and hadn’t checked too carefully about the existence of files ndash; in that case, I thanked them for pointing out my error and fixed it.

– It will also carefully look at samples scooped up from the soil and drilled powders from rocks.

– He always thought carefully about what his singers were capable of when writing his music.

– When I reviewed the history of the article’s creator, I found many carefully written articles with non-English titles.

More in-sentence examples of “carefully”:

– The archaeologists working there will carefully record what they find.

– He was an ethologist, which means that he carefully studied the behavior of animals and tried to understand why they do the things that they ordinarily do.

– The sample is carefully chosen.

– But when Matt meets Jewel, his carefully constructed house of cards falls apart and changes him forever.

– This was very embarrassing for Microsoft, and caused many corporations and governments to look carefully at Microsoft’s security problems.

– Even though, at first glance each battle scene looks quite chaotic, the paintings are very carefully organised.

– If carefully trained as a pup, it is very good with other people while always being highly protective of its owner.

– For many centuries maps were usually carefully Drawingdrawn onto paper or parchment.

– Koreans carefully consider their national identity in the Sirhak or “Practical Learning” movement of the 17th and 18th centuries, and in fashion, as in other fields, whatever was imported or influenced by foreign factors was subsequently Koreanized.

– Once caught, the fisherman carefully and quickly removes the hook from the fish’s mouth.

– Then the tip is moved very carefully back and forth across the surface.

– It is then vomited carefully into the baby’s mouth.

– He worked in a way that was to be typical of him all his life: he carefully kept a diary until the middle 1930s, was an excellent chess player and writer, kept making changes to a number of his earlier works.

– RSA padding schemes must be carefully designed so as to prevent sophisticated attacks.

– Mellotrons did not travel well, and had to be carefully set up every time they were moved.

– She even carefully destroyed everything bad about him.

– Think carefully before changing it, and make sure you explain your change in your edit summary.

– He had a bad reputation in the 1960s for passing $2.5 million worth of carefully forged checks across 26 countries for five years, beginning when he was 16 years old.

– If you want to carefully review nearly a thousand applications in January, you might be a perfect committee member.

– On the invitation of Emile Guimet she danced before a carefully chosen audience.

– Angel food cake needs the egg whites to be whipped until they are stiff, and carefully folded into the other ingredients.

– Between 1964 and 1968, the entire site was carefully cut into large blocks.

– They have to listen carefully to the instrument they are accompanying, and play with the same kind of feeling.

– These stars wandered around the celestial sphere, in an area now called the Zodiac, and the astronomers carefully recorded their travels.

– Listen carefully for the contrabassoon in the hymn-like introduction to the last movement of “Symphony no 1” by Brahms.

– This can be simple art like “<3 or it can be more complex, with characters carefully placed out, containing many lines of characters.

- The archaeologists working there will carefully record what they find.

- He was an ethologist, which means that he carefully studied the behavior of animals and tried to understand why they do the things that they ordinarily do.
- The sample is carefully chosen.

– This can only be for a short time, and the user needs to be carefully watched by the administrator who gives the flag, to make sure it is not being used incorrectly and to remove it when done.

– The death of his wife Barbara, who had been devoted to him, and who carefully abstained from political intrigue, broke his heart.

– Geoffrey carefully placed his loyal followers on lands surrounding the city.

– Chemists have carefully looked at the kinetics of this reaction.

– The prairie dogs use these carefully maintained mounds as observation posts.

– He was a very sensitive player who listened very carefully to the other players and blended in with them.

– The pieces are carefully heated with exclusion of air and then pressed into one mass by intense hydraulic pressure, the softened amber being forced through holes in a metal plate.

– The Saxon researcher Gustav Seyffarth looked carefully at some of the pieces, some only one square centimeter in size.

– During recent years musicologists have studied many of these manuscripts very carefully and tried to decide which ones were really by Josquin.

– Naloxone has to be given carefully to people with heart disease.

– A Surveyingsurvey and alignment crew carefully align the beamline segments by using a laser tracker.

– Twickenham was carefully planned.

– There is no conductor, so each musician has to listen carefully to the others and learn to play together as a small team.

– From 1683 he seems to have returned to Middelburg, where he set up a workshop and signed his small, carefully balanced minimalist still lifes.

– Babur was an excellent general and he planned the battle very carefully as conquering Delhi was indeed very important to him.

– The squat exercise will use only the leg muscles if the person carefully keeps his back straight.

– The portion of the orangutan jaw that connected the jaw to its skull was carefully broken so as not to show evidence that this jaw did not belong to a human skull.

– Upon investigation by the police, these were determined to be human facial skins, carefully peeled from corpses and used by Gein as masks.

– Attacks like this are carefully planned, done only when success is likely, and carried out in silence.

– By carefully making the fields bigger as the particles gain energy, the width of the circular path can be kept the same as the machine accelerates the particles.

– There are some seeds at the core, that can be removed with a tool that removes the core, or by carefully using a knife.

– In multi-stage races, the GC leader will watch break-aways carefully if there is a rider close to him in the general classification.

– People started carefully cleaning their homes, having large family dinners, and staying up late on the day before Chinese New Year by the end of the Three Kingdoms.

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