“canine” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “canine”:

– The black-backed jackal is a canine that comes from eastern and southern Africa.

– Some species of “Anopheles” are Vector vectors for canine heartworm “Dirofilaria immitis”, filariasis, and viruses such as one that causes O’nyong’nyong fever.

– The canine is really small – smaller than all known hominins we have found in the past”.

– The Taung specimen had short canine teeth, and the position of the foramen magnum was evidence of bipedal locomotion.

– The canine tooth was painted brown and patched with bubble gum.

– In the episode, The Canine Mutiny he was shortly abandoned by Bart after Bart gets a new dog named “Laddie” with his credit card and the repo-men took him but is then re-adopted by Bart after he gets bored of Laddie and goes to search for Santa’s Little Helper who was at the time working as a seeing-eye dog for a blind man.

canine example in sentences
canine example in sentences

Example sentences of “canine”:

– The canine teeth are long and suitable for grasping and stabbing.

– Early synapsids could have 2 or even 3 enlarged ‘canines’, but in the therapsids, the pattern had settled to one canine in each upper jaw half.

– Males have long upper canine teeth, which can be up to 5cm long.

– Its canine wear is similar to other Miocene apes.

– They are the eight large flat teeth with straight edges that are at the front of a person’s mouth, in between the canine teeth, which are pointed.

– Tritylodonts have no canine teeth, just incisors and cheek teeth.

– There were also other cats with Canine toothcanines which were not so long, such as “Homotherium”.

– Viral diseases include canine distemper and influenza.

– The function of these flanges was to protect the flattened canine teeth.

– The Bobcat has powerful jaws and long, pointed canine teeth.

– Although mostly vegetarian, they have long canine teeth or fangs that the adult males sometimes use to fight each other for the troop leadership.

– The side-striped jackal is a canine that comes from central and southern Africa.

– Within a year, a database of some 12,500 registration-required canine residents would be available to sanitation workers with sample-test kits.

– Apart from the canine teeth, their adaptations included strength in the forelimbs.

– They hung on round the prey’s neck, gripping and slashing the underside of the throat with their canine teeth.

– The canine teeth are two inches long, which, in proportion, are longer than other living felines.

– After the wolves were gone from Yellowstone, the coyote became the park’s top canine predator.

– They had large, powerful, square-shaped jaws with huge, sabre-like canine and interlaced, socket-like teeth.

– Its canine teeth were long and powerfully developed; they were used for stabbing prey.

– Dogs can also be vaccinated against many other diseases, including canine distemper, canine parvovirus, infectious canine hepatitis, adenovirus-2, leptospirosis, bordetellabordatella, canine parainfluenza virus, and Lyme disease.

- The canine teeth are long and suitable for grasping and stabbing.

- Early synapsids could have 2 or even 3 enlarged 'canines', but in the therapsids, the pattern had settled to one canine in each upper jaw half.

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