“brain” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “brain”:

– He measured them and attempted to compare the sizes of five different human racial groups, trying to prove that whites had the biggest brain sizes and therefore were the most intelligent.

– They also keep signals from the brain from getting through to the body, so the brain cannot tell the muscles to relax.

– He and the Brain are trying to take over the world.

– As they thought about how they could get revenge, their brain activity showed a rush of rush of activity in the caudate nucleus.

– However, slow destruction of the Broca’s area by brain tumors can leave speech relatively intact.

– Hoyt “Symptoms of akinetopsia associated with traumatic brain injury and Alzheimer’s Disease”.

– Infancy is also a time of brain development.

– Paulsen died on April 24, 1997 from pneumonia from complications of brain and colon cancer, during medicinemedical treatment in Tajuana, Mexico, he was 69 years old.

brain some example sentences
brain some example sentences

Example sentences of “brain”:

– The administration of leucine into the rat brain has been shown to decrease food intake and body weight via activation of the mTOR pathway.

– The condition caused brain damage that then affected his behavior and overall performing abilities.

– The most vital things in human life just have to wait while the brain grows and matures.

– Doctor Kountz contracted a brain disease while on a speaking tour in South Africa that left him bedridden and unable to talk or care for himself.

– Barere died of a massive cerebral hemorrhagebleeding in brain during a performance of Grieg’s Piano Concerto at Carnegie Hall with Philadelphia Orchestra.

– If it is not treated quickly enough, it causes brain damage and death.

– Wrightson died on March 18, 2017 at a hospital in Austin, Texas from brain cancer, aged 68.

– In January 2016, Palmer-Tomkinson was diagnosed with brain cancer.

– People who survive nerve agent poisoning almost always have chronic damage to the brain and nerves.

– Crick decided to focus his work on how the brain generates visual awareness within a few hundred milliseconds of viewing a scene.

– He is known for his unlikely survival of an accident in which a large iron rod was driven completely through his head, brain damagedestroying much of his brain‘s left frontal lobe.

- The administration of leucine into the rat brain has been shown to decrease food intake and body weight via activation of the mTOR pathway.

- The condition caused brain damage that then affected his behavior and overall performing abilities.
- The most vital things in human life just have to wait while the brain grows and matures.

More in-sentence examples of “brain”:

- This was especially hard for the toughest shot of all - going through the bone when an elephant's head was shot around the brain area.

- Nunnelee died in his birthplace of Tupelo, Mississippi from brain cancer, aged 56.

– This was especially hard for the toughest shot of all – going through the bone when an elephant’s head was shot around the brain area.

– Nunnelee died in his birthplace of Tupelo, Mississippi from brain cancer, aged 56.

– For example : light enters the eye, this light is sent to the brain and the brain turns it into something we see.

– It is a bleed in the brain that happens when the brain has not been injured.

– With this information, they can formulate theories about the human mind, and also make better therapies for people with brain damage.

– In May 2018, Richardson was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a rare form of brain cancer.

– The pia mater sticks very closely to both the brain and spinal cord.

– McKibbin died on November 1, 2020 from a brain aneurysm at a hospital in Arlington, Texas at the age of 42.

– There was also an emergence of new technology that made it easier to study the brain and the mind.

– If the vascular system within the brain becomes damaged and blood cannot reach the brain cells, the cells will eventually die.

– NME is an inflammation of the brain and meninges.

– It is a general tendency that autistic people use the same brain regions as other people but show different activity.

– Actually, it had a brain several times the size of a walnut.

– This hoax had a large brain and ape-like teeth – the exact opposite of the Taung Child – so Dart’s finding was not appreciated for decades.

– Forster died on October 11, 2019 at the age of 78 from brain cancer in Los Angeles.

– They keep the brain in a sedated state and hence help people overcome anxiety-related problems, they are also used to treat the people suffering from panic disorders.

– It is the movement of the brain inside the skull during impact, more than the blow itself, that causes concussions.

– How your brain tells time.

– Neeson died from a Brain tumorbrain tumour on 4 June 2014 in Sydney, New South Wales, aged 67.

– Saint Laurent died of brain tumorbrain cancer in Paris, France, aged 71.

– Shaw died of brain cancer in West Newberry, MassachusettsWest Newberry, Massachusetts, aged 69.

– They also help repair the brain and spinal cord after traumatic injuries.

– Zeki “The brain activity related to residual motion vision in a patient with bilateral lesions of V5″ “Brain” 117, 1023-1038.

– As a result of the fight, Maki suffered a fractured skull and a brain injury.

– Noboa died at a hospital in Miami, Florida from a heart attack while having brain cancer surgery on 16 February 2021, aged 83.

– A deep groove called the longitudinal fissure separates the brain into its two hemispheres.

– Donnelly died on April 2, 2017 in Arlington, Massachusetts from complications of a brain tumor, aged 66.

– The song “Moar Ghosts ‘n’ Stuff” features samples from the 1957 movie “The Brain from Planet Arous” and the classical piece Funeral march by composer Frédéric Chopin.

– Some cases of Dyslexia can be more damaging, commonly caused by a tumour in the brain which can result in lower cognitive function and in many cases, death.

– He died from brain cancer on May 15, 2015 in Media, PennsylvaniaMedia, Pennsylvania, aged 70.

– Since the brain does not work, the hormone levels and blood pressure must be controlled by doctors to keep the organs alive.

– Modern neonatal intensive care involves sophisticated measurement of temperature, respiration, heart function, oxygen supply, and brain activity.

– Of course, the absolute size of the brain is also important.

– It had a relatively large brain and large, keen, eyes.

– While it is difficult to estimate the absolute volume of the brain, the proportions of its various regions of the brain should be the same in the endocast as it was in the live brain.

– They say that it is my brain and my nerves that causes an action.

– In most people the left side of the brain controls speechspeaking, and the left cerebral hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body.

– Given the politically uncertain times immediately preceding Akbar’s death, Shah Jahan was in a fair amount of physical danger of harm by political opponents of his father, and his conduct at this time can be understood as a precursor to the bravery that he would later be known for,he was also well known for his intelligent brain and creative ideas.

– However, it can also be caused by damage to the parts of the brain that receive that information.

– Kanevskyi died in Bristol, Connecticut on 25 November 2018 from brain cancer at the age of 82.

– The membranes that surround the central nervous system organs the brain and the spinal cord, in the Cranial cavitycranial and spinal cavities are the three meninges.

– For example, if a child does not get enough oxygen during birth, it can hurt the brain and lead to intellectual disability later.

– One only has to remember that the brain puts together an image of the world around us based on sensory input, mostly sight.

– Although he had an operation for a brain tumour in 1960 and also a heart bypass he lived to the age of 86.

– The endocast showed that the brain was indeed small: relative to body size, maybe the smallest among the dinosaurs.

– Without oxygen, these parts of the brain will die.

– Crowder was also Brain in an animated movie called Arthur’s Missing Pal.

– This can happen if an artery that feeds blood to the brain gets clogged, or if it tears and leaks.

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