“but” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “but”:

– I was beginning to understand how simplewiki operates, and heeded “every” indication when my various edits were found unacceptable, but frankly – this deletion is a setback, and discouraging.

– Their nomination can be mentioned in the body of the article, but infoboxes should not be changed until the person is actually serving in the office.

– Its ruler, the Maharaja of Jodhpur, expressed a wish to join Pakistan but Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of BurmaLord Mountbatten warned him that his subjects were mostly Hindus and his accession to Pakistan would create problems.

– In the 1970s, Thomas Gold proposed the theory that life first developed not on the surface of the Earth, but several kilometers below the surface.

– They have played in not just Canada, but also in the United States and Australia as well.

– Its origin is disputed, but it is certainly related to several French and Italian gambling games.

but use in-sentences
but use in-sentences

Example sentences of “but”:

– Their father is Wotan, the chief god, but they don’t know this either.

– Most difficulty in learning English is not international words, but English-specific ones and grammar.

– In episode 14 of season 4 of the series Mickey Mouse, which began airing on the Disney Channel in June 2013, Mickey addresses Minnie as “Minifred but this is non-canon.

– They released an album in March 2015 called “Blaster” but their guitar player, Jeremy Brown, died the day before it came out.

– They have a very cuddly appearance but in no way are suitable to be pets.

– However, psychologists such as Zhang and Kleinman have found disorders with similar symptoms, but different names.

– LIII He was taken prisoner but was ransomed because the King considered him so important.

- Their father is Wotan, the chief god, but they don’t know this either.

- Most difficulty in learning English is not international words, but English-specific ones and grammar.
- In episode 14 of season 4 of the series Mickey Mouse, which began airing on the Disney Channel in June 2013, Mickey addresses Minnie as "Minifred but this is non-canon.

– These links generally have no description, but they will automatically be given a number by the software.

– This is not coincident with the islet named Ortac, but its name is undoubtedly derived from the islet.

– A vexilloid has the same functions as a flag but it looks different.

– Peugeot make the same vehicle but with a different name, The name is: Peugeot Partner.

More in-sentence examples of “but”:

– This is because of the central limit theorem, which says that if an event is the sum of identical but random events, it will be normally distributed.

– These manufacturers include, but are not limited to, Asus, MSI, and EVGA.

– She had had left Italia Conti for a television programme, but was hired by a modelling agency.

– Metaphysics is sometimes split up into ontology, the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of religion; but these sub-branches are very close together.

– His government made many changes, like the Whitlam government, but did it more slowly and with more planning.

– From 1995 to 2002, there was a shared apartment, but it was redeveloped, because of a water damage.

– Damon Evans plays Lionel after Mike Evans left but Mike came back to play the character in 1979.

– The second dorsal fin is large, but smaller than the first dorsal.

– The adults are superficially like starfish, but they are a different group, with different larvae.

– The insect- and seed-eating, ground-nesting birds of this family resemble partridges, but with featherless heads, though both members of the genus “Guttera” have a distinctive black crest, and the vulturine guineafowl has a downy brown patch on the nape.

– One detail which is uncommon, but shows his realism are the horse droppings shown in the foreground of the picture.

– The new airlines will take the United name but use Continental’s globe identity and livery.

– Vasari built other buildings that are more beautiful, but the Vasari Corridor is probably his most famous.

– The Telugu varies across the state but the language remains the same.

– The season started June 1, 2007, and ended on November 30, 2007, but the last storm did not die until December 12, 2007.

– The other Bohemians go out, but Rodolfo stays alone for a moment in order to finish a newspaper article, promising to join his friends soon.

– More than 750–1000mg a day is a significant amount, but is very unlikely to kill someone.

– Trains will also make an additional stop at during early mornings and late evenings but will not stop at the station during the main part of the day.

– It was founded as Juke Box Records in 1946, but renamed by its owner Art Rupe when separated from some of his former partners.

– The one that was built in 1868 gave many problems and had to be rebuilt five years later, but it was kept until 1940 because it made a nice sound.

– He made several more records over the next few years, but they did not sell much either.

– Stevenson was born in Cambridge, England, but went to America at six months old.

– Kerr was born in Berlin, but moved to the United Kingdom before the Nazis rose to power because Kerr’s father, openly a Nazi critic, was scared for his family’s safety.

– Since then, fewer people in Quebec have wanted to leave Canada, but it is still important to Quebec politics.

– The first building was opposite the west side to the Royal Albert Hall, but in 1894 the RCM moved to a larger building south of the Royal Albert Hall on Prince Consort Road.

– You will notice that there are direct links provided for the ICD9 codes, but not for ICD10.

– During later reanalysis, Olaf was found to be a tropical depression during most of this time, but at the time was considered dissipated.

– Each buyer knows how much he is willing to pay, but does not know the price the other buyers are willing to pay.

– With great effort, Wolverine reaches Phoenix and sticks his claws into her to stop her, killing her but saving the soldiers.

– I’m not familiar with much of the music scene, so I’m not sure how important any of these publications are, but that’s a sampling of what’s out there.

– Only a small part of the sea has been pictured by radar, but its full size is seen in visible light pictures.

– Like round-half-to-even, this rule is essentially free of overall bias; but it is also fair among even and odd “q” values.

– That being said, I really believe in this project this time, the India programs team might not be in good terms with the Indian community, but they’ve been doing marvelous work and newbie generation is as high as ever, I won’t say thanks to them, but at least, all the outreaches I have done, I’ve had their support.

– From 1995 to 2003 they played in the Bundesliga, but in the season 2002/2003 they only reached the 10th place and were relegated to the First Division.

– Energy demand is expected to rise, but not indefinitely.

– The brown recluse spider is a timid but dangerous spider that lives in North America.

– Much of South Sudan’s economy is based on oil, but they also have a large lumber industry mainly consisting of teak.

– The way rockets were made got more advanced, but only on paper.

– It has almost everything the iPhone 6S has but in the body of an iPhone 5S.

– Not only is it far too long and multi-syllabic, but the man’s name is virtually unknown outside the U.S.

– Earlier forms of keeping records were known but were not confined to a room or rooms.

– The stand is the smallest of the four in terms of capacity, but includes the Directors’ Box, Press Area, and various other hospitality suites.

– The first one is used by the FranceFrench Ministry of National Education, but also by the French employment agency, to classify jobseekers by education level, and by INSEE for the census,…

– It passed under British control in 1765 and was constituted a municipality in 1864, but it continued to lose prominence until it was designated the capital of Eastern Bengal and Assam province.

– While the vast majority of all active editors are now admins, I have done some calculations and found out that there is currently 4 users who are non-admins but have more than 1000 edits.

– After her break up with Bergman in the early 1970s, she went to Hollywood and appeared in movies such as “Pope Joan but failed to establish herself as the new Nordic star like Greta Garbo and Ingrid Bergman before her.

- This is because of the central limit theorem, which says that if an event is the sum of identical but random events, it will be normally distributed.

- These manufacturers include, but are not limited to, Asus, MSI, and EVGA.
- She had had left Italia Conti for a television programme, but was hired by a modelling agency.

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