“calculation” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “calculation”:

– This means that though the precision calculation is tedious the undulator can be seen as a black box.

– Whereas conventional risk management approaches emphasise calculation of failure probabilities, resilience engineering looks for ways to strengthen the ability of organisations to create processes that are robust yet flexible.

– The machine would do a calculation for many possible start positions of the χ wheels.

– The Human Development Report Office states that they undertook a systematic revision of the methods used for the calculation of the HDI and that the new methodology directly addresses the critique by Wolff “et al.” in that it generates a system for continuous updating of the human development categories whenever formula or data revisions take place.

– The specific heat, the mass of the material and the temperature scale must all be in the same units in order to accurately perform the calculation for heat.

– Even though it is conventional to use gauge pressure in the calculation of hydraulic head, it is more correct to use total pressure, since this is truly what drives groundwater flow.

– There are several component charts that contribute to the overall calculation of the Hot 100.

– In this case, the thing moving loses energy, and this makes calculation more difficult.

calculation how to use in sentences
calculation how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “calculation”:

- An arithmetic calculation shows by how much the player's grade changes.

- This in turn calls internal processes that turn all the data supplied at edit time into a rendered bitmap image, so that there is no calculation overhead by the time the page is read by a user, any more than any other commons image.

– An arithmetic calculation shows by how much the player’s grade changes.

– This in turn calls internal processes that turn all the data supplied at edit time into a rendered bitmap image, so that there is no calculation overhead by the time the page is read by a user, any more than any other commons image.

– The start position that gave the largest count from this calculation was likely to be the right one.

– Due to the precision used in the automatic calculation of the currently projected population, a rounding error occurs in the output and this needs to be compensated for periodically in order to reduce this error, or else the error will compound over time.

– The following examples illustrate the use of divergence theorem in the calculation of multivariate contour integrals.

– This calculation represents the bonus element of Gainsharing.

– Since cross products are usually only defined for three-dimensional vectors, the calculation of cross product in two dimensions treat the vectors as if they are vectors on the xy-plane in three dimension.

– Freeman, who also worked for Sir Douglas Fox and Partners, did the calculation of stresses for the bridge.

– Aside from a convenient way to calculate values from different specified time periods, this template allows a regularly automatically updated calculation of value based on the most recent available inflation data.

– For this calculation to work, footnotes and references for the parallax and its error should be placed in “parallax_footnote” rather than “parallax” or “p_error”.

– Kennedy’s calculation depends on, the mean annual increase in world power production.

– He made the calculation based on how long it must have taken the Earth to cool down to its present temperature, given a starting point of 2,000C.

– The most common way of calculation is the one suggested by Linus Pauling, and it gives the relative Pauling scale.

– The use of parentheses “” allows a single calculation to combine each formula, inside others, as only 1 level of expansion depth.

More in-sentence examples of “calculation”:

- For that reason, the calculation of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, starts with the "molad" for the month of Tishrei.

- If the undated sum doesn't match what's expected, then the "debug=yes" parameter will display the calculation in the progress box.
- The laboratory of 3D computer graphics and calculation creating new algorithms to solve problems of processing and analysis of signals and images.

– For that reason, the calculation of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, starts with the “molad” for the month of Tishrei.

– If the undated sum doesn’t match what’s expected, then the “debug=yes” parameter will display the calculation in the progress box.

– The laboratory of 3D computer graphics and calculation creating new algorithms to solve problems of processing and analysis of signals and images.

– A computer-based, time-resolved calculation of sea ice volume, fitted to various measurements, revealed that monitoring the ice volume is much more important for evaluating sea ice loss than pure area considerations.Zhang, Jinlun and D.A.

– Listed for each station is the line or lines serving it, the local authority and London Travelcard zone in which it is located,The London Underground uses a system of nine concentric zones for the calculation of fares between stations.

– Mathematics and measurement assume that everything used in one equation equals the same quantities at the beginning of calculation or axiomatization as at the end.

– Knowing that there were many errors in the calculation of mathematical tables, Babbage wanted to find a way to calculate them mechanically, removing errors made by humans.

– The calculation is correct when perihelion, the date the Earth is closest to the Sun, falls on a solstice.

– The calculation of a confidence interval generally requires assumptions about the nature of the estimation process, since it is primarily a “parametric” method.

– This calculation makes clear that mankind cannot develop without nature’s services.

– A calculation shows that this value of the flux would cause on an absorbing surface to experience 4.6 µPa of radiation pressure.

– The calculation method to be adopted will be closely modeled after the Elo rating system and rankings of its member associations will be updated on a game-by-game basis.

– The mathematical technique used in the calculation is trigonometry.

– For example, if the picture to display was just a white screen, the screens processor would only calculate the colour once and use the same calculation for the whole screen.

– Addition and subtraction steps in a calculation are generally done mentally or on paper, not on the slide rule.

– One advantage of using a slide rule together with an electronic calculator is that an important calculation can be checked by doing it on both; because the two instruments are so different, there is little chance of making the same mistake twice.

– People use solid geometry for many purposes including engineering and the calculation of perspective.

– Mental calculation often involves the use of specific techniques devised for specific types of problems.

– They checked the calculation using “warazan a straw-based method of calculation and recording numerals that was reminiscent of Inca EmpireIncan Quipu.

– Companies use a pre-determined calculation to share the savings with all employees.

– The calculation of the last three quantities is explained in the respective Wiki pages.

– The investigation found that during the calculation of the building’s structural load, only the LIVE LOAD was factored in.

– The calculation makes use of convection in a viscous fluid as well as radioactivity, so it combines Perry’s idea with the effect of radioactivity, even though Perry’s contribution had been forgotten.

– It is used in the calculation of the area of a triangle and parallelogram.

– It is a game of skill, intelligence, calculation and luck.

– The missionaries and bishops who came to Britain from Rome used a Roman calculation for the date of Easter.

– In 1897 Kelvin did the calculation one last time, and came up with 20 to 40 million years.

– Uccello became very good at mathematical calculation of the perspective of buildings, but it was not until his old age that he could fully understand how to calculate the sizes of things like people in the distance.

– David Hacker, has made a new calculation of Civil War deaths which is about 20% higher.

– Structural analysis is the calculation of the effects of loads on physical structures.

– Her calculation reached 31.4 trillion digits.

– Zero is returned when calculation is too complex.

– Bishop Colmán argued for the Ionan calculation of Easter given them by Columba, founder of their order.

– The calculation may also include things such as gender, age, height, weight, and race.

– The integration is about the calculation of areas.

– Most calculators provide a function for calculation of a square root.

– In November 2011, the fluid mechanics applied to aerodynamics laboratory created in 2009 has adopted a new calculation tool allowing for the end of 2011 the commissioning of a digital wind tunnel.

– In the FIFA rankings, this is not simply the team that has risen the most places, but a calculation is performed in order to account for the fact that it becomes progressively harder to earn more points the higher up the rankings a team is.

– He did this calculation a number of times, making various assumptions.

– Al-Khwarizmi was known for the book he wrote about algebra, “Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing”.”al-Khwarizmi.” Notable Mathematicians.

– So that calculation gives us the length of line b in the chart.

– The calculation is based on past transactions or events.

– The automatic calculation requires both the population and area; if either is not provided then this template generates no output.

– These should have no impact on correct age calculation except in extremely unusual circumstances.

– The abacus, the slide rule, the astrolabe and the Antikythera mechanism are examples of automated calculation machines.

– In computer science, a space-time or time-memory tradeoff is a way of solving a problem or calculation in less time by using more storage space, or by solving a problem in very little space by spending a long time.

– The calculation used is the number of points the team has at the end of the year.

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