“brutal” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “brutal”:

+ Later, the situation would lead to the country’s breakup, and to brutal and bitter wars in Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Slovenia during the 1990s.

+ Furthermore, during various periods in the history of the Islamic world, Arab Christians were subject to at times brutal and humiliating persecution.

+ Miroslav Filipović was a Franciscan friar, who joined the Ustaša army on 7 February 1942 in a brutal massacre of 2730 Serbs of the nearby villages, including 500 children.

+ In the past, a traditional Burmese Boxing was quite different from Thaing, for its brutal and rough side.

+ Like the last game, The energy meter returns to allow the player to use techniques like the brutal X-Ray moves, with some refinements made to their system.

+ This did not work, so Frances gave Jane a brutal whipping.

+ This was the brutal method of executing “one man in ten” to encourage the others to fight harder.

brutal - example sentences
brutal – example sentences

Example sentences of “brutal”:

+ Generals from both sides suffered from massive stress because of the battle and also because of the fact that they had to report to the most brutal leader in their nation’s history.

+ All parties were very brutal when it came to interactions with civilians.

+ But life at Port Arthur was just as hard and brutal as other penal colonies.

+ His best known movie is “Cannibal Holocaust”, thought to be one of the most controversial and brutal in the history of cinema.

+ Many early melodic death metal bands wanted to mix the fast, brutal songs of death metal with the dual guitar harmonies and melodies of heavy metal musicheavy metal bands such as Iron Maiden and Saxon.

+ Afterwards, shaken by his brutal victory, he decided to become a Buddhist and lead with peace, not war.

+ Asratyan, due to the brutal policies of the Ottoman Empire during the temporary occupation of Transcaucasia, in the 1580s or 90s, Aykaz II left his possessions and lived in exile in Iran for 10-15 years.

+ Generals from both sides suffered from massive stress because of the battle and also because of the fact that they had to report to the most brutal leader in their nation's history.

+ All parties were very brutal when it came to interactions with civilians.
+ But life at Port Arthur was just as hard and brutal as other penal colonies.

+ She suffers from memories and nightmares of the accident and brutal murders of her friends by the vengeful fisherman, Ben Willis, from the summer before.

+ Toussaint had left an impression about slavery, and the slaves continued to fight the rich French plantation owners in a brutal way.

+ Its brutal repression of Yugoslav PartisansPartisan activities and the killing and imprisonment of thousands of Yugoslav civilians in concentration camps in the newly annexed provinces, and in Italy proper, fed the anti-Italian sentiments of the Slovenian and Croatian subjects of Fascist Italy.

+ According to Voice of the Martyrs there have been brutal killings of P’ent’ay Christians in rural areas that tend to be overlooked by the Ethiopian rural officials and stay undisclosed to international organizations.

More in-sentence examples of “brutal”:

+ Partially with the help of Byzantine missionaries preachers, partly by the brutal violence, he finally made all Kyiv population to be baptized.

+ Detractors allege he was simply a brutal dictator and only brought about high growth through military control over labour.

+ Partially with the help of Byzantine missionaries preachers, partly by the brutal violence, he finally made all Kyiv population to be baptized.

+ Detractors allege he was simply a brutal dictator and only brought about high growth through military control over labour.

+ Fearing for her life, Lucy locks herself inside a closet to escape her brutal father.

+ He conquered Wales, and subdued the Welsh by brutal policies.

+ At their bases, they emphasize Sekhmet’s savagery and brutal myths.

+ These kapos were known for being cruel and brutal to other prisoners.

+ Known as partisans, the brutal conflict they took part in is called the Italian Liberation War.

+ Although he was successful on the battlefield, Sumanguru an arrogant, brutal and intolerant ruler.

+ In practice, the Spanish Inquisition served to consolidate power in the monarchy of the newly unified Spanish kingdom, but it achieved that end through infamously brutal methods.

+ He “dreams to spread the gentle message of Buddha to the Anglo-Saxon lands.” His idealism fades in London’s brutal and gritty inner-city.

