“by air” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “by air”:

– When copper is oxidized by air or water, it turns green, and falls apart.

– The present-day linden were replanted in the 1950s, they are affected by air pollution as well as by soil contamination.

– The Battle of Britain was the first major campaign to be fought only by air forces, and it was also the largest and longest aerial bombing campaign until then.

– Army theater commander in China during World War II and had been supplied by air over the mountains from India by army transport planes.

– When the arena was sponsored by Air Canada, it was nicknamed “the ACC” and “the Hangar”.

by air in sentences?
by air in sentences?

Example sentences of “by air”:

– It is currently owned by Air France-KLM.

– It is cooled by air and fires by the power of electricity.

– Ammonia is reacted with air to make nitric oxide, and the nitric oxide is oxidized by air to make nitrogen dioxide.

– It was used by Air Education and Training Command’s 12th Flying Training Wing.

– Pure copper can be oxidized by air and also by water.

– Breath sounds are the sounds made by air as it moves through the respiratory system.

– Graduates from “École nationale de l’aviation civile he starts his career as air transport pilot in Gabon, waiting to be hired by Air France.

– It was used by Air France, British AirwaysBOAC, airlines in the world.

– Water bombers are used both by air forces, administrations, and private societies.

– As they enter the atmosphere the heat made by air friction rips off electrons.

– The next day he made a report which said that the supply by air would be impossible.

– Some are used by air forces in addition of militaries variants.

– But the car escapes much to his disappointment, and seeing that the car is able to float and move like a speedboat on the sea, he sabotages the Potts’ home by air and kidnaps Grandfather Potts, mistaking him for the inventor of Chitty.

– As in the pipe organ, the sound is made by air blowing through the pipes, but power to make the air blow does not come from bellows or from electricity as in the modern organ, but from water, for example from a waterfall.

– Aaron travels to France by air and begins to build a room-sized time machine with a group of workers there.

– When food is scarce, most species form cysts, which may be carried by air to other places.

– One Boeing 737 was leased from Maersk Air and maintained by Air Tara.

– Land was eroded by air and water and deposited as layers in the sea; heat then consolidated the sediment into stone, and uplifted it into new lands.

- It is currently owned by Air France-KLM.

- It is cooled by air and fires by the power of electricity.
- Ammonia is reacted with air to make nitric oxide, and the nitric oxide is oxidized by air to make nitrogen dioxide.

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