“bottoms” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “bottoms”:

– In games or contests, swimmers will sometimes do underwater handstands on pool bottoms with legs and feet extended above the water.

– Male frogs that live near the bottoms of mountains become adults 18 months after transforming from tadpoles to frogs.

– Female frogs that live near the bottoms of mountains become adults 3.5 years after transforming into frogs.

– Typically, a groove is used to house the panels in frame and panel construction and the bottoms drawers.

– The longships had flat bottoms so they could move in shallow rivers.

bottoms example in sentences
bottoms example in sentences

Example sentences of “bottoms”:

– Round-bottom flasks are types of Laboratory flaskflasks having spherical bottoms used as laboratory glassware.

– Support for the turbidity current origin is the fact that deposits of greywacke are found on the edges of the Continental shelfcontinental shelves, at the bottoms of oceanic trenches, and at the bases of mountain formational areas.

– Military divers may also do inspections and repair work on the bottoms of ships, and underwater work in support of military engineering operations.

– In the year 1995 influenced in the renunciation of the vice-president Alberto Dahik, the one who had tried to justify the egreso undue of bottoms of the state like costs in the war of principles of this same year.

– Estuarine marshes often are based on soils consisting of sandy bottoms or bay muds.

– Other important sources of nutrients in the Andaman Sea are seagrass and the mud bottoms of lagoons and coastal areas.

– Most large crustaceans crawl along the bottoms of streams, rivers, and the ocean, sometimes coming on land.

– Mortars have smooth, rounded bottoms and wide mouths.

– The old ones mark the top and bottoms of spoiler sections but with the information sitting right there, it is not very effective.

– They also prefer rocky areas, stumps, and also sandy bottoms of lakes and reservoirs.

– The scales around its ears, lips, chin, and bottoms of the feet may have three or more of these connections.

– It lives in the stagnant muddy river bottoms of the Orinoco and the Amazon RiverAmazon, and uses low-voltage electric fields to find its prey.

– It lays its eggs underneath rocks at the bottoms of streams.

– The bottoms are wide and covered with fur to help keep the bear from slipping.

– The tadpoles eat algae off rocks and dead things from the bottoms of the water.

– They lay eggs in pools near the bottoms of tall rocks, 30ndash;40 eggs at a time.

– The Nurse shark is a nocturnal animal that rests on sandy bottoms or in caves or crevices in shallow waters during the day.

– The eggs sink to the bottoms of the pools and stick to the rocks.

– People often see it at the bottoms of large rocks.

- Round-bottom flasks are types of Laboratory flaskflasks having spherical bottoms used as laboratory glassware.

- Support for the turbidity current origin is the fact that deposits of greywacke are found on the edges of the Continental shelfcontinental shelves, at the bottoms of oceanic trenches, and at the bases of mountain formational areas.

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