+ Reagan said, “The Soviet Union says it wants a peaceful settlement in Afghanistan, yet it continues a brutal war and props up a regime whose days are clearly numbered.

+ Cromwell was remembered in Ireland as a brutal invader, particularly because of the large numbers of people killed at the Siege of Drogheda..

+ Nevertheless he was always determined to show that he was prepared neither to be intimidated nor cowed by brutal treatment at die hands of a barbarous enemy.His powers of resistance and his determination to oppose and fight the enemy to the maximum were beyond praise.

+ Due to careful planning and expert battling techniques of Sarath Fonseka under the guidance of former president Mahinda Rajapakse and former defence secreatariat Gotabaya Rajapakse, the brutal civil war in May 2010.

+ While some locals may have been initially optimistic about the ousting of the European imperialists, the Japanese proved to be brutal rulers; millions were conscripted into harsh labour.

+ He was called a brutal killer by prison officials and a former leader of the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang.

+ Other setpieces include the cold, unfeeling lawyer threatening the young hero and his widowed mother with foreclosure, and the brutal poorhouse staff making the young hero’s life miserable while he dwells under their roof.

+ Death metal is a style of heavy metal that is a very fast, brutal and energetic.

+ Amin became known as a very brutal leader and in the 1970s he was compared to historical persons such as Caligula, Hitler, Beria and Himmler.

+ A citizen led revolt overthrew and killed the brutal new dictator General Vilbrun Guillaume Sam within 6 months of seizing power.

+ The brutal police action against the Northern Ireland civil rights movement and the raids by loyalist paramilitaries in 1967 brought the IRA back on the map.

+ However, there were also brutal and cruel things that happened when he was in charge.

+ He adopted the superhero identity after his best friend was killed in a brutal murder.

+ In 1981, Jaruzelski ordered a brutal crackdown on people who did not agree with the Communist government of Poland.

+ Kafka’s stories often have fathers who are very brutal and unkind.

+ After on particularly brutal hunt for licenses on November 30, 1854, the miners met together at Bakery Hill to demand the League do something to protect them from the police violence.

+ Its sole, undisputed, often brutal ruler is the father.

+ In June of 1998, Amon Amarth was about to go on tour with Deicide Deicide, Six Feet Under, Brutal Truth when guitarist Anders Hansson left and was replaced by Johan Soderberg.

+ The young Carson’s brutal and vicious notions about Native Americans is sometimes considered his greatest moral failing.

+ The Battle of Stalingrad has often been recorded as an example of how brutal a war can be.

+ There are less than 100 Jedi left in the Galaxy after the brutal war against Darth Malak.

+ Even though he created brutal conditions for his subjects, he created the powerful Zulu Kingdom.

+ Battlefield medicine was brutal and dirty.

+ Videla was one of history’s most brutal dictators.

+ It also revisited the brutal sound and violent themes similar to their earlier albums.

+ Many still question Pak’s judgment, however, as his 1965 normalization of diplomatic relations with Japan had been extremely unpopular and resulted in widespread unrest as memories from Japan’s 35-year brutal colonization of Korea proved vivid.

+ The rogue state of Iran Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei condemned the savage attack of the Zionist regime against an international aid convoy heading towards Gaza, and said the Israeli regime proved that it is more brutal than Fascists.

+ On his trail is Heidi, a Substance dependencejunkie prostitute, who survived one of his brutal attacks and now strives for revenge.

+ The energy meter allows the player to use techniques like the brutal X-Ray moves, with some refinements made to their system.

+ Liu Shaoqi died in prison from brutal treatment, hunger, and terrible conditions.

+ In “Combat Sports in the Ancient World”, Michael Poliakoff points out that Greek wrestling was a brutal sport and tolerated some rough tactics.

+ There were also notable appearances in “Old Times” at the Theatre Royal Haymarket, and as “Volpone” and the brutal sergeant in Pinter’s “Mountain Language”.

+ Kobayashi is best known for competing in brutal deathmatches.

+ The army and militias were very brutal towards women.

+ He planned and ordered the Family to commit several brutal murders.

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