“bring” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “bring”:

– Gravity and exploding stars both help to bring the gas together to make new stars in nebulas.

– Mario has to find the six Royal Stickers to restore the Sticker Comet and bring peace to the Mushroom Kingdom.

– Sometimes parents may not have Employmentjobs or money and abandon their children because they cannot afford to bring them up.

– They build aqueducts to bring water there.

– She meets a group of young people who bring her to Kent to work in the fields with them.

– Thought I’d bring it here just in case I’m missing anything or if anyone knows of him…

– Being hit is supposed to bring good luck, but this used to be very unsafe.

– Richard N Cooper, “The General Theory of Employment, Money, and Interest” Foreign Affairs ; Sep/Oct 1997 Published in February 1936, it sought to bring about a revolution, commonly referred to as the “Keynesian Revolution”, in the way economists thought– especially in relation to the proposition that a market economy tends naturally to restore itself to full employment after temporary shocks.

bring some ways to use
bring some ways to use

Example sentences of “bring”:

- As the chicks grow, both parents hunt and bring them food, and the chicks leave the nest at about seven weeks of age.

- Scientists could communicate better, which helped bring the scientific revolution and new technology.
- People bring wreaths made of poppies to Remembrance Day ceremonies.

– As the chicks grow, both parents hunt and bring them food, and the chicks leave the nest at about seven weeks of age.

– Scientists could communicate better, which helped bring the scientific revolution and new technology.

– People bring wreaths made of poppies to Remembrance Day ceremonies.

– At first the adult gives the pup a dead animal, then when the pup is older, the adult will bring a live animal but will hurt it so the pup can kill it easier.

– The show is about Ned, a pie maker, who finds that he has the power to bring dead people back to life by touching them.

– Weather affects the formation of cays greatly; large tides would bring much more debris onto the cay and thus make it larger, while a hurricane destroys a cay.

– RBCs bring more oxygen around the body.

– The Roman SenateSenate had ordered Sempronius Longus to bring his army from Sicily to meet Scipio and face Hannibal.

– Other laws made it easier to bring non-Europeans to Australia.

– When people found out the Changsha turtle was a female Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle, they did not bring her to Suzhou right away.

– In the two-year period from December 2006 to December 2008 whole-time equivalent civilian staffing levels were increased by over 60%, from under 1,300 to approximately 2,100, in furtherance of official policies to release more desk-bound Gardaí for operational duties and to bring the level of general support in line with international norms.

More in-sentence examples of “bring”:

- Kutlu Tiryaki, a captain of the other vessel in the flotilla, said that the passengers did not have weapons at all, but only came to bring aid in a peaceful manner.

- Santa's new additional homes in many more countries make it easier and faster for the postal services to bring all the letters from every good person who writes to Santa Claus.
- During the first wave, women began to realize that they must first gain political power before they could bring about social change.

– Kutlu Tiryaki, a captain of the other vessel in the flotilla, said that the passengers did not have weapons at all, but only came to bring aid in a peaceful manner.

– Santa’s new additional homes in many more countries make it easier and faster for the postal services to bring all the letters from every good person who writes to Santa Claus.

– During the first wave, women began to realize that they must first gain political power before they could bring about social change.

– I think that Griffin is a net positive as an editor and his promotion to sysop would bring some much needed flavor into the ranks.

– After World War I and the Russian Civil War the Soviet Union was very undeveloped, but the command economy was able to resume pre-war industrial growth, to build houses and to bring electric power distribution to millions.

– SM filed a lawsuit for the Shanghai courts, claiming that ‘Luhan has been participating in activities in China without permission.’ However, according to the rules of jurisdiction, SM has no right to bring a lawsuit over exclusive contract to a Chinese court.

– She sees the rickshaw driver again and he offers to bring her to a house for widows.

– Those with a ticket of leave were able to marry or to bring their families from Britain.

– I want to bring up a user by the name of Winterkind.

