“boson” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “boson”:

+ An example of a boson would be a gluon.

+ The Higgs boson is very massive compared to other particles, so it does not last very long.

+ After the 3×10 seconds has passed, a W boson decays into one electron and one neutrino.

+ After this incredibly short amount of time, the W boson will decay into the leptons that the pion would naturally decay to.

+ The Higgs boson is believed to have been discovered on July 4th, 2012.

+ A photon is an example of a boson as it has a spin spin of 1 and carries electromagnetism.

+ After the gauge boson interacts with the Higgs field, it slows down.

boson - example sentences
boson – example sentences

Example sentences of “boson”:

+ The difference between a boson and a fermion is the number of the atom’s electrons, neutrons and/or protons.

+ If gravity works like the three other Standard Modelfundamental forces, then gravity is carried by the hypothetical boson called the graviton.

+ The particle accelerator at CERN was set up to search for the Higgs Boson particle, which would complete the Standard Model of Particle Physics.

+ Since the amount of mass-energy created by the Higgs field is equal to the amount of kinetic energy that the gauge boson lost by slowing down, energy is conserved.

+ There is still only a very small chance, one in 10 billion, of a Higgs boson appearing and being detected.

+ He was known for his works in the interacting boson model.

+ Usually to get anything cold enough to make a Bose–Einstein condensate you have to first trap the boson using magnets and then, by bouncing lasers off them, take all of their energy away.

+ The photon is the only boson that does not decay.

+ Oddly, the W boson has a mass about 80 times as much as a neutron.

+ It was initially thought that the Higgs boson was an inflaton, but that has recently been discredited.

+ The discovery of the Higgs Boson and other such recent discoveries will get scientists closer to knowing which GUT is correct, and ultimately know the Theory of Everything.

+ The Higgs boson is a Elementary particleparticle in the Standard Model of physics.

+ The Theoretical Particletheoretical gauge boson for gravity is called a graviton.

+ On 12 December 2011, the two teams at the Large Hadron Collider looking for the Higgs boson, ATLAS and CMS, announced that they had finally seen results which could suggest the Higgs boson existed; however, they did not know for certain if this was true.

+ The first boson to be discovered, and also the one we know the most about, is the photon.

+ He was the Commissioner of Agriculture of Tennessee and was president of Boson Software, LLC.

+ The difference between a boson and a fermion is the number of the atom's electrons, neutrons and/or protons.

+ If gravity works like the three other Standard Modelfundamental forces, then gravity is carried by the hypothetical boson called the graviton.

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