“bren” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “bren”:

– Many light machine guns such as the Bren light machine gunBren gun or the magazine.

– Despite the name, an LMG is almost always rested on a bipod or a tripod while firing since the gun is normally too heavy to fire while standing, although some LMGs such as the Bren LMG and the BAR are light enough to be fired without a bipod or tripod when a sling is worn around the user.

– Donald Leroy Bren is an American businessman.

– In 2004, Donald Bren donated $20 million and in his honor, the school was renamed after his name, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences.

– This meant that the MG 34 could fire for much longer than weapons like the Browning Automatic Rifle, Japanese Type 11, British Bren and French Châtellerault LMG.

– The Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences is an academic unit of University of California, Irvine.

– The Bren is a light machine gunlight machine gun that was used by the British military during World War II.

bren some ways to use
bren some ways to use

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