“boycott” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “boycott”:

+ The boycott ended with the blacks winning the right to sit wherever they wanted.

+ Not long after becoming more involved in civil rights, Adams led a boycott against businesses in Hattiesburg.

+ A local businessman boycott the publishing of the etiquettes about these illustration.

+ They did not take part in the 1984 Summer Olympics1984 Games as part of the Soviet boycott of those Games.

+ Political parties that do not want independence will boycott the referendum.

+ The Los Angeles chapter of the National Organization for Women called for a boycott of the book.

+ Many messages called for a boycott of all the company’s products.

+ He led a boycott against grape companies to gain rights for workers.

boycott some example sentences
boycott some example sentences

Example sentences of “boycott”:

+ They were a part of the Soviet UnionSoviet led boycott of the 1984 Games.

+ The boycott ended on December 20, 1956.

+ The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a huge event in the Civil Rights Movement.

+ When he died, was leading another grape boycott to stop the use of pesticides.

+ In 1920, Mahatma Gandhi launched the Non-cooperation movement to encourage a mass protest against the British and to boycott their trade in India and to end their cooperation with the British rule.

+ After this, the USSR led a boycott of the 1984 Summer Olympics1984 Games in Los Angeles.

+ The British tabloid Daily Express described the Jewish reactions of boycott against Germany as “Judea Declares War on Germany”.

+ Due to the American-led boycott some strong rowing nations were not present.

+ They were a part of the Soviet UnionSoviet led boycott of the 1984 Games.

+ The boycott ended on December 20, 1956.

+ It has been placed under an Israeli and U.S.-led international economic and political boycott since 2006.

+ The boycott lasted 381 days.

+ He openly supported the Montgomery bus boycott and became a well known activist during the civil rights movement.

+ The community had previously considered a boycott of the buses.

+ This boycott was because of the Soviet UnionSoviet invasion of Afghanistan.

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