“breathing” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “breathing”:

+ For example, smoking or breathing in somebody else’s tobacco smoke is a risk factor for emphysema and lung cancer.

+ To protect themselves from smoke, firefighters will wear a device called a breathing apparatus.

+ Severe cases, however, can interfere with breathing and can cause pain.

+ Treatments may include Intravenous therapyfluids and nutrition given through intravenous breathing support; and medications.

+ If the diver goes up slowly the pressure will change slowly, and there will be enough time for the gas dissolved in the diver to return from the blood to the breathing gas in the divers lungs and it will be safely removed.

+ Allergic skin reactions and asthma attacks can happen when breathing the dust made when these tiles are broken down.

+ If the breathing gas has less nitrogen it will only start at a deeper depth.

breathing how to use?
breathing how to use?

Example sentences of “breathing”:

+ This is the opposite of breathing in helium gas.

+ At about 75mA breathing stops.

+ This is the opposite of breathing in helium gas.

+ At about 75mA breathing stops.

+ In serious overdoses, people may have breathing problems, coma, and possibly death.

+ This gives the body the oxygen it needs until the medication wears off, the breathing muscles can work again, and they can breathe in oxygen on their own.

+ Or they may be supplied with breathing gas through a hose from above the water.

+ Which is a type of meditation that concentrates on your breathing and embracing everything that comes up on your consciousness, without interpreting it with thought and critisism.

+ At this time, Rabin was not breathing and had no pulse.

+ Ninety-eight people were killed in the fire and by breathing in smoke.

+ Also, stings in the area of the mouth can make breathing difficult, or impossible.

+ Firefighters or people who were trapped in fires can get cyanide poisoning or carbon monoxide poisoning from breathing in these toxins.

+ To avoid over-breathing, they breathe out for a long time more than breathing in.

+ The first step in this process is breathing in air, or inhaling.

+ Air pollution may cause health problems such as asthma or other breathing problems.

+ It is a toxic chemical; breathing the substance causes dizziness, headache and nausea.

More in-sentence examples of “breathing”:

+ By breathing or swallowing droplets in the air containing the virus; or by contacting infected nasal mucus or contaminated objects.<!-- I searched PubMed for both the letter and for the "Questions and answers" column.

+ He was rushed to a hospital in Moscow for breathing problems on 21 November, 2015.

+ By breathing or swallowing droplets in the air containing the virus; or by contacting infected nasal mucus or contaminated objects.<!– I searched PubMed for both the letter and for the “Questions and answers” column.

+ He was rushed to a hospital in Moscow for breathing problems on 21 November, 2015.

+ They listen while the patient is breathing in, and while they are breathing out.

+ Pulmonary fibrosis is a respiratory disease in which scars are formed in the lung tissues, leading to serious breathing problems.

+ On 17 November 2013, when he reached 73m without fins or breathing gear, he came up to the surface.

+ The evolution of human speech: the role of enhanced breathing control.

+ Drowning means dying from not being able to breathe in air and breathing in water or another liquid.

+ Depressants slow down bodily functions such as breathing and heart rate.

+ During tonic immobility, the dorsal fin straighten, and both breathing and muscle contractions become more steady and relaxed.

+ It causes difficulty in breathing which can be very mild to severe.

+ Pancuronium bromide paralyzes the breathing muscles along with all of the other muscles.

+ If a person’s body takes too much fluid back up into the bloodstream, this can cause “fluid overload.” This can cause Pulmonary edemafluid to build up in the lungs, which causes breathing problems.

+ When absorbed into the inside of the human body and into the blood, either by breathing in or through skin, several poison gases cause a poisoning.

+ Patients often experience mild to moderate muscle weakness, tremors, and very mild breathing problems.

+ People who may not be able to let somebody know they are having breathing problems include babies and young children.

+ This way of breathing is like how amphibians breathe.

+ It also has medical uses and is used for breathing when there is no good air, and for welding.

+ A respirator is a kind of mask that is used to protect someone from breathing in dusts, fumes, or gases that might hurt them.

+ When breathing in, the muscles of the diaphragm contract.

+ If there is too much carbon dioxide in the blood, the medulla sends signals to the breathing muscles and tells them to work harder.

+ The death certificate stated that when the Pope died, he had Parkinson’s disease, with serious breathing difficulties.

+ In September 2003, when getting ready to make an album with the SwedenSwedish bassist Jonas Hellborg and drummer Ginger Baker, Lane had bad breathing problems.

+ He was the designer of a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus and also was the tester of scuba diving gear for the Nemrod trade mark.

+ Hall was left for dead when his breathing and heartbeat stopped.

+ The way of staying in the water longer is to practice breathing slow and deep.

+ Respiratory arrest is the cessation of breathing due to failure of the lungs to function effectively.

+ This can cause breathing problems, coma, and even death.

+ Dysphagia 8:318-325.1993 Some symptoms are hoarseness, loss of voice, pain in the throat or ears, and breathing difficulties.

+ A lot of radon can get stuck in the basement of old houses, and so people end up breathing it in.

+ If a person isn’t breathing enough and/or the heart isn’t able to pump enough blood to get a sufficient amount of oxygen to the brain, a condition called hypoxia can occur.

+ Alfie continued to breathe naturally after the removal of his breathing tube.

+ After breathing the gas, Priestley said that it felt like normal air, but his lungs felt lighter and easy afterwards.

+ The exposure is chronic because the smoker is breathing in toxins many times, over a long period of time.

+ This allows it to continue breathing even while swallowing large things.

+ The six yogas of Naropa involve complicated visualisation combined with yoga and breathing exercises.

+ When breathing in, the diaphragm pulls down so that the size of the lungs increases, allowing air to enter the lungs.

+ In 20% of cases, the tongue or throat may swell up, which can cause breathing problems.Limsuwan T; Demoly P 2010.

+ That is breathing in one molecule of Oxygen for every two molecules of carbon each time they breathe out.

+ The affected person could have harder times breathing or hearing, and may possibly be killed from the disease.

+ TMZ reported that Wayne is breathing through tubes and is moved to an Intensive Care Unite.

+ Naloxone can be used to reverse opioid overdose and to reduce the slowed breathing or mental depression that opioids can cause.

+ There are other signs of breathing difficulty as in an asthma attack, which are important to learn, and knowing them can help tell if someone who cannot talk is having breathing problems.

+ The air can be moved in and out of the patient by attaching an oxygen mask on the patient or by connecting the ventilator to a breathing tube inserted into the nostrils, the larynx or the trachea.

+ It is played with continuously vibrationvibrating lips to make the drone while using a special way of breathing called circular breathing.

+ He said that Gabe had not caused the accident, but had failed to save Tina when she ran into difficulty with her breathing while underwater.

+ Before a person can scuba dive, they have to get training how to use the breathing equipment and dive to deep waters.

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