“byzantium” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “byzantium”:

– Stephanus of Byzantium wrote about “Albion”.

– The writing of the Justinianic Code makes it possible that Aurelian was in Byzantium during winter 272–273.

– One of the first known experiments on how combustion needs air was carried out by GreeceGreek Philo of Byzantium in the 2nd centuryBC.

– The “Alexandrian Canon” compiled by Aristophanes of Byzantium and Aristarchus of Samothrace recognized Demosthenes as one of the ten greatest Attic orators and speech writers.

– Other relics were brought from Byzantium over the next two years.

– The cities of Zara and the surrounding territories each changed hands several times between Venice, Hungary and the Byzantium during the 12th century.

– Most of them, both in Byzantium and in Eastern Europe, were converted from paganism into Orthodox Christianity.

byzantium - sentence examples
byzantium – sentence examples

Example sentences of “byzantium”:

– Some of these texts are similar to what Scandinavians who travelled to Byzantium have written in Latin.

– In 196 AD, Byzantium was damaged by the Roman EmpireRomans, then rebuilt by the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus.

– When the Roman Empire fell in 330 AD, many books went east to the city of Byzantium where a large library was built.

– The Olympic games were abolished by emperor of Byzantium Theodosius I, in 394 AD.

– After a great earthquake in 989 destroyed the dome of Hagia Sophia, the Byzantine EmpireByzantine officials sent Trdat to Byzantium to organize repairs.

– In 1204 the same army conquered Byzantium and finally eliminated the Eastern Empire from the list of contenders on Dalmatian territory.

– The Kyivan State was an eastern outpost of European Christendom, it kept the movement of nomad hordes to the West, and reduced their onslaught against Byzantium and Central European countries.

– Alexander Kazhdan, ‘Komnene, Anna’, in The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium ed.

- Some of these texts are similar to what Scandinavians who travelled to Byzantium have written in Latin.

- In 196 AD, Byzantium was damaged by the Roman EmpireRomans, then rebuilt by the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus.

– These were soldiers who had not been paid and wanted to go to Byzantium where they hoped they could get pay.

– Roger de Flor’s offer was accepted by both Byzantium and by the Crown of Aragon, rulers in Sicily and southern Italy, who were quite eager to rid themselves of unemployed and unruly soldiers.

– The origins of Byzantium are not clear.

– Caenophrurium was a place between Perinthus and Byzantium in Roman Thracia.

– He made the old city Byzantium into a new, larger city: Constantinople.

– Following the legend the citizens of Byzantium claimed the crescent moon as their state symbol, after an important victory in 340 BC.

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