“capuchin” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “capuchin”:

– It is also known as the white-faced capuchin or the white-throated capuchin.

– The white-headed capuchin sometimes interacts with other sympatric monkey species.

– Though the white-headed capuchin can use tools in many different ways, it does not use tools as often as the robust capuchins do, and male capucins tend to use tools more than female capuchins do.

– Like other monkeys of the “Cebus” group, the white-headed Capuchin is named after the order of Order of Friars Minor CapuchinCapuchin friars ndash; the cowls worn by these friars looks like the monkey’s white fur.

– The Region was discovered during the 17th century by Capuchin Friars.

capuchin some ways to use
capuchin some ways to use

Example sentences of “capuchin”:

– They are also used as service animals, sometimes being called “nature’s butlers.” Some organizations have been training capuchin monkeys to assist Quadriplegiaquadriplegics as monkey helpers in a manner similar to mobility assistance dogs.

– The biggest rescue the centre undertook was that of the 19 retired stump-tailed macaques from a medical research laboratory in the UK; but the rescue mission in 2008, of the 88 capuchin monkeys from a medical research laboratory in Chile, took the record of the largest rescue of primates in the world.

– The white-headed capuchin is a medium-sized New World monkey of the family Cebidae, subfamily Cebinae.

– It eats howler monkeys, pygmy sloths, capybaras, foxes, capuchin monkeys, and some birds.

– The white-headed capuchin is a diurnal animaldiurnal and arboreal animal.

– The white-headed Capuchin has a long life span.

– In addition, compared to their South American counterparts, male white-headed capuchins are relatively more alert to rival males than to predators, reducing the predator detection benefits that the Central American squirrel monkey receives from associating with the white-headed capuchin compared to its South American counterparts.

– The white-headed capuchin likes to drink daily, so in forests where water holes dry up during the dry season, there can be competition between troops over access to the remaining water holes.

– Although South American capuchin species often travel with and feed together with squirrel monkeys, the white-headed capuchin only rarely associates with the Central American squirrel monkey.

– The white-headed capuchin is noisy.

- They are also used as service animals, sometimes being called "nature's butlers." Some organizations have been training capuchin monkeys to assist Quadriplegiaquadriplegics as monkey helpers in a manner similar to mobility assistance dogs.

- The biggest rescue the centre undertook was that of the 19 retired stump-tailed macaques from a medical research laboratory in the UK; but the rescue mission in 2008, of the 88 capuchin monkeys from a medical research laboratory in Chile, took the record of the largest rescue of primates in the world.

– It covers the low and high-profile rescues, one of the most dramatic being in January 2008 when Cronin led a huge rescue of 88 Capuchin monkeys from Chile.

– The white-headed capuchin is known to rub parts of certain plants into their fur.

– Like other Capuchin monkeys, the white-headed Capuchin matures slowly.

– The Capuchin group will be protective of its territory, marking a central area of their territory with urine and defending it against intruders.

– The white-headed Capuchin has a polygamous mating system.

– Many Honduran Capuchin monkeys were captured and relocated to the island of Roatán, and many Nicaraguan Capuchin monkeys were captured and relocated to the island of Ometepe.

– Crystal is a female capuchin monkey and animal actress.

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