“breakdown” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “breakdown”:

+ The breakdown of the types of flights was 44% airlinescheduled commercial, 33% military.

+ An electric arc is an electrical breakdown of a gas which produces a plasma spark.

+ Miles became rather obsessed with the affair, eventually suffering a mental breakdown over it.

+ It is a breakdown product of uranium, so it is found in uranium ores.

+ On 16 December 2011, the MRT network suffered what is likely to be the worst breakdown in its 24-year operating history.

+ The voltage needed for this is called the breakdown voltage or Zener voltage.

+ The expectations Ozai had for Azula caused her to become stressed and paranoid, eventually leading to her mental breakdown at the end of the series.

+ In his interview with the Archive of American Television, Winters reported that he suffered a nervous breakdown and spent 8 months in a private mental hospital in the late 1950s.

breakdown - sentence examples
breakdown – sentence examples

Example sentences of “breakdown”:

+ The breakdown was whites, 73.8%; Latinos, 11.8%; Asians, 5.7%; blacks, 4.4%; and others, 4.4%.

+ His friend, Isaac, is having a nervous breakdown after his girlfriend breaks up with him.
+ In February 1942, he was put into hospital, which he would later say was due to a nervous breakdown because of the ethnic cleansing in Belarus, and the genocide of the Jews.

+ The breakdown was whites, 73.8%; Latinos, 11.8%; Asians, 5.7%; blacks, 4.4%; and others, 4.4%.

+ His friend, Isaac, is having a nervous breakdown after his girlfriend breaks up with him.

+ In February 1942, he was put into hospital, which he would later say was due to a nervous breakdown because of the ethnic cleansing in Belarus, and the genocide of the Jews.

+ They also study the breakdown of social structures; crime and divorce.

+ The “secondary vehicle” is listed on the “Work Breakdown Structure” document.

+ Below is a year-by-year breakdown of Beatty’s coaching record at Trinity.

+ Others feed on things that were once living, such as fallen leaves and dead animals, causing them to breakdown or decay.

+ The yellow color is caused by urobilins, which are produced by the breakdown of hemoglobin, the substance that gives blood its red color.

+ Users pay a recurring fee for the right to use a car with insurance, maintenance, tax, MOT and breakdown cover, and can swap vehicles during the subscription or to cancel their subscriptions outright.

+ Because it is built with a known breakdown voltage it can be used to supply a known voltage.

+ An example is the breakdown of water into hydrogen and oxygen.

+ Treating the “yerba” with cool water before the addition of hot water is essential, as it protects the herb from being scalded and from the chemical breakdown of some of its desirable nutrients.

More in-sentence examples of “breakdown”:

+ After the breakdown of his attempt to negotiate a title match in 1911, Capablanca drafted rules for the conduct of future challenges, which were agreed by the other top players at the 1914 Saint Petersburg tournament, including Lasker, and approved at the Mannheim Congress later that year.

+ In general, all cancers have a breakdown in the normal way cell division is controlled.

+ This is done by physical breakdown The results are absorbed into the bloodstream.

+ Design materials to breakdown into benign substances by bacterial or other environmentally sound ways.

+ His enemies claim he suffered a nervous breakdown during the Rising.

+ She died and Kōsei had a mental breakdown while playing the piano.

+ During a tour in Los Angeles, Parker had a nervous breakdown and went to the Camarillo State Mental Hospital for several months.

+ There is a down-regulation of protein synthesis pathways, and an activation of protein breakdown pathways.

+ Ritz had a nervous breakdown in 1901, leaving Escoffier to run the Carlton until 1919, shortly after Ritz’s death.

+ Uricase is required to breakdown uric acid.

+ Nuclear engineering is a field of engineering dealing with application of atomic nucleusatomic nuclei breakdown and other sub-atomic physics, based on the principles of nuclear physics.

+ Several years before, Millay had a nervous breakdown and stopped writing.

+ In the extreme case of starvation, the breakdown of cellular components promotes cellular survival by maintaining cellular energy levels.