– The story then follows the Black Bulls and other Magic Knight squads as they contend with the neighboring Diamond Kingdom and a mysterious terrorist organization known as the Eye of the Midnight Sun, whose leadership is revealed to reincarnated elves whose grudge against the Clover Kingdom is the result of a member of the Devil Race using them to bring his body into their world.

– He also proposed powers called Love and Strife which would act as forces to bring about the mixture and separation of the elements.

– After the Second World War twinning was a way to bring European people into a closer understanding of each other and to promote cross-border projects and peace.

– The Brazilian government wanted to bring more culture to the centre of São Paulo.

– He worked closely with the Florentine Camerata, a famous group of people who met at the home of Count Giovanni de’ Bardi, and tried to bring the tradition of Greek dramatic music back to life.

– In law, negligence is a kind of legal claim that people and organizations can bring if they are hurt.

– Philoctetes survived, and in the tenth year of the war the Achaeans heard of a prophecy dictating them to bring him back, if they wanted to see Troy fall.

– We’ve talked about these guys on IRC a couple times and sort of brushed it off but I wanted to bring it up here so that more could see and comment and for mostly a heads up.

– I considered QDing, but decided to bring it here because it has several references.

– They do not talk about the fact that Koxinga was trying to get rid of the mainland government, to bring back an earlier dynasty.

– His effort to bring together the farmers of his area brought him the title of ‘Sardar’.

– The child rangers then travel throughout time to gather the fragments of the Zeo Crystal to bring time back to normal.

– Dave has to produce a record for rising pop artist Ashley Grey in Miami, and decides to bring Samantha along with him.

– With that, Kirby begins his adventure to defeat Necrodeus and bring himself back together.

– Due to this, they are able to bring more animals towards them and spread their seeds.

– Eurystheus ordered Herakles to bring him Kerberos, a three-headed dog-like monster with a dragon’s tail and a mane of poisonous snakes.

– The new lieutenant governor James Stirling arrived in Cockburn Sound on 2 June on the “Parmelia”, bring 69 new settlers.

– She helped bring Chinese cinema to Europe and the United States.

– He promised to bring back gold and spices for them.

– Krillin learns of other Dragon Balls on planet Namek and joins Bulma and Gohan to look for them to revive their friends and bring back Earth’s Dragon Balls.

– At the beginning of his career, Einstein did not think that Isaac NewtonNewtonian mechanics was enough to bring together the laws of classical mechanics and the laws of the electromagnetic field.

– In 2014 prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused her and Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid of trying to bring down his cabinet.

– For most computers, pressing the delete or F12 button while the computer is booting up will bring up the BIOS setup screen.

– Others bring the female something to eat.

– The male will fly about, gather material, and bring it to her.

– Secondly, people were not allowed to bring their own food and drink into the festival, and they had to buy from food sellers in the festival, which was very expensive, costing $12 for a single slice of pizza, and a 590ml bottole of water cost $4.

– The smallest type of blood vessels, called capillaries, go through the pia mater and bring the brain the things it needs, like blood and oxygen.

– It becomes a problem when they bring their phone to their job because it can have a negative influence on their work.

– King arranged for the government to bring in supplies for sale at a reasonable price, which ended the power of some of the military.

– Synthesis means to bring ideas together, or to make something out of parts which were independent.

– I would like to bring everyone’s attention to, in which an IP address asks EhJJ to reduce the block to January 2010 and claims to be Samlaptop85213.

– He wrote that God would bring about all those events by 1914.

– This means that the student Representative democracyrepresentatives work for the interests of the students and bring them to the school management.

– The finale concludes when Mata Nui uses his strength, and the power of the Mask of Life, to bring Spherus Magna together once more, to heal those who were mutated by Pit Mutagen, to bring life back to the planet, and to reconstruct destroyed geographical features.

– They suspected that traders, merchants and missionaries wanted to bring Japan under the control of European powers.

– Sean fearful for Aisling convinces Liadan to go to Sídhe Dubh to bring Aisling back so they can be married.

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