“carbonate” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “carbonate”:

– Also, when exposed to moisture the carbonate in natron increases pH, which makes a good environment for bacteria.

– The chicken eggshell is 95-97% calcium carbonate crystals, which are held together by a protein matrix.

– It reacts with sodium carbonate to make copper carbonate.

– The skull was heavily encrusted with calcium carbonate and the shape had been distorted during long time buried in the ground.

– Potash is a mixture of potassium carbonate and potassium hydroxide that has been used for a very long time.

– It can be also made by heating lead carbonate or lead nitrate.

– The bicarbonate and carbonate forms are very soluble.

carbonate - example sentences
carbonate – example sentences

Example sentences of “carbonate”:

- The holotype specimen was likely washed out to sea by a river, where it eventually sank and was buried in the silty carbonate sediments of Alabama.

- The term cenote has also been used to describe similar karst Karst: feature where water has eroded carbonate rocks such as limestone or dolomite.
- Barium oxide is made by heating barium carbonate with carbon.

– The holotype specimen was likely washed out to sea by a river, where it eventually sank and was buried in the silty carbonate sediments of Alabama.

– The term cenote has also been used to describe similar karst Karst: feature where water has eroded carbonate rocks such as limestone or dolomite.

– Barium oxide is made by heating barium carbonate with carbon.

– Major changes in organisms responsible for calcium carbonate production occurred during the CPE.

– The left hand side of the endocast of the Taung child is covered in beautiful calcium carbonate crystals.

– Lithium carbonate is a white solid.

– The carbonate deposits were laid down during the Cretaceous Period in what was then the Western Interior Seaway.

– These carbonate strata formed in warm lagoons.

– The bodies of starfish are composed of calcium carbonate plates, known as ‘ossicles’.

– It is the only heavy metal carbonate that can dissolve in water.

– It is made by reacting sodium carbonate with nickel sulfate.

– It is heated with sodium carbonate to make sodium chromate, iron oxide, and carbon dioxide.

– It is composed of sodium and carbonate ions.

– It also contains carbonate ions.

– In warmer times the sea rises, and carbonate rocks are deposited in shallow subtropical seas.

More in-sentence examples of “carbonate”:

– Ammonium carbonate is made by reacting ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, and calcium carbonate in a furnace.

– But during the Cambrian period, some organisms used carbonate minerals for shells, so they had hard parts which could become fossils.

– Uranium-lead dating techniques have also been applied to other minerals such as calcite/aragonite and other carbonate minerals.

– Minor amounts of cementing materials, iron oxide, silica, carbonate and clay, often move when this is happening.

– Sodium carbonate is a chemical compound.

– Since carbonate sedimentary rocks are very common, karst areas occur all over the world.

– Barium carbonate occurs as witherite.

– The lagerstätten formed in anoxic conditions in the fine carbonate muds that formed in the lakebeds.

– In the Northeast Atlantic during the last glacial-interglacial cycle, coccoliths make up 70-80% of the total carbonate during the warm periods, and less during glacial times.

– The main disadvantage of hard water is it deposits calcium carbonate on pipes, especially hot water pipes.

– Lithium carbonate is used as a drug to treat manic depression disorder.

– Both these groups produce calcium carbonate skeletal structures.

– The calcium carbonate is originally produced by living organisms.

– They have evolved organic tests, instead of calcium carbonate ones.

Carbonate bauxites were discovered earlier, and occur mainly in Europe and Jamaica above carbonate rocks such as limestone and dolomite.

– For example, clay layers alternate with sandstone layers; or carbonate layers alternate with shales.

– There is good reason to think the slime is produced by microorganisms to control the way their carbonate skeletons are formed.

– Water has worn away calcium carbonate rocks far under the ground.

– Ammonium carbonate is a white solid.

– Most human-made sodium carbonate is soda ash, sodium carbonate anhydrate Na, which is obtained by calcination of sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate monohydrate, or trona.

– A carbonate is a chemical compound that has the carbonate ion,.

– At times, the lagoons almost dried out, exposing sticky carbonate muds that trapped insects and even a few small dinosaurs.

– Another way is mixing lithium oxide, lithium hydroxide, or lithium carbonate with hydrochloric acid.

– Sometimes the deposition of carbonate was interrupted, and different organisms produced silica, which we see as beds of chert.

- Ammonium carbonate is made by reacting ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, and calcium carbonate in a furnace.

- But during the Cambrian period, some organisms used carbonate minerals for shells, so they had hard parts which could become fossils.

– One important element for the formation of skeletonskeletal material in marine animals is calcium but it is easily precipitated out in the form of calcium carbonate as the sea becomes more acid.

– Geothermal energyGeothermally heated hot springs sometimes produce similar carbonate deposits known as travertine.

– Calcareous sponges are characterized by a skeleton formed from calcium carbonate spicules.

– It has greater than 50% carbonate minerals.

– Calcium carbonate is a chemical compound, with the chemical formula CaCO.

– This is a rock which has greater than 50% of carbonate minerals.

– ScleractiniaStony corals secrete massive calcium carbonate exoskeletons.

– It rises from the floor of a limestone cave when mineralized solutions drip from the ceiling and Deposition deposits of calcium carbonate form columns on the ground.

– Once in the lagoon, bodies became buried in soft carbonate mud.

– It is made by reacting barium carbonate with nitric acid.

– It is a thermoplastic matrix such as Acrylonitrile butadiene styreneacrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene in which calcium carbonate chalk, talc, glass fibers or carbon fibers have been added for added strength, bulk, or electro-static dispersion.

– Almost always, karst is formed in carbonate rocks, such as limestone or dolomite.

– It can be made by reacting ammonia or ammonium carbonate with chloric acid.

– The calcium carbonate precipitates and is filtered, leaving potassium hydroxide.

– Calcium carbonate is opaque; it does not have a purple shimmer.

– The symptom may be helped by taking antacids, such as calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate.

– Barium carbonate is a chemical compound.

– It contains lithium and carbonate ions.

– The mudstones of the earliest Jurassic give way to carbonate rocks as the water deepens in the Middle Jurassic.

– It can be made by reacting hydrogen bromide with potassium carbonate or potassium hydroxide.

– It contains ammonium and carbonate ions.

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