+ Johnson spoke of first having a mental breakdown in 1970.

+ He suffered a nervous breakdown in 1919, and his career effectively ended.

+ Spandau was one of only two Four-Power organizations to continue to operate after the breakdown of the Allied Control Council; the other being the Berlin Air Safety Center.

+ Overdose can cause heparin-caused thrombocytopenia, a condition where white blood cells attack platelets, causing a slowed heal time, bad breakdown of tissue n the leg, heart infections, and strokes, none of which will be benign.

+ Marge suffers a nervous breakdown and spends time at a local health spa to recover while the rest of the family struggle without her and Homer loses Maggie but is soon found.

+ A hard shoulder is an area at the side of a road where drivers can stop if there is a serious problem, a breakdown for example.

+ After he was hospitalized because of a mental breakdown in late 1987, Miles moved to the United States.

+ By August he had a complete nervous breakdown and could not bear to listen to his own music.

+ These breakdown processes usually happen more quickly at higher temperatures.

+ He often talks about the logiclogical, statistics, data and breakdown of movie scenes, game shows, or theories.

+ Mechanical digestion is the physical breakdown of large pieces of food into smaller pieces which can be got at by digestive enzymes.

+ The breakdown of proteins into amino acids is an example of catabolism.

+ A simple breakdown of the VIP reports is deceiving.

+ It has songs from Green Day’s 2009–2010 21st Century Breakdown World Tour which was in support for their eighth studio album “21st Century Breakdown“.

+ There are eight or nine million Bahá’ís in the world, of all peoples and languages.See Bahá’í statistics for a breakdown of different estimates.

+ The character’s in-world real name is Lazlo Valentin, a scientist who suffered a schizophrenic breakdown that led him to become a supervillain who wears a pig mask.

+ The survey does not give a full demographic breakdown of respondents, however, and the sexual history of respondents to this poll, who are readers of an urban Toronto lifestyle magazine, may not extend to the general population.

+ Because it can be built with a known breakdown voltage, it can be used to accurately measure voltage.

+ King is known for his data breakdown on CNN during election cycles such as congressional, primary and presidential elections.

+ Benanti then appeared in the stage musical “Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown” in 2010, winning the Drama Desk Award and Outer Critics Circle Award for Best Featured Actress in a Musical.

+ Corrosion is the breakdown of materials due to chemical reactions.

+ During the release of “Glitter”, Carey suffered a breakdown and was put in the hospital for exhaustion.

+ Ketone bodies are created by the breakdown of fatty acid.

+ Fraudulent elections can lead to the breakdown of democracy and to the establishment or ratification of a dictatorship.

+ The breakdown of large molecules into smaller molecules – associated with release of energy – is catabolism.

+ Foster has a mental breakdown and walks out of his car whilst in a traffic jam.

+ Sebum has no smell, but its bacterial breakdown can produce a bad smell.

+ Perry has a breakdown and cuts her hair in a convenience-store bathroom before enlisting in the U.S.

+ This movie is about a Kansas waitress who has a nervous breakdown after she sees her husband being murdered.

+ This is the reason high temperatures kill bacteria and other micro organisms; ’tissue’ breakdown reactions reach such rates that they cannot be compensated for and the cell dies.

+ This is breakdown by chemical processes, such as hydrolysis, or physical processes, such as heat.

+ We turn up this signal by blocking acetylcholine breakdown – these drugs are called acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.

+ It is now known that “no plant is physiologically capable of direct breakdown of organic matter”.

+ In April 1947 she had a nervous breakdown and was placed in a sanitarium.

+ After the breakdown of his attempt to negotiate a title match in 1911, Capablanca drafted rules for the conduct of future challenges, which were agreed by the other top players at the 1914 Saint Petersburg tournament, including Lasker, and approved at the Mannheim Congress later that year.

+ In general, all cancers have a breakdown in the normal way cell division is controlled.
+ This is done by physical breakdown The results are absorbed into the bloodstream.

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