“bubonic” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “bubonic”:

– After misadventures upon the fells, the two are later hunted down by sheep farmers and the army, because it is believed that they have the bubonic plague.

– He may have died either of bubonic plague or dysentry.

– For example, during outbreaks of the bubonic plague in Europe, people were terrified of catching this disease from dead bodies.

– Sufferers of the bubonic plague develop fevers, severe flu symptoms and buboes that could swell to the size of an average apple.

– But his army was weakened by bubonic plague and poor supplies because the Navy was defeated at the Battle of the Nile.

– A few already have been used, including anthrax, bubonic plague, smallpox, and ricin.

bubonic - example sentences
bubonic – example sentences

Example sentences of “bubonic”:

- Septicemic plague is the rarest of the three plagues that struck Europe in 1348, the other forms are Bubonic plaguebubonic and pneumonic plague.

- Most people think that the disease was the bubonic plague.

– Septicemic plague is the rarest of the three plagues that struck Europe in 1348, the other forms are Bubonic plaguebubonic and pneumonic plague.

– Most people think that the disease was the bubonic plague.

– When the flea would bite a human it opened up the skin but since the stomach of the flea was blocked, the blood from the human was heaved up back into the human, only this time it was infected with the Bubonic plague bacteria.

– In 1349 half of the Norwegian people died, getting sick from the bubonic plague.

– She was born at the time of the Black Death, or Bubonic Plague.

– A bubo is a rounded swelling on the skin of a person afflicted by the bubonic plague.

– For example, rats who have the bubonic plague do not directly infect humans.

– During the Middle Ages, the oriental rat flea spread a bacteria that caused the Bubonic Plague, also known as the Black Death or Black Plague, a huge epidemic much more severe than today’s bird flu.

– He died during a Bubonic plagueplague outbreak in 1556, in Karbalā’, either of the plague itself or of cholera.

– This is the bacteria that causes bubonic plague.

– There are different kinds of Bubonic plague.

– The bubonic plague was the disease that caused the Black Death, which killed tens of millions of people in Europe, in the Middle Ages.

– Many scientists believe that the bubonic plague was spread through fleas on rats, because that plague is spread by the microorganism.

– During the Great Plague of London, the disease called the bubonic plague killed about 200,000 people in London, England.

– For instance, an antibody designed to destroy smallpox is unable to hit the bubonic plague or the common cold.

– Later outbreaks of bubonic plague in Italy include the city of Florence in 1630-1633 and the areas surrounding Naples, Rome and Genoa in 1656-1657.